Kansas Economic Disaster Helps Make Progressive Case Against Prez Trump???

Like it or not, so-called "progressives" are hoping that financial ruin will convince more people to vote for some of the horrible candidates that the Democratic Party offers. Take a look: Kansas is imploding. That's bad news for Donald Trump.


  1. Mother Jones, full of idiots like Byron not newsworthy at all.

  2. What's the next news source, Pravda?

  3. Nowadays, Pravda ("Truth") is more reliable than many US news media.

  4. Wow, more fake news. Saddle up and hit the trails to see the many commercial and home construction sites surrounding and in Leawood, Louisburg, Lenexa, Leavenworth, and all points into Lawrence. You'll see increasing crews of good veterans and some legal immigrants (Latino, Slav, and others) in the skilled trades doing good work and paying taxes. Plus, take a look at those big new pickups that keep autoworkers, insurance policies, and personal property taxes going in the Sunflower State.

  5. Fuck MutherfuckinJones.

  6. Don't tell me? The progressives have discovered something else to whine, cry and shit their diapers about? Say it isn't so!

  7. Sure Brownback is terrible. Not sure what that has to do with Trump.

  8. Scamin' Sammy-the biggest right wing cuck of them all. Keep stickin' it to em. Tax those hicks within an inch of their pathetic lives. They love you in Brownbackistan. It's all Obama's fault anyway.


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