Show-Me Progress For Kansas City Public Schools Despite Generation Of FAIL

No Missouri school districts scored in the unaccredited range on this year’s annual report cards and this glimmer of hope will provide yet another talking point after a mass exodus of students in the modern era and the ongoing legacy of FAIL . . . And so the ongoing road to full accreditation starts with one step forward . . . Again. Here's the bright side: Kansas City Public Schools One Step Closer To Accreditation


  1. Dumb, dumb, and dumber

  2. One good test score!

    Problems solved.

  3. And so we begin another cycle of the infamous "upsy-downsy" games with the KC schools. It is incredible how for decades the tax payers are perfectly happy financing this charade. I guarantee that ten years from now we will be reading about the ongoing issues with the district and no one will make a move to actually fix much of anything for long.

  4. It's been several generations of fail. Hopefully parents are smart enougg to know that politicians will say anything to capture their children in the web of deceit that is the KCPS.


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