A great deal of media love for this Missouri politico helps set the stage for his latest political gambit . . . Take a look:

The Hill: Former Dem Senate candidate launches voting rights group

STL Today: In wake of lost US Senate bid, Jason Kander hasn't kept quiet

Missourian: Former secretary of state Kander launches 'Let America Vote' effort

It's a worthwhile cause inasmuch as Democratic Party elite blame so-called voter suppression for their 2016 humiliation . . . Meanwhile, the view from Kansas City reminds us that it's mostly off-putting politicos and horrible that facilitate abysmal turnout numbers.

You decide . . .


  1. Kander better "take a chill pill" and realize that the Dems are not going to take back national power anytime soon.

  2. buzz now about Al Franken being a Demo prez candidate in 2020.. vs Kander or Bernie??

    yep..three jews will truly appeal to middle America. Oy Vey!

  3. I'm hearing that his first target will be Sly's mail-in elections for his "transportation" boondoggles. Not!

  4. The loser is hell bent on becoming and even bigger loser.

  5. Wow. So who's not 'letting America vote?' Seems to me they did, and made their strong opinion known.

  6. No one suppressed votes, Jason. You might be able to make a little bit of political hay for yourself in this pathetic appeal to the worst victimhood instincts of the failing Democratic party. As a long term strategy it's a guaranteed loser. Your real problem is that you have nothing to offer the voters who don't identify as having perpetual grievances.

  7. Kander's attempts to portray himself as a moderate just went out the window with this move.

  8. Who is this Kander guy, I don't like the cut of his jib.

  9. His tops'l could use some work too.

  10. Go away Kander.

    You lost.

    Elections have consequences, to quote Barry Hussein Obama.

  11. Kander never did a thing to stop the absentee vote buying in the "Freedom Wards," but not the FBI is investigating. That will be difficult for Jason to explain.

  12. Kander was born, raised, and married in KANSAS.
    He went to school in Washington, D.C.
    He joined the Army Reserves because he knew it would look good later when he ran for office. Yes, he's planned to be a politician since he was in college. Pathetic, I know.
    He converted to Judaism when marrying a former Soviet immigrant.
    As a Democrat in Kansas, he had little future.
    So he moved across the state line, a block or two into MO (just north of Ward Parkway Center).
    Even though both he and his wife went to law school, they hated practicing law.
    He ran for the MO House and served 2 terms, nothing spectacular accomplished, and he didn't like it.
    When an unexpected opening occurred for MO Secretary of State, Kander quickly announced and tried to stop anyone else from challenging within the party.
    He served 1 term, then broke his promise to citizens, and announced he would challenge Senator Blunt for the U.S. Senate. He didn't like being Secretary of State, and easily breaks his word to voters, as long as he can advance himself.
    His primary goal is to leave Missouri, because he doesn't like it here, and return to Washington, D.C.
    If he cared about Missouri residents, after losing to Senator Blunt, he would be working as a public defender, or working on behalf of Missouri's indigent, or working for economic development on KC's East side, or working to improve Missouri education and healthcare, or any other number of worthwhile endeavors. But please note, Kander is not doing anything like that at all. What he is doing, is promoting himself full-time, desperately clinging to the dream of being in Congress.

    So perhaps the real question to ask is, "Why are Jason and Diana Kander so pathologically obsessed in chasing after political power?"
    I'll give you a hint below. Note that Kander is still a young man with little power, and so will oftentimes hide behind a public persona of "naive Midwestern innocent", which was on display at the Bill Mahrer Show the other day.

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) has nine traits.

    The nine traits are as follows

    1. Grandiosity – This is an unrealistic view of oneself that they are bigger than life and better than others

    2. Arrogant and Domineering – think they are better than everyone else. They know more than anyone else. Controlling of others and dominating.

    3. Preoccupation with Success and Power

    4. Lack of empathy – an inability to care about the feelings of others or put themselves in someone else’s shoes

    5. Belief of being unique – they feel very different than other people, like there is only one person that is anything like them at all

    6. Sense of entitlement – They are owed things. They are entitled to anything and everything that they want and desire, including taking over the lives of other people. There is no appreciation when people do anything for them because they were entitled to it, in the first place.

    7. Requires excessive admiration – they want to be admired and paid attention to all the time. They have no tolerance for anyone else being in the spotlight.

    8. Exploitative – they will take advantage of other people for their own best interest. They will take more than they give, refuse to pay people for their services in a fair way …if at all, and use people up until there is nothing left of them

    9. Envious of others – they are resentful when other people have things that they feel entitles to. They become angry when they see that other people have things that they do not

  13. No one is going to remember this shit heel in another five years....move on already.

  14. He is a dollar short and a month late. We don't got to listen to the DEMORAT RAVING anymore. They all done for at least 12 years.


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