Kansas City Newsie Chatter This Week

Once again we check the weekly tribute to the tyranny of consensus among people paid to share "opinions" outlined by political consultants and tested against market research by way of politicos asking for more corporate welfare to satisfy their corporate benefactors . . . Also, the local conversation works this way because disagreeing with people is no longer allowed neither right nor left who have mostly retreated to their own fantasy social-media and pay cable eco-chamber worlds.

Check-it . . .

"Nick Haines, Dia Wall, Steve Kraske, Mike Ferguson and Dave Helling discuss the local impact of Trump's inaguaration, MO Governor Eric Greiten's State of the State address and his cuts to higher education, the debate over April's infrastructure bond issue, efforts to reduce the punishment for marijuana possession in KCMO, the MO supreme court decision on minimum wage and the OP mayor's race."

Take a look:

You decide . . .


  1. Since Nancy Pelosi will run in 2020- we can be assured Trump will continue to amaze as he creates jobs and makes America Great Again.

    The whiners aka protesters won't be happy no matter what.

    At least the whiners can get cheap real estate as we know Hollywood will be true to their word and move out of the US.

  2. Trump will undo 8 years of damage in 2 weeks. And the Police and Mary Sanchez can keep track of all the felons Obama pardoned to see how many will be repeat offenders.

    Two great circuses will have closed this year:

    1. Ringling Bros
    2. Obama admin

  3. don't have time to watch yokels.

    they can keep going through the motions of feigned relevance if they want, but their usefulness has passed in this age of direct communication for those who want to be informed. no local interpreters are really needed.

    plus, people from kc talk so slowly.

  4. Props to the two circus reference. The former Admin had way more freaks though.

  5. Having a group like this on television on the same day as a major national event only very clearly shows what a small-time cow town KC really is.

  6. Loser magnet public television wastes another hour of government funded broadcast airwaves on a pack of blabber ass, has-been, local libtard dreamers who could not make a difference in the world if their lives depended on it.

  7. Ferguson is a douchebag.
    Talk radio's decision to saturate the day with him has caused me to fall in love with my CD collection again.
    Can't imagine ANYBODY wanting to actually see him on television giving his dopey opinions.


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