The start of the holiday season hasn't slowed us down one bit and tonight we take a look at the TOP KANSAS CITY MOVERS AND SHAKERS this week.

Take a look:

Kansas City Fight For $15 Protesters Demonstrate Strength Of Civil Disobedience

The biggest protest this town has seen in years shows us that Kansas City's progressive activists still have a lot of power and influence over local streets. While it's fair to disagree with their cause, there's no denying that they dominated the conversation this week.

Shawnee Mission Safety Pin Parents Snare School District Dress Code Demands

The Golden Ghetto middle-class care a great deal about fashion and a showdown with a local School District officials this week shows that parents want the power of education officials limited in defense of freedom of expression.

Kansas SecState Kris Kobach Rides The Prez-Elect Trump Tidal Wave

This week Kansas SecState Kobach was the source for a controversial comment about illegal voters from Prez-Elect Trump and more than any other local politico . . . He stands to gain from the upcoming Administration and their hard-line stance on immigration.

Kansas City Northland Demands Accountability For $800 Million Bond Issue

Behind the scenes, both residents and biz leaders want a piece of the $800 MILLION pie that's soon to be severed up to voters for approval.

Kansas City Podcast Kings Create The Future For Alternative Media

There are too many good podcasts in Kansas City to name and the number is growing as local talkers take to the Internets as an alternative to the downward spiral of traditional media.

And so . . .

We fire off this tribute to all of those Kansas City denizens working to make this town better rather than just complaining on the Internets.

As always . . .

As always, this list has been compiled according to scientific TKC polling and market research data and it's a weekly comprehensive guide to local powerful people.


  1. Thank you for including at least one conservative on the list. We need leaders like Kobach in order to ensure that our voting rights are save and limited to legal citizens. We may have a difference of opinion about immigration but there is no doubt that everyone can agree about protecting our Democracy.

    1. Isn't he the same guy who can't even keep his plans secret and showed them to the media during his first meeting with Trump?

    2. Build the wall higher12/2/16, 8:43 PM

      More bullshit Gobi?

      You think that Kobach didn't want people to see that to put them on notice.

      And you know what? A lot of people do support a muslim database, G.W. Bush used the same kind of thing.

  2. Guns don't equal power. Only a weak person needs a gun to exert their authority or control.

    1. Tell that to the President and every other political leader in the country. Weak or trying to protect themselves. Just because u have a gun doesnt mean you're weak. Nice try, though.


  3. Yea, and what did the protests get them, a fine that they can't afford because they skipped work to get arrested

  4. The SEIU sub contractor gave the police the names and addresses of every employee ahead of time so KCPD didn't have to shoot someone in front of all those camera's.

  5. V O T E NO NO on the Bond Issue. It will be used to make deals not rebuild infrastructure.

  6. ^^^ Absolutely agree.


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