Kansas SecState Kris Kobach Serves As The Latest Prez Trump Lightning Rod

Here's hoping the local dude earns the attention of SNL . . . Meanwhile, MSM is having a good time smacking him around . . . WaPo: The White House tells media to ask Kris Kobach to prove there's voter fraud. They do. He doesn't.

Read more:

CNN's Kate Bolduan Shuts Down Trump's Voter Fraud Expert Kris Kobach


  1. Fuck the Communist News Network.

  2. Kobach is your prototypical right wing snowflake. He is well-versed in the "alternate facts" and outright lies of the republican party. He will happily regurgitate them on demand to anyone who is fool enough to give him a platform. He comes from the fairy tale world of Brownbackistan, where tax cuts do not lead to deficits and everything is always Obama's fault. Fortunately for him, he can ply con in perpetuity because he resides in Kansas where the obese, lazy, and stupid population lap it up.


  3. Bullshit 8:06

    You liberals are so stupid you don't research anything. You lost the election and all you can do is bitch and cause violence. Talk about Brownbackistan You people are the acting exactly like Hitlers Brownshirts, and a lot is Obama's fault he even said he would stand against the the American people, but you liberals are so stupid it went right over your head. Americans and Christians were killed and tortured because of that commie prick, not to mention the people he put out of work.

    Voter Fraud???? Try Rosa Ortega who just got eight years.

    Try Aleowese Richardson who was a poll worker from Ohio who not only admitted she voted several times, but you idiots turned right around and praised her for it, just to name a few of thousands.

    Oh and "Right wing Snowflakes????" You're actually calling your own party names. Liberals have named themselves snowflakes, now that's funny.

  4. 8:30 AM-You OK snowflake?? Butthurt much??

  5. 9:43 - pot, meet kettle. "Simon says, you're a snowflake!"

  6. Well Flynn is out-the first domino to fall in the failed Trump administration. Flynn proudly led chants of "lock her up!" against Hillary and likely could face charges himself. Can't wait for the Bengazi-like hearings for the failed raid in Yeman. We lost a Nay Seal because Drumpf failed to gather the proper intelligence(go figure).

  7. Wow- did he squirm or what!? Huh- schocker,no proof of the millions of fraudulent voters. Kobach such a waste and embarrassment to sanity- let alone Kansas.

  8. ^^^^^. Logic fail, 9:50. Military operations usually have operators that end up dying. Benghazi was abandoning our forces in contact, followed by a juvenile justification attempt. Try again.

  9. 9:50-You need to get in your "Safe Space." It will be alright. Daddy Drumpf will be out office in 18 months, don't worry about it. 8:30-just an FYI..I didn't lose the election, daddy Drumpf lost the popular vote and won on a technicality. That's the real reason for all these bogus voter fraud claims-he's not a legitimate president and he knows that. All these boot-licking fops like Kobach, Flynn, and Bannon will spend the rest of their very limited time in office trying make him a legitimate president. Good luck with that!

    1. Look up the electoral college sometime. That 'technicality' is written into our founding documents. That might address one tiny corner of your stupidity. :)

  10. Byron Funkhouser2/14/17, 10:04 AM

    10:01, Republican lead investigations found no wrong doing.

  11. Hey @8:30 you're confused comrade drumpf is your commie. Just ask vlad.

    1. Try again in English, dear. Or get back on your meds.

  12. Hey Funkhouser, investigators DID find wrongdoing with Benghazi. Far left idiots like you just tuned out after Hillary screeched "What difference does it make?!"

  13. Hey @10:24 you're confused, your slut wife is my bitch. Just ask your daughter.

  14. There is no question of voter fraud and illegals who voted. Just a fact the libtards hate to admit because they don't care how they get their votes and their track record proves it.

  15. German democrats like Byron seem to love the Nazi word along with, redneck, idiot, moron, racist, bigot, extremist, right winger...need I say more?


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