Kansas City community policing efforts have earned widespread acclaim for their practical and permissive approach to the problem of illegal immigration.


New York Times and many other global news organizations often feature KCPD tactics noting "a philosophy of policing and community development that generally treats immigrant day laborers, known to be illegal, as a part of the community."

Remember that not so long ago Kansas City passed a resolution standing against racial profiling practiced as part of immigration sweeps and demanded "the need for federal level reform that assists struggling border communities while respecting the humanity of all people living and working in these communities . . ."

And now . . .


Proof of the impending sweep aimed at cities like KCMO that don't actively enforce immigration rules . . .

LA Times: Sanctuary cities face a moment of truth amid Trump's war on illegal immigration

CNN: 'Sanctuary cities' gird for Trump White House

ABC News: Mayors of 'Sanctuary Cities' Say They'll Fight Trump's Plans

Now . . .

There's political speculation that Mayor Sly will stand with other Democratic Mayors and oppose the crackdown but the City Hall honcho hasn't shown much interest in the Latino community over the years and given the rising KCMO murder rate . . . Committing to the "effectiveness" of community policing would be a hard argument to justify. Still, just like Prez-Elect Trump . . . It wouldn't be surprising to hear a lot of big, EMPTY talk on this topic with very little action that isn't already part of current policy. Bold pronouncements with very little real world impact have always been the key to success for Mayor James.

Either way . . .

Our TKC BLOG COMMUNITY is FIRST to put this upcoming topic on the local agenda while politicos behind the scene struggle to get on the right side of an issue that has always confronted Kansas City - a de facto sanctuary city.

Developing . . .


  1. With a 7 year murder rate high, what has Kansas City got to lose by enforcing immigration laws?

  2. ^^^^ Too late.

    There are places in KCK and KCMO where widespread deportations would empty entire neighborhoods. We already have enough vacant land and houses in this city.

  3. Trump is all talk, his border wall is now just a fence and it's unlikely that will ever get built.

    His voters were fooled.

  4. 9:22 That would be fine with me. Sell the house off to citizens who deserve them.

  5. Sly doesn't care about anything that won't get him ahead. This won't help him with his run for Senate. He obviously wants out of KC.

  6. Kansas Citt isn't a sanctuary city. Your whole racebaiting premise is flawed.

    So if you take pride in being wrong first, well done.

  7. Elections have consequences. You lost. Trump won. Sit down and shut up while Trump and company saves America.

  8. The Trump company is only getting tax breaks for their stealing the presidency.

    Trump LOST the popular vote by 1 million.

    The Republicans only win when they cheat.

  9. 3 million illegals voted in the election and Republicans were cheating?

  10. What can libtards not grasp about the word "illegal"? It is becoming increasingly clear that you people think laws are written by the dregs on the streets depending on what mood they are in in response to a steady steam of cry baby bullshit flowing your way.

    If you want to do something positive get on the phone and appeal to your ten thousand kin folks in Mexico. Explain to them that they don't get to decide what the laws are in the United States and unlike Mexico we are a nation of laws. Let them know that if they sneak in, have a billion offspring and are here for ten years and get caught they are accountable for the consequences - not us. Give them the information they need to do things legally.

    Stop pandering and ass kissing on this issue. The illegals are the violators - not the victims. If they exploit their own families and children trying to get a pass it is their problem to fix - not America's. They are not being persecuted - they are criminals. The laws have not changed no matter what the pandering libtards dream up in some backroom meeting somewhere.

  11. You're being inflammatory! Trump wants to deport the criminals. The gang leaders and drug dealers will be the ones to go first!

  12. "isn't a sanctuary city. Your whole racebaiting premise is flawed"

    Tell that to the 30,000 illegal immigrants living here.

    I don't care about your hate for TKC but I do look forward to Trump cleaning up this city. THAT us why I voted for him.

  13. If you want $15 an hour minimum wage, this is the easiest way to get there without passing unfair min wage laws. Cut the unskilled labor force. The demand is still going to be there for the price for labor will increase.

    Supporting illegal immigration IS racist.

  14. 9:23 Since you libtards don't have a clue what motivated America to elect Trump the foundation on which you base your conclusions is flawed. It is clear the only voters who were fooled by Trump were the followers who bought into the Democratic Party baloney and voted against him.

  15. ^^ Well said 9:55
    I will add - the City of KC passed a resolution not the people of KC.
    Illegals should go home or wait and be sent home.

    The anchor baby provision needs to go away also.
    This will prevent another threat of needed amnesty in the future.

    God Bless America!

  16. You Aryan wannabe mouth breathers can't get the fact the ones that r here, r here mostly to stay, the ones that been here for decades, Steve Hanson newsflash how did illegals get those houses,,,,, cuz whites n black middle class didn't want to live in the Eastside warzone yu dummy,,, we gotta slow the immigration fir a while but getting ppl who do better than y'all degenerates ain't helping cuz they are mestizo interlopers. U go colonize the Eastside n quindaro see how much walk u got in your talk

  17. "3 million illegals voted in the election"

    I read it on the Internet, so it MUST be true.

  18. One can have global connectedness without being either the global police or a door mat.

  19. This is dangerous and best buddy is a Hawaiian man ,He's been here for close to 20 yeaes.he has 3 minor children.his wife is an American.

    I work with the guy EVERYDAY,have for 15 years.Now he's recieving threats "GO BACK TO YOUR ISLAND BOY"and shit like " YOUR TIME IS ALMOST UP ,HERE" !!
    He's scared shitless Trump is gonna send him back to Hawaii .He is not here legally.He left his homeland for a better future ,couldn;t find work there in his highly skilled field. He came here fell in love,had a family ,and now is terrified of being ripped away from them.

    Hawaii has really strict immigration laws.They do not want immiggrant children,which means he would have to wait another8 years for his youngest to be able to immigrate back with him and his family.

    I feel really bad for him,his whole family..They are all GOOD PEOPLE.I have no prblem with closing the border off NOW,but we must be kinder to the ones who are here ,even ILLEGALS,IF they are good ,contributing members of th e American Society !!

    1. Ummmmm...what? No sense was made in this post? He's afraid he is going to get deported to...another U.S. state?

  20. ^^^^^I read it on the Internet, so it must be true!

  21. Dayton!!
    Again coming through with excellent comment.

    That shit was right on,buddy!!!

  22. Sly's sombrero is a flagrant bit of cultural appropriation! Where's the outrage, lefties?

  23. 10:12 is very correct....
    Not only that,
    Guess what happens to the price of rent if you ship out 10,000 people from the area.
    Ghetto home will drop from $600 per month to $350.
    Wages go up....price of rent goes down.
    Yeah for the Brothers!

  24. 10:12. My point exactly.
    9:48. Are you still wetting yourself about the popular vote?

  25. The popular vote doesn't mean shit. Many Republicans in blue states stayed home because they knew their state would go blue. If you want to change the rules, do it before the vote

  26. follow the law or lawlessness will trickle down and permeate everything.

  27. STFU Brian Williams 11:19/11:39 ya MSM minion!

    Try another FUBAR fib like the one ya copied from Hilly, the sniper fire liar.

    Some of the humbled media mouthpieces are finally admitting the widespread distrust of their craft is earned. All you disgusting detractors, deniers, disguisers, demonizers, and double-speak doofuses...GO AWAY!

  28. The illegals should be rounded up and deported.

    Then the nogs.

    Though they'll probably just kill each other first.

    Unless we beat theme to it.

    Soon a "sanctuary city" will be one where whites live in crime-free peace and freedom.


  29. More Boo Hoo bullshit from the libtard idiots. You should have had the Bro & Chief along with Harry and Nancy Fix the shit. Its not your turn anymore. If ya don't like it move with them and you can all cry and whine together. I don't see where a single fucking libtard set up an agency to get these people registered legally. Fuck 'em.

  30. Trump's policy of deporting illegal immigrants who are committing crimes, as opposed to every illegal immigrant possible, sounds an awful lot like what Obama is doing now. Nothing is actually going to change. The deportation rates will stay the same and somehow you morons will spin it to Trump being tough on illegal immigrants. A short fence along the border is all you are going to get (which will cost a lot and provide nothing of substance). Clinton ran a terrible campaign but that doesn't change the fact that you rubes fell for rhetoric because you don't know shit about policy.

    Also, the claim that 3 million illegal immigrants voted came from a source called It looks like a 90's era GeoCities website. Of course this was reported as fact by trolls like Alex Jones and Milo who make a lot of money by exploiting white grievance and political ignorance. Check your goddamn sources before you determine something is fact. Just because it confirms your world view doesn't mean it is actually true.

  31. ^^^^ THAT was some Real Talk !! Thank You 1:57

    AND 11:13 -Dayton..That was a straight - up smack - down !!

    I noticed nobody offered a retort lol.Steve Hanson , HELLOOOO?? HAHA

    Not that it matters ,but i'm a white guy,we've talked once before on here.
    i've just been noticing your comments are getting better and better ,man..
    That last one was FIRE!! Tony will be showing you some love before too long,not that that matters much lol.. keep it up bro..Good Stuff

  32. News flash, dumbasses- these sanctuary cities are within US borders and are subject to US laws. Illegals are just that and need to be rounded up and punted back across the Rio.

  33. Oh you Trump people are all wrong. Don't you know that the arrogant and pompous libtards can violate any laws they feel like because their mommy said they can do no wrong? Listening to these shitbirds reminds me of the interview with BTK where he is insisting the police tell him why they tricked him to make the arrest. Seriously, do these numbskulls believe they can just make the rules the fuck up as they go? No wonder they are so fucking delusional. They actually believe their own bullshit. Talk about fucking programed bots.

  34. I like the Hawaiian guy.

    Can we let him stay! Please.

  35. ^^^ this whole thread has convinced me that Kansas City is stupid beyond all repair.

  36. Well, welcome home!

  37. Hey, illegal aliens, viva la migra!!!

  38. Boo fuckin' hoo, we don't wanna be lawful tax contributors. Give us our safe space sanctuaries with cash industries, off the books barrio biz. Put that Casa Blanca on notice we no like gringo Donnie Juanito!

  39. Nig Nogs and beaners need to be sent packing. Africa, Mexico, and Hawaii. Ship them dark skin fuck back to Boonville.

  40. So the citizens will have to pay the price for waste wearing the Italian flag in support of Christopher Columbus "discovering " America? He would support his own gay son or show up at his wake or funeral and a month later he is sitting on a gay persons lap on the front page of the paper supporting what??? Gays?? of course.
    KCMO is going to suffer at the hands of these morons and we will lose federal support and funding while they tinker around with their re-election ticket.
    Surely KC have you not had enough???? you people are utterly disgusting

  41. Gay Pride Festival is a big, big money maker for the City Of Kansas City. Sure a little of that cash goes to supporting gay issues but not the class issue necessarily. Sly James wants his name on the airport and Trump says he'll pour the concrete. Immigration and gay issues are of no interest to Sly James who basically a bully like Chris Christi.


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