Kansas City Top 5 Ways To Troll Family With Trump Victory At Thanksgiving Dinner!!!

And so, it seems that talking turkey about Trump is actually a bigger deal than this blogger initially expected.

Sitting at this coffee shop/gas station for Thanksgiving, I've overheard more than a few conversations about family frustration with Trump talk so far today. Credit to the liberal media who have enforced this narrative upon us all.

To wit . . .


Let's get started, it's almost dinner time . . .

Electoral College Saves Us From Hillary And Clinton Foundation Corruption Controversy

The secret is out in the open, The Clinton Foundation was one of the most tragic political pay for play schemes in American history that was rejected by millions of voters. Now that she's out of the running for office, the donations have dried up despite the ongoing charitable work that was touted. For voters with any kind of conscience, this dirty scheme was a big part of the reason that people couldn't enthusiastically support her.

Alex Jones Seyz Bill Clinton Is A Rapist

A conspiracy theorist called out Bill Clinton's unfortunate record with the ladies during the election and gave another lingering reason to doubt Hillary.  Moreover . . . Locals should ask Trump detractors that so many negative sentiments toward Trump via women are widely believed without any scrutiny of Bill Clinton's legacy and Hillary's part in defending him.

Generally, Americans Support Sweeping Immigration Reform

Unions and urban core denizens want the immigrants gone, too . . . Sorry. The upcoming immigration crackdown is actually the easiest part of Trump's agenda given that the Prez Obama has helped to facilitate the deportation of more people than any other U.S. President. 

Trump Is Taking On The GOP, Too

The GOP is already gaining leverage by selling out Trump and his agenda. They will continue to block any real change he proposes and Beltway backstabbing has brought down far more cunning politicos. Troll line: Trump taking on the GOP shows he's really shaking up the establishment.

Enjoy The Trump Stock Market Rally!!!

The stock market is in rally mode and the DOW recently hit a high of 19,000 as the economic exuberance has been credited to the Trump election. In other words, Trump paid for that turkey on your table!!!

TKC Bonus . . .

Black People Didn't Vote For Hillary

She once called some black people "super predators" the reality is that the African-American voting bloc touted by so many activists failed Hillary and the Democrats for all of the reasons we've listed and so many more. Turns out people of all demographic backgrounds don't like being told how they should vote . . . If this election has taught us anything.

Anyhoo . . .

These are all great "conversation starters" and or great responses in order to ensure that "progressive" family members will stay away for at least another month.

You decide and please suggest more pro-Trump hype to alienate YOUR loved ones . . .


  1. Don't say a word. Just sit at the table with a look of satisfaction on your face
    That will say all that needs to be said
    By the way, Obama nay have deported more, but he has also let more in than any other

  2. End of discussion11/24/16, 5:57 PM

    Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 1.7 million and counting. Trump stole the election.

  3. Gee what you think about this weather pop?

    How bout them Chiefs bro?

    How the kids doing cuz?

  4. I love my gay son but I still voted for Trump and I'm proud

    1. It's all good; I'm gay and I voted for Trump!

  5. chuck is your granddad?

  6. ^^^^ True dat.

  7. Hilarious. If the snowflakes can't take it, they can move to Canada- assuming that the canucks would actually want them.

  8. cute! we told a snowflake that we heard vegetariens are going to be deported and she had to think, which was difficult.

  9. 5:57, with specific reference to the Constitution (especially Article II Section I and Amendment 12), tell us how Trump "stole the election."

  10. Contrary to what many libtards must think, Obama did not suspend the constitution with an executive order. .....but he sure tried....

  11. Bob
    They know the election wasn't stolen what they can't admit is that they lost it because they all moved to the same states because they didn't like where they grew up
    Thereby congregating so tightly that they left the middle of the field wide open for a long pass, to use football as an example

  12. We had breakout sessions, in the kitchen and rec room, so as to not ruffle the snowfkakes in mourning.

    Thank goodness for a beautiful day!

  13. We need a story on those that promised to leave the country if trump won. So far, all these bit__es and a__holes said they were joking. Put up or shut up!

  14. best KC fake news blog

  15. Dow Jones means jobs are heading over seas. Yep, no war but class war bitches!


  16. OK, time to drop the black, women and gay crap. American's voted and Trump won. Obama set relationships between American's back 50 years. Let us rejoice together as one and really move forward.

  17. My family all agreed if the Devil offers you a hand up, it don't matter if you take hold of his Right hand or his Left hand you still in the Devils hands. None of us voted. We had a great meal together and were thankful that we all came to the same conclusion.


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