This week's Pitch cover takes the publication back to its glory days when it was nothing more than an afterthought, hobbist rag only read by a handful of undesirables in order to get concert info . . . The good times continue with an amateurish cartoon and even worse column lamenting political reality.

Additionally, at the outset of the week our blog community talked Trump protest in Kansas City. And now it's news FACT.

Check the roundup of the protest in Kansas City streets right now.

It's worth considering that there's no significant counter demonstration or defense of President Trump despite his OVERWHELMING POPULAR VOTE ELECTION VICTORY IN BOTH MISSOURI AND KANSAS . . . And while the inauguration speech was kinda dark and angry . . . Most people agree with the "America First" rhetoric and there were a few hopeful notes about unity in between attacks against elected officials on both the left and right.

Here's protest "news" after our TKC discussion . . .

KCUR: Activists See Opportunity For Engagement As Thousands Attend Kansas City Protest

KCTV5: Thousands in Kansas City plan to march against Trump

FB: Trump Inauguration Protest - Kansas City

You decide . . .


  1. Trump is not all bad. He will be responsible for handing over both the house and senate to the Democratic Party for the midterm election.

    It's important to think long term!

    1. Keep dreaming. The nationwide implosion of the left has destroyed the Democrats as a national party. It will take a very long time to recover from the failure to meaningfully address all Americans. :)

  2. Great speech. Notice how Trump kept saying 'we'? As opposed to Obama's farewell speech, where he mentioned himself 72 times. :)

  3. Trump sounds like a used car salesman. Good luck.

  4. KC is a democrat city, their is no crime, the eastside is a wonderful place to live, the schools are world class. Keeping voting democrat and give us $800 million.

  5. They can him all they want. Kansas City makes up only a small fraction of the states population

    1. Do the math, do your research. KC is the most populous city in Missouri.

    2. KC 1/13 of state population

    3. And the blacks

  6. As Obama said in 2008..."You lost. Elections have consequences."

  7. There's no counter-demonstration because GREAT Americans 1. already spoke at the voting booths, 2. don't want exposures to contagions,AND 3. they've got better things to do like be at their jobs all day paying taxes for extra PD, FD, EMT, and Comey's crews on watch.

  8. Go President Trump !

  9. Trump has a hot wife, she is naked sexy. I will vote for her!

  10. I saw this earlier and I can't help but agree, only angry white men on their computers are excited about Trump.

  11. ^^^^^^. Joe Biden makes an appearance on TKC.

  12. Lucious = another Sore Loser.

  13. Those lunatic lefties getting violent and destructive in DC today JUSTIFY militarized police and harsh responses. Thuggery and threats to the public's safety and property isn't making America GREAT.

  14. All REAL Americans hate Trump.

    The resistance starts now:

    Protesters block entrances to inauguration, set fires, vandalize

  15. Democrat BSL -- Butthurt Sore Losers -- will be out in force ..good for some laughs

  16. Bernie is your bro1/20/17, 1:24 PM

    Republicans are RUSSIAN TRAITORS.

    1. Anything but admit the truth about your failed candidate!

  17. Chuck Todd is spaz today. He rolls his eyes up to the ceiling, flinging and wringing his hands in double time closed caption for the deaf styled, while incessantly trashing Trump's inaugural speech. Brokaw and Holt look embarrassed of/for Odd Todd.

  18. Lol

    Poor little snowflakes

  19. What are they protesting. The up and coming loss of snap cards and Obama phones?

  20. Union Station to City Hall?

    LMAO! What is that going to solve?

  21. Sly will go out and say don't worry kids your free toy train is coming so you can waste your life away playing around in the bars along main st.

  22. Plus Mayors night will be better then ever this year with plenty of twerking and jerking!

  23. The real truth Toneeee is you don't know whether KC agrees with the agenda you are trying to push about Trump. We do know that he won and you lost. That is fact. The good news is America will be just fine without the participation of the snowflakes because they haven't and will not likely contribute or have any real say in anything positive anyway.

  24. One, build the wall. Just because they said it can't be done. With this, prison time for CEO/COO types who's companies hire criminal immigrants.

    Two, bring the Law Enforcement hammer down. Much like he has been doing, no need to say "Black" when he mentions crime and harsher sentences, concentrating on areas heavily affected, etc. Even the SJW knows, (not that they will admit it) . Just go hard on crime, and let the left eat itself as they have to justify their constant baying of "racism" to a people who can now walk down the streets again. Three, (and this follows/mixes in with two) get the lower level, and higher level manufacturing jobs back here. From sewing buttons on shirts to putting computers in cars, low tech to high tech. Then, (again) watch the left attempt to cry wolf when Detrayvon and Saqullia don't go get jobs because...... oppression. All of this will bring out the truly insane, foaming at the mouth liberal mentality to the point where they will wake up even the most complacent sheep, and allow us to address the real problems without fear of backlash or blacklisting. When it can be said, publicly, that blacks cannot assimilate into white society, period.

  25. Maybe it's time the U.S. goes to mandatory Military service up reaching age 18.

    Ten HUT! What are you smiling at punk! This isn't mommy's house anymore junior!

  26. When Obomba was elected, I was outraged. Rather than be labeled a 'racist' like anybody else that criticized his presidential abilities, I kept my feelings to myself and agreed with the millions of others that had the hope that he would 'lead from the center.'
    Well, he didn't do that. He almost totally ruined this country. He took a huge shit on the United States. As a traitor, he allowed illegals to just come into the U.S.A. at their whim to kill and rape and commit crimes and ruin our health system.
    Trump will eventually fix the muslim president's fucked up mistakes.
    You snowflakes that complain about the upcoming REPAIR JOB can all kiss my ass. If you don't like my orange president, then you're fucking racists.

  27. StreetCarSamurai1/20/17, 1:54 PM

    SCS here live from the protest. Drones in the air, police presence is solid. Horses and motorcycles are out. They are moving form the road up to the liberty memorial right now. Some red communist flags, rainbow flags, and other shit I don't know. Calm for for now.

  28. marchers protesters can go to hell. protest with one hand shit in the other see which 1 fills up 1st.

  29. I dont understand why White people have a problem with Trump. He wants to make America White again and expand their privilege and prosperity. Most White women want to be grabbed by the pussy for its the source of their only intellect. So, they too are still winning. Everybody else, I certainly do understand the anxiety.

    1. Silly, butthurt leftist. Most of the anxiety is yours ;)

  30. ^^^ it is nice to see an honest comment every once in awhile.

  31. Hopefully the hipsters go the way of 8 track tape and VHS also!

  32. He used his speech to make a wide-ranging condemnation of America’s current state — talking about “American carnage” caused by urban crime ....

    Hm sounds like he's talking about KCMO

  33. Sly's not finished yet 2:03

    No doubt much more carnage to come

  34. It didn’t take long.

    The Department of Labor’s report on lesbians, bisexuals, gays and transgender people in the workplace? Gone.

    The White House’s exposition on the threat of climate change and efforts to combat it? Gone.

    In its place, An America First Energy Plan

  35. Funny, Trump carried three of four counties that KCMO resides in.

  36. Show the world your dumbed down ASSES you shout and pout burn and loot losers. Oh, wow, trash cans set ablaze draws a dozen news cameras over to film up close while cam crews smiling and laughing. What a bunch of faked news FUBAR B.S. to keep media minions' gums flapping all damn day.

    Well, at least, the taxpayers get to pay the PD, FD, EMTs, Nat'l Guard, sanitation workers, etc., good paychecks and probably some injury paid time off.

    And bust up loads of glass, so the union glaziers get some good paychecks this week. Somebody's got to be GREAT Americans who'll work and pay taxes.

  37. The White House’s LGBT rights page has disappeared...

    and doesn't appear to be on the new list of the Nations priorities.

  38. America First! Guess we'll be hearing a lot about American Africans, American Mexicans, American Britishers, etc etc from here on out.

  39. No one takes this protest seriously because every 20 minutes for 8 years Obama dropped a bomb and you said nothing.

  40. To see so many anti Trump people lose their minds is a pleasure.

  41. StreetCarSamurai1/20/17, 2:56 PM

    SCS here again, protest over they are headed to city hall home of emperor James to protest with drums and a makeshift casket

  42. Trump has to address the negro problem, from the feral ones on the streets to the dumb stump apes that have been elevated to supervisory levels in our federal and state government. Getting them to work will be impossible as AA put them there and the white guilt cult keeps them there. Our government truly needs one big enema hope you got the rubber gloves ready Mr. T.

  43. 12:47 You made a good distinction in your words. Kansas City is a democrat city and not a democratic city. Good point.

  44. great to read about Democrat SJWs trashing ... Democrat D. C.!! -( 90% Hillary voters.)

    too funny!

  45. The Clintons - When it finally hits you that Donald Trump is the President and Obama did not give you a pardon...

  46. Hillary 2020!

    1. For jail? For least charismatic woman award? For a wheelchair ramp?

    2. Hillary for prison 2020

  47. That sound you heard starting in November was checkbooks being snapped shut in offices around the world by people who had hoped their donations to Hillary would buy access to the next president of the United States.

  48. is there a twitter feed for the KCMO protests?

  49. Hillary Clinton Merchandise Now 75 Percent Off at DC Store

  50. Byron Funkhouser1/20/17, 3:37 PM

    The Dump is NOT my President.

    This is not MY country.

    I only live here, because I'm too poor to leave.

    It'll be a Huge Disaster.

    1. Shh. Adults are talking.

  51. Re restaurants giving a discount or would it be better to bring my own food?

    Also, can one take the streetcar part of the way to avoid getting tired out?

  52. Toni Bones and the Horse Lady will be handing out beef jerky and carrying people piggyback to the protest area 3:40

  53. are there any limos being firebombed in KCMO?

  54. OK, Hillary 2024, she'll be out by then.

  55. Replies
    1. Maybe Trump will give her a pardon

  56. That Moochelle Perma-Scowl was on full display today.

  57. StreetCarSamurai1/20/17, 4:37 PM

    I got some exclusive pics and videos from the protests at the memorial and at city hall. Any ideas where to send them

  58. Don't celebrate yet. Still have three more years of Sly.

  59. Send them to the recycle bin.

  60. send them to podesta, that way they'll get around.

  61. BYRON BYRON BYRON. I will gladly buy you a oneway ticket for you and the wife. Start packing crybaby!

  62. Medias going to need to do a lot work tweaking pics to make the turnout look epic.


  63. I have said for many more years than some of you are old that as a President we needed a business man. Politicians can't get it done. Obama didn't get it done. Hillary would n't have had a clue how to get it done. Running this country is like a business, you have to have business savvy. Byron i am sure we can raise enough money in hours to ship your ass out of here. Just let us know and we will make it happen.

  64. The reason why is that there are no counter protests is because those of us who voted for Trump have real jobs and actually voted.

  65. One of the organizers is horse puncher tranny - on line sex ho April J. Foster using the name April Day.

    This certainly isn't going to help their cause.


  66. the Pitch is still in business??

    who knew?

  67. Yes she, he, or whatever it is, is one of the big swinging dicks of the protest

  68. Barry and Jemima went real squinty eyed by the middle of POTUS Trump's inauguration speech. Their infrequent, forced smiles after the speech, showed obvious disdain that 0's 8 years long hopey-changey FUBAR fails got called out again. Then, Barry rushed over to the podium at Andrews to try to get in recants with ad lib rants. Finally, he finished with chants of, "Yes, We Got Canned!" and "Yes, We's Done!"
    --or, at least, that's what the bruthah-speak sounded like by the end of his ramblings.

  69. About 250 deadbeats. Tomorrow they will have changed nothing.

  70. These protesters woke up after election day and realized " Holy Shit! Now I have to get a job, be productive and earn my own money! Then I better start making sure that I at least get paid $15 an hour"

  71. Byron Not your Country ? Not your President? Who deposits money in your account every month? Start packing.

  72. Start a GoFundMe page to fund a one-way ticket out of the country, Funkhouser. I'll contribute the first $20.

  73. I'd suck funkhousers dick

  74. 8:15. I got the ticket, you can buy his and wifes Starbucks at the airport

  75. I'm with the guy advocating mandatory military service. It is fact that Israelis must serve in the military to keep their citizenship. It is a duty every citizen must perform. In America we seem to be educating our kids that if they don't get their way they are certified to never make a positive contribution to society ever. Time to create the benchmarks that require breathing humans to develop a sense of values, accountability and civic responsibility. If they can not survive three years in the military they do not earn the rights they want to abuse.

  76. Facial recognition software now being used by employers to ID employees at protests.

    I saw one protester crying uncontrollably... I asked why... she said they all realized Nancy Pelosi is their new leader.

    I turned my back so she could see the back of my shirt- "Trump 2020".

    She fainted.

  77. I saw the protestors on video; lots of pussies, but none that our new leader would want to grab. Sorry snowflakes.


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