The 'Trump Effect' Teaching Moment Explained

Progressive NPR radio offers an explanation of something that public education officials recently made up . . . Take a look and realize that a great many suburban schools are falling behind as well: Kansas and Missouri Teachers Brace For The 'Trump Effect'


  1. This reaction is very real. It actually starts at home where the parents/families start the tone. This is going to be a good lesson for school/teachrs students/ parents alike: This behavior at school WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!! Changing attitudes or behavior overnight is bullshit. Nothing has changed, tomorrow will be another day and business will go on- paychecks cashed food eaten. Nothing but a bunch of whinny fear mongers and "micro outbursts of whatever" little/young kids who think they understand like an adult- where the adult is behaving really immature and inferior. Save our country by bucking up and acting mature. Be prepared to expel at lest 10% of the kids and teachers, because this will send the message to all, Crap like this anywhere WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

  2. SPLC's information gathering was "admittedly unscientific".


  3. Shut the fuck up. Lying, lying fuckin liars. They have lied so much they couldn't tell the truth if they had to.

  4. Dos the libtard bullshit get any more rediculous? Are we not teaching any coping skills today or are we encouraging our trouble little rug rats to throw fits, whine and cry and withdraw every time things don't go their way. It' past time to kick these spoiled, worthless, little bastards in the ass and give them some work to do rather than wet nursing them through high school.

  5. The simple solution to that supposed "Trump Effect" is the "HILLY Indoctrination".

    1. Parents and teachers will keep hot sauce in a purse. When students say anything pro-Trump, the'll be required to place hot sauce on their tongues.

    2. Everyone wears their "Ah Ain't No Wayz Tahred" safety pin to poke themselves and each other in order to stay alert and ready to learn.

    3. The pledge of allegiance is replaced by JayZ's "Dirt Off Your Shoulder" (as performed at Hilly's Nov.4 rally in Cleveland) with extra credit awarded for all who shout out "n*GGah" and "muthahf*©kah" while grabbing their junk.

    4. Anyone who dares mention "bimbo eruptions", "blue dresses", "dodging sniper fire", "super-predators", "short-circuits", and "unsecured servers" will be required to wear a basket over the head for an hour after school in the "deplorables" detention.

  6. At this point the left has used up the world stock of panties, which have been completely used up in being wetted and wadded in panic and consternation. Has there been a single syllable or gesture of Trump's that hasn't brought on nervous collapse of these fragile flowers? For God's sake grow up.

  7. Citing anything from the Southern Poverty Law Center makes a news story lose all credibility.

  8. No surprises here.
    The SPLC is forever poised to create outrage and hysteria over any event that might help them raise money.
    And that phenomenon is true for these organizations of both left and right.
    Just look at ridiculous Jill Stein raising more money for a Hillary recount than she did for her own campaign.
    Every day, actually probably every hour, brings a new apocalypse that ONLY one of these groups or another can save us from.
    Contribute NOW!!

  9. SPLC recently admitted to trying to hhide over 2000 incidents of anti-white racist incidents in public schools.

    SPLC is only quoted as a reliable source at NPR, the liberal safe.

  10. Welcome to America. Home of the original man pussy. Brought to you by the National Association of Clueless Single Mothers.

  11. kansas schools remind teachers and students alike to be civil and focus on teaching and learning, e.g., smsd on safety pins and onhs on social media bullying.

  12. What do you want? We stopped grading with red ink in an attempt to cure all that trauma our poor little students were experiencing.

  13. Safe place safe place safe place safe place safe place


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