The most prolific signature gatherer in Kansas City's political history is off to a quick start with his latest effort that focuses on "rapid streetcar expansion"

Despite politicos and media outlets against his light rail effort . . . Mr. Chastain was still able to garner nearly half of the voting public to support his plan.

Now, with his sights set on the future of the streetcar . . . He'll bring more voters to the table than the current expansion effort that is much smaller in scope.

Here's the latest . . .

Clay Chastain: Citizens signing new streetcar initiative right and left because it is the logical next step to improve upon the city's downtown rail line

On a beautiful early Thanksgiving Day citizens were in a good mood and most of the ones I encountered felt even better after they signed the new streectar initiative designed to transform the city's 2.2-mile streetcar line into a more rapid, citywide, and useful rail-based transit system. They understand that the city's 2.2-mile downtown streetcar is a nice beginning but that it has very little transit value and must be expanded. I believe voters will see the new streetcar initiative as the next logical step forward.

What most voters have yet to realize is that a convenient, efficient and sustainable citywide streectar system can also become a major new selling point for Kansas City and a productive infratructure mechanism to generate new investment, jobs, economic development and population growth.

But hold your horses. There is a competing streetcar plan backed by the Regional Transit Alliance (RTA) that proposes extending the downtown line to the Plaza / UMKC and continue operating streectars as a slow moving, too often stopping rail system that operates in traffic like they did 70-years ago. Not the smartest plan, and the very reason why this new streetcar initiative exists.

Here are 5 solid reasons why the new streetcar petition plan ($1.2 billion, 28-mile, streectar & auxiliary electric bus system) is far superior to the RTA's streectar plan and thus deserves community support and voter preference...

1. It creates innovative conditions which allow the streetcars to operate at greater speeds, make better time and travel on more attractive "transit greenways" separated from traffic.

2. It is citywide and thus far more useful to more people, especially those that need better transit service.

3. It has a far better chance of securing federal matching funds because it proposes a far more comprehensive system.

4. It will be an economic driver across the entire city (including the eastside where they desperately need new infrastructure investment) and not just in the downtown corridor.

5.. It will be placed before citywide voters and not forced uopn the people via another Jerrymandered and restricted election scheme concocted by the leadership of the RTA.

In other words, the new streetcar initiative is the right plan done the right way.

So if you're for a "more livable, sustainable and transit-oriented Kansas City" you will be for the new streetcar initiative.

Clay Chastain...KC Community Activist


  1. he was up at price chopper and I signed it. Only because his plan is going to conflict with David Johnson's effort and they are going to look very silly when Chastain shows them that he actually has more grassroots support than their idea.

    Let them slug it out and see who has the better plan. that's what we call competition.

  2. Don't we have more important priorities for Kansas City than a streetcar, it seems like we already did that and nothing much changed except for a lot of parties sponsored by City Hall.

    All of that money might be better off going back into the general fund or at least seeing if we can do something more productive like pay for more police overtime.

  3. Trump wins.

  4. Clay boy is in a band called bob berdella did it for the lulz

  5. Trolly trolley boy will issue the first of his hourly juvenile herf derfs from his old bedroom in Coffeyville where he's regaling friends and family with stories of his success in the big city in three... two... .

  6. Holy Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. I thought this unbalanced, Death Star Tractor Beam of need, narcissism and insecurity was going the fuck home.

    The man is insane. "Community Activist"? There is a moniker we can all gather around. Clay, just change your name to Herpes Simpleton Simplex. If Sisyphus was addicted to meth and married Rain Man, they would birth Clay Chastain. "Wapner at 4, then a new Streetcar".

    God what a fuckin weirdo.


  7. Clay proves he is really the biggest turkey of KC. Their is no way the rest of KC is paying for light rail or streetcars, it is just plain stupid. How was the ridership on the streetcar yesterday?

  8. Naah it's still Tony, for being and being his waterboy.

  9. It's only considered exclusive and breaking news because you are the only person who gives this delusional idiot a forum.

  10. sometimes nuts, or eccentrics if you prefer, make a positive contribution.

    he has, imho.

  11. Is Clay really Byron Funkhouser?

  12. 7:35 Chuck--
    Amen! Rare form, dude.

    So fun to watch Kansas Citians waste any money or time on slow-moving mass transit! If you don't fix your streets and your pipes and end the crime on the Plaza--then you're just Detroit.

    Joco is thinking about building a wall--down State Line! And Sly James will pay for it.

    1. You should probably move Tracy if you hate it so much. You and Tony can live together.

    2. There are great places to live six feet under Tracy.

  13. How did the WUNNERFUL Plaza lighting party go?

    1. The party sucked, there was a loud anti-Trump protest that the LIEberal media wouldn't even report and a whole bunch of revolting uninvited groids that spoiled it for us humans.

    2. Checked twitter live search, not a single protest sign. There are a lot racist liars on the Internet, we need to check them.

  14. I will support Clay but only to undermine the streetcar. Let them fight over the subsidy.

  15. I'm all for streetcars all over Kansas City. We need to focus on our public transportation efforts.

    Here's a question for you Tony: Why can't clay work together with the current streetcar expansion effort?

  16. Clay, why don't you do this in your own damn city?

  17. Just when you might think that KCMO couldn't possibly get any more cow townish and amateurish, yet another clown gets out of the little car.
    In this case, of course, a well-known clown who has been hogging the center ring for decades.
    The distance between claims of "world class" and the reality of this little burg just continues to grow.
    What's the latest on the 2-mile trolley line?
    How about Mike's taxpayer-subsidized hotel?
    Anyone spotted the 24 million tourists?
    Flyover country on steroids.

  18. 7:21, we already have mass transit all over the city. They're called buses. Learn how to ride one.

  19. Is Clay pulling a train on Kansas City?


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