Quick word about the current state of public education in Kansas City from one of the more educated denizens of our blog community:

"TKC, just wanted you to know that I'm a teacher at a school with a high population of undocumented students. This morning we attended an all-staff meeting in order to develop a curriculum and some sort of response to widespread fear and questions that we're getting from students. Some of the them are wanting to drop out as early as the 4th grade because they're scared of being arrested by police, taken away from their families and sent to countries they've never seen and don't know. It's a sad situation but it's necessary. What I'm afraid of is that we're not telling them the truth. Trump did promise to deport more people and our lesson plan encourages telling them about due process and the rule of law in our nation. I'm not so sure that's accurate any longer . . . "

You decide . . .


  1. Illegal immigrants have nothing to fear. They will be assured of a comfortable bus ride back to Mexico where they can immediately get in line and take their turn to legally become Americans. There will be no discrimination. They can obey the law equally with the rest of the world citizens wishing to meld into a civil free society.

  2. Teacher: Juan are you here illegally?

    Juan: Yes....

    Teacher: Well then sucks to be you. See you in Mexico sucker.

  3. Trump not even in office and the fear mongers can't wait to spread lies and horror stories.

  4. Yes, we have "due process and the rule of law" - which Obama totally ignored. If you're an illegal (not an "undocumented") immigrant, prepare accordingly.

  5. Relax. Trump surrogate said today that deportation is not one of their priorities.

    You have all been conned sweetie-pies.

  6. If you are a CRIMINAL and you are here illegally then hopefully you will be deported.

  7. The solution is simple
    Separate California out the United States and let all the illegals have it
    That way we don't have to deal with democrat lunatics in congress and the democrats lose 55 electoral votes
    Win win

    1. You're so smart! Why didn't anyone else think to give away the world's 6th largest economy and produces 25% of America's food? We should have made you dictator with such critical thinking abilities.

    2. I'm just giving my idea of "fundamentally transform the United States of America"
      That's all. But since there are Californians actually saying they want to succeed I'm just just looking at the bright side

    3. Silvestor, I think that's a fantastic idea!

  8. Maybe you should teach them how to pack their luggage.

  9. Trump will deport the children. That's what his supporters want. Better to be honest to the students. They are hated by America.

  10. What percentage of Americas food do we export and what percentage of America's food do 14 million illegals consume? We can get this worked out real fast.

  11. An excellent website to view today is Read "Sorry Snowflake, But It's Not Over".

    It's yet to be seen if it's over or not. But here's what the rest of us had to do to get an education. We worked two or three crap jobs to pay for our student loans. Then we joined the real work force and made some money. We worked for companies successful enough to help pay off the loans.

    Get off your lazy assess. Get your education and pay for it with loans that have to be paid back. We're sick of paying for you Snowflakes. We're not going to pay for you. Live in the basement, work as many crap jobs as needed. Then go to work and live the life you can pay for yourselves.

  12. Just got the last minutes of a load of dumbed down, DemLibProg drama on NPR about how sore losers are going about INDOCTRINATION of kids. The Trump win is apparently a good teaching moment for our tots to teens in public schools to openly tantrum over Granny Clinton's defeat. I will get the transcript to check the absurdity of much that I heard a few minutes ago. I may respond to this unbelievably blatant brainwashing of our youths, as my duty to my grandkids and to a sense of decency for this nation.

    Teachers telling pre-Ks that they're crying in the classrooms after Tuesday's election, because they don't like who got elected is NUTS. A teacher was quoted by another female (admin.) "YOU KNOW HOW WE DON'T LIKE IT WHEN DAUGHTERS LOSE AT SOMETHING..." Then more talk of little tots patting the teacher's knee as kiddies watch her cry.

    Dear God, please help us!!!

  13. What's crazier is these Lib's wanted to do away with TKC because he shows a little T&A with the Q&A and now he's hosting the the discussion board for local mass mobilization with help from his Anarchist friends.

  14. NBC ran the Apprentice and created the fake image of The Donald as a businessman. Trump got more TV time of his empty podium than Bernie Sanders ever did. Though Bernie Sanders spent his entire life on working people issues, Trump who's been a hustler and con artist all his life picks up the working class issues and runs with these issues. When the media realizes they're in trouble they begin with the Billy Bush lead and try to extinguish Trump to elect Hillary.

  15. 2:21: honey bunch, "not a priority" doesn't mean it's not on the list. Trump will have a phone and pen, just like Obama, and he will take executive action when he can get to it.

  16. I hope he launches a few nukes towards IRAN so we can give these pussy libtards so real anxiety. Listening to all this whiney pissing and moaning just for shits and grins sucks.

  17. Trump still has to make it through the vetting process.

  18. ^^^^ Cuck Socker

  19. They all would be dead if that DEAMON got elected!!

  20. Trump promised to do wonders and shit cucumbers. If he's like most politicians, he'll wind up doing cucumbers.

  21. Viva la migra!!!

    1. Only if it's headed back south of the border where it belongs.

  22. Trump doesn't need a phone and pen. Illegal immigration is already illegal. He just has to fulfill his oath to uphold the law, unlike Obama.


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