Celebrate: Kansas City Voters Threaten Streetcar Expansion With FULL STOP Petition

The case to keep rolling with the toy train becomes even more bleak. Here's a bit of city clerk transcription worth a peek: Group challenging KC streetcar expansion gathered enough petition signatures


  1. democracy! power to the people!

  2. Just remember that the reason the number of required signatures is so low is because of the pitiful voter turnout in the last mayoral election.
    In KCMO government is a product of insider deals, grifter shakedowns, Chamber swells muscle, petitions, and countless self-appointed "activists".
    The fifth worst-run city in the country.
    Amateur night on the plains.

  3. Toot toot. Vote. Clunk.

  4. No more streetcar. THANK HEAVEN!

  5. Even though streetcar expansion was already voted down 2 years ago, I am ecstatic that all voters in KC get to weigh in this time. It's going down in flames. What done now is all thee will ever be. Dave Johnson's head must be exploding.

  6. Uh oh, y'all gonna get ALL CAPS angry with the toy train trash talk. Didn't ya hear him YELLING at 8:18 tonight over on the farewell to Barry posts?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. FACTOID :

    Indictments to be handed down soon against KCMO Mayor Sly James and some Jackson County Judges for Fraud & Corruption and embezzlement of funds over this TOY TRAIN street car bullshit

    Sly James on his way to Prison for a long time along with his communist Libtard buddy ,,,,, O'bama !!!!!!

  9. Why can’t the City leaders reflect the wishes of their citizens without having to resort to government by petition?


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