The latest lament of MSM regarding Internets chatter focuses on mostly useless neighborhood groups.

This was a hot topic around 2015 and was recently brought to light after scared white ladies basically admitted to racial profiling in Waldo . . .

Of all the recent links on the topic . . . This missive is probably the best look at the trend because it admits that the Internets can be racist because a lot of people are, in fact, racist . . .

For Nextdoor, Eliminating Racism Is No Quick Fix

However, online crime fighting isn't a hopeless endeavor . . . To contradict claims that every group that working against crime automatically delves into racism . . . Take a look at Stolen KC - An EPIC group profiling a great deal of crime out in the sticks without becoming haters. Thankfully, the overwhelming amount of white on white crime in and around the outskirts of Kansas City is enough to make anyone start making horrible assumptions but these guys have taken the high ground.

Sadly, it's too easy to castigate social media chatter rather than admitting that reporting online trends through the lens of a social justice warriors will inevitably lead to frustration rather than finding a lot of inspiring content, conversation and potentially deadly online hookups.

You decide . . .


  1. This is part of the reason crime is so high in Kansas City.

    Even when people try to get involved, try to share information with their neighbors and police, they are branded as racist rather than given help and guidance. I see the Star article you're talking about, I don't think the writer is an SJW - He did a good job reporting the current controversy. But the premise looks like something handead down from the editorial board trying to make people feel guilty about getting involved. Shame on you Star!

  2. Captain KC Uncourageous2/22/17, 8:52 PM

    This is why I only report Chinese criminals.

    Still have yet to make a call.

    But I'm looking!

  3. Good job to the woman who called in that this jackoff was casing the neighborhood. If your worried or concerned, call the police. That's what they're there for.

  4. They better be given the insane a,out of crime black people commit. "At this point in my life nothing is more painful to me than to be walking down the street, hear footsteps, start thinking about robbery, only to turn around, see a white person and feel relieved." Jesse Jackson

  5. The guy in waldo has PRIOR CONVICTIONS FOR BURGLARY.

    1. +1 it's not about race, it's about crime!

  6. Everybody over at Stolen KC KNOWS DAMN WELL WHAT THE PROBLEM IS.


    There is not even a need to discuss it. Everybody knows it. Everybody is aware it's a problem that will take a "final solution," if you will!

    The percentage of Blacks in a city, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime.

    Blacks in America were over six times as likely to be arrested for homicide in 2011 as non-blacks and over eight times as likely to be arrested for robbery; the factors for previous years were usually in a similar range. The accuracy of this racial pattern of arrests is generally confirmed by the corresponding racial pattern of victim-identification statements, also aggregated by the FBI. Indeed, several years ago the liberal Sentencing Project organization estimated that some one-third of all American black men are already convicted criminals by their 20s, and the fraction would surely be far higher for those living in urban areas.

    The folks at Stolen KC don't argue the obvious.

  7. Pumpkin Spice KC2/22/17, 10:13 PM

    White on White crime is right. I love Stolen KC but it's all about people who lost their pickup or had something taken out of their pickup.

  8. Most of these "neighborhood" groups are just lonely people wanting permission to spy on their neighbors.

  9. I miss the Star. They used to report news.

  10. The guy from the Waldo incident Brandon Robins has priors for burglary and felony theft. He's also on state supervised felony probation for a separate burglary and tampering with a motor vehicle. He also has a pending case for felony possession of a controlled substance. Casenet works wonders for destroying people's arguments. There is a distinct but sometimes purposely ignored difference between criminal profiling and racial profiling.

    1. @10:32 nails it.

      Fact based arguments, not just complaints.

  11. Can't...Stop...Yawning....

  12. There is a lot going on in Waldo, really wish more of the media took interest. Afraid that it's going to be another forgotten part of Kansas City.

  13. 8:52---How would you tell them apart if you found any.

  14. And so it came to pass that the most racist website in town started complaining about racism.

    Ha. Pot, meet kettle.

  15. 12:48 - TKC's just relaying info, no need to go shooting messengers!

    Charles Barkley and ESPN's Sage Steele tell about their exposures to racist blacks

  16. Neighborhood watch groups are racist?

    So the premise of that is we should not band together and we should do nothing.

    I remember one time the star said cul-de-sacs should not happen as it was bad for neighborhoods.

    I smile as I watch the rag's readership plummet as they become more divisive everyday...of course more stupid divisive opinions from the editorial board helps sink the ship.

  17. Here are the DOJ crime stats.

    Facts actually count in the real world, out in the streets, where YOU, not some scumbag journalist, or Hollywood cocksucker could get murdered.


  18. Man Toneee! You have some race issues. In a city where the percentage of convicted adult black felons outpaces whites four to one why would there not be a little more scrutiny directed towards out of area blacks???? It would be stupid as hell not to. When Al Queda takes credit for a terrorist act in France you don't suppose they should be wasting time looking for some Chinese guy do ya? When a female is raped and murdered we don't start raiding the homes of lesbians do we. Some things are more about common sense and statistics than race. Libtards just need to get it and stop trying to make villians out of all the good people who don't buy into their fucked up mindset.

  19. You can tell race activists are stupid because they could free every black felon from jail if they just filed suit under the civil rights act.


    Laws against violent crime cause a disparate impact on a protected class. Therefore, these laws are racist and discriminatory.

    They passed these laws knowing they could dismantle civilization. It was never about rights, not as long as the 13th amendment exists in its current form.

    My point is that even if they freed every jailed black American, they'd still be considered slaves under the 13th amendment. Now ain't that some shit?

  20. Coos and klan go hand in hand

  21. If u ain't done nothing, u got nothin to worry about Mr afrimerican, nobody is thirsty for ur blood, u can't help ppl giving side looks or some ol ladies clutching pearls, I get those n I'm a 6'3 white guy, it's society being suscipous of others,,,,cuz of the bad shit others do, if u ain't fun nuthin, u got no reason to fear

  22. http://www.cnsnews.com/video/national/oreilly-americas-race-problem


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