Gov. Greitens Takes Ethics High Ground

Like it or not, this is an impressive move for this newbie Missouri politico and a stark contradiction from his predecessor . . . Missouri governor shuns state plane, flies at private costs


  1. Viva la Gov. Greitens!

  2. There is a lot bigger swamp to drain in Jeff City than the governor's travel expenses

  3. Nixon was a Democrat -- so-- he scammed the system -that's what Demosleazeballs do

    Greitens is a Republican.

  4. 12:28 Wake up! Both parties scam. PERIOD.

    Grateins is taking from the Blunt playbook. Fly around on special interest jets and have meetings out of the public's awareness or accountability.

    If you DO fly on your own, write it off on your taxes. Benefit from it! Of course we already know Grateins avoids paying taxes when he can get away with it.

    So all those big money special interests that hurt the lower classes (republican and democrat alike) have direct access when others don't. And he gets to look like some kind of hero for it.

    Even though both parties have their crooks, it's not a partisan thing, it's a CLASS thing. The crooks are acting in behalf of the big money.

    But just keep pointing fingers at the other party. That's just what they want. They don't want the attention on them.

  5. Let's be Blunt about it: make Missouri GRATE again!

  6. Shanda fur die goyim.

  7. "Fly around on special interest jets and have meetings out of the public's awareness or accountability."

    Good wake up call.

    Greitens, stop doing us the "favor" of slumming on your masters' corporate jets.


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