Credit to the first sandwich shop to make a sexist commercial and newsies who will make ensuing puns in bad taste . . .

New York Magazine: On March 8, Women Will Go on Strike

You decide . . .


  1. What happens if all the working women go on strike and all the business owners pull a Ronald Reagan to deal with it.

    Remember is was Ronald who first yelled the words, You're Fired!

  2. And they will stay off the job until what exactly happens?
    Another round of useless pointless marches and protests.
    Time to invest in cardboard and Magic Marker companies.
    Have any of these people accomplished anything?
    Anything at all?

  3. Look at it this way super Dave,
    Feminists have always believed that every woman thinks the same as they do. They were actually stunned to see the woman vote totals for trump. This strike should be the last wake up call for them that all women don't think alike. And then maybe they're tactics will actually start to show some adult conversations instead of the childish behavior shown at the so called women's march

  4. Well, on the bright side, for some of the protesters it's the first time they've had a steady job. (Quote by Dennis Miller)

  5. On March 9th American men will finally grow some nads and kick those bitches to the curb!!!

  6. Maybe they will go topless or burn their bras to prove a point... or two?

  7. >>> 9:27 <<<

  8. Charter a plane to take them to Saudi Arabia. After their female circumcision, they all get outfitted in burkas and slapped around by men for the offense of being a woman.

  9. They like Cruises. Just saying...

  10. Byron Funkhouser2/16/17, 2:41 AM

    ^^You pussies have done a good job illustrating why these women are going on strike.^^

  11. It will be just ugly and fat lib chicks, no one will notice.

  12. So funny to see all the He-man woman haters who post on here. You can tell that the majority of posters to the comment section never get laid. Super Dave, I'll tell you what will happen if they "pull A Regan", you (although from your posts, I seriously doubt you ever get laid) and everyone else will stop getting laid. Maybe that would change your closed-minded ignorance.

    1. Mommy! Take me seriously! When we stamp our little feet you have to listen!!! No jokes allowed!!

  13. You know what? I bet it won't be a hunger strike. Definitely not a one day vow of silence!

    More group therapy for sore losers claiming to speak for their entire sex. Hilarious and typical.

  14. Sorry right wing snowflakes-the protests do work. The big orange cheeto can't stand to see any dissent and everybody knows it. It reminds him how badly he lost the popular vote and really has no mandate whatsoever. Every angry tweet and delusional press conference only prove that point. We have already seen Flynn and Puzder bite the dust. The idiot snowflake Conway is wobbling and certain to be the next to go. Super Sad Spicey is not long for this world followed by the Nazi Bannon.

    1. I'm sorry you don't understand how elections work. If we elected presidents of coastal California, Hillary would have won. Sadly, we have constitutional rules that ensure the whole country is heard from.

      Your little nicknames must help you cope with the way the working voter across the country rejected your candidate. :)

  15. You're up early this morning, 8:44. Did Mommy make you pancakes this morning and bring them to you in your basement room?

  16. Last time I checked 8.57, Daddy Drumpf lost the popular vote by almost 4 million votes. More people voted against Drumpf than voted for him. Those are the facts and not "alternate" facts that these simpletons (and you) peddle. I understand how elections work snowflake-I said it drives him and obviously you-crazy that the majority of the population do not support him. Drumpf has about 18 months or so left. Get you used to it snowflake.

    1. Failing basic civics first and now math? Tsk tsk. You can make up whatever numbers you like, it doesn't change the outcome. Which, again, is that Hillary lost. Big time.

      Even with the full court press provided by the entire media establishment and entertainment culture. And it wasn't just the presidency; voters overwhelmingly rejected the dem agenda at every level.

      Again, research the electoral college--it may prevent you from sounding like an idiot, but no guarantees. Try harder.

      Shall we talk about crazy? I'm not the one hysterically making up little nicknames and living in a bizarre fantasy world of made-up impeachments and ignoring (pardon me for repeating) the electoral college and the recognized outcome of a fair and uncontested election.

      By all means continue. It guarantees even more colossal defeats in the future. ;)

  17. Will someone change Bilerun Funkenshyster's diaper and give him a bottle of Infamil so he will shut the fuck up and go back to sleep?

  18. "Voters overwhelmingly rejected the dem agenda at every level" ???? Except the Presidential level where he lost the popular vote "overwelmingly" He had to have help from Uncle Vlad and James Comey to get the elctorial college vote(that you can't stop rambling about). He is an illegitimate president in every sense of the word. I'm sorry if colluding with the Russians doesn't bother you princess, but it's an impeachable offense and in two years, when these snowflakes lose the mid-terms, he will be impeached. Buckle up buttercup, your daddy is going down(not just on Vlad either).

    1. And now the real crazy comes out. No really: the dems haven't been beaten so badly since the 20's. Their reaction to this has been entertaining.

      You know how President Trump got elected? How dems suffered catastrophic losses across the board? Voters. Nobody hacked anything, no conspiracies. That's just you, and the rest of the dems, in freefall panic. You still don't get it.

      I'll even tell you how to win. Find something to say to voters who have real bread and butter issues. Dump identity politics. It might have helped if the DNC hadn't swindled the most motivated voters they had by conspiring against poor Bernie. Or pick a candidate that has more charisma than your average fencepost.

      You can't explain how Comey, or Putin, or the Man in the Moon, altered the electoral college so I won't bother to ask.

      It's just more loser thinking. Instead of looking at the faults in your own party, you still want to blame everyone else.

      Go ahead. Blame the refs and fail to understand or even accept defeat. Its what losers do.

      And it's mildly entertaining. ;)

  19. Dumb ass! It does not matter if he got the popular vote or not. In case you didn't read the constitution after sneaking across the border we have an electoral college in America. In spite of what you might have read in your libtard newspaper the electoral college is the law of the land. Hopefully college professors are teaching facts on this matter. Now, change the rules to popular vote and the strategies change and Trump would still slap Hillary in the tits. In spite of spending millions more than Trump, Clinton and the blabber assed libtard press were apparently too damn dumb to get it. You play the game by the rules that exist. All of your whiny minority/majority shit is irrelevant.

  20. Wow some of you guys are total losers. It's America, everyone can "strike" as they wish to.


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