Women Rally For Kansas City Baby Killing

Another protest worth a peek . . . Local lady support for abortion "rights" amid one of the worst massacres ever recorded in human history in the name of equal rights. Take a look: Dozens rally to show support for Planned Parenthood after election


  1. Trump will grab 'em in the pussy and they'll be back home knitting in no time. Women just love that.

  2. ^^^^. You and the protesters should all go and get sterilized - the world will become a much better place. BTW, Trump won the majority of white women voters - sorry to invalidate your narrative.

  3. Women support the right to be sexually irresponsible and not be forced to grow up and be responsible even if it means killing over 350,000 unborn each year. After all their wishes and "health" choices are more important than human life, being responsible or ANYTHING., Thank God we have the right to live in a country that breeds useless bitches with this mindset. Nothing is going to force them to use birth control or keep their god damn britches fastened.

  4. Don't know if those little fetals would grow up to join the army, aserve Jesus or work in a Donald Trump rape room where he would kill them at the age of twelve and threaten the other girls to stay in line. sorry if this hurts your bottom line for grabbing pussy. Just stay on this like a bitch.

  5. Wyatt Earp, Dodge City11/13/16, 10:19 AM

    These idiots are out there every weekend protesting something or another over there at Planned Baby Killing in Overland Park. They even bus in grade school kids to either make or prove which ever side they are on. You ever notice how most of the people either protesting for or against abortion are women you wouldn't want to ever fuck in the first place.

  6. Everybody needs to shut up about abortion. Let's put it back in the closet (legal) and let people quietly decide what's best for them. And the quicker you make up your mind the cheaper it is to not be pregnant. Has nobody heard of Plan B which I think is sold in drugstores.

  7. Who kills and murders babies the most?

    That's who! So take that to your alter and pray.

  8. or the baby monster?

  9. God bless Margaret Sanger who saved us from the hordes.

  10. no rights for women in Trump country.

  11. Fuck women! Grow the fuck up and learn what responsibility and accountability might be.

  12. 100 people? And it made the news? Try thousands of pro-life peaceful demonstrators, but nobody even covers it.

  13. Adrian G. - Trump won white women voters. Better luck next time.


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