Kansas City Lady Endures Constant Gunfire

The shooting never stops for this woman living in Kansas City's urban core and dodging bullets as part of her routine. Take a look: Woman lives in fear after her house is shot up for the third time in last few months


  1. Don't talk to mother's in charge.

  2. Such a shame that children care so little about themselves and their family as to keep them in constant danger. That son of hers needs to behave or at the very or at the very least seek help in resolving whatever problem he's created with the local thugs.

  3. I saw this MENSA on the news claiming her 28 year old son that they are really after "don't stay with her." Black people don't live anywhere they stay places. Her 14 year old granddaughter stays there though. She appeared to be no older than 45 with a 14 year old granddaughter. If that's her sons kid then that means he had a kid at 14. What criminal activities is her son involved in that she's covering for? We hear all about how black men fail their community but what about how these men turn out that are raised by these women and the abject failures they are? These fat ass women are drop-outs themselves, having kids at 15. Fine example they are. They don't have to get pregnant and they sure they don't have to get knocked up by a guy they KNOW will have nothing to do with the kids. They usually wind up not raising the kid, grandma does but she is equally as worthless having raised her kids the exact same way, lacking education and never having a job. The beat goes on in the black community.

  4. Lady, if you ain't a felon it might not hurt to get a gun. If you are sitting around waiting for the police to show up you are going to end up deader than a doornail. Felons that get away with criminal behaviour seldom deescalate the violence.

  5. Doesn't Sly live on Manheim?

  6. Emmanuel Cleaver Clay ChasANALstrain Toy Train Michael Mahoney Bologna Clay AssStain raul Iva Baez instuff turkey is the target for a new job of a beer or possibly the new website that is not going on the way to work on a small town where they have a new website that has no one more on their website or anything from the other app or the other than the other one app that I have used on app but this app has been to the app since I was a new one

  7. She must be "in the life....yaknow.....like fureal".

  8. I thought for sure that the return of the McRib would cause a drop in crime like this.

  9. That has been going on for years with that family. This is nothing new.


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