Kansans Rage Over Terror Scare Mailer

Kansas GOP attempst to sell voter on the mistaken notion that ISIS is coming to the prairie. Take a peek: Kansas GOP Flier Implies New Residents Could Be Terrorists, Drumming Up Anti-Muslim Fears


  1. I see no problem with this message.
    It's much like the Combat tax message the Demon rats are putting out.

  2. Yeah, It's no worse than the scare tactics KCPD and the City used concerning the E-Tax.

  3. The rest of the country already thinks folks in Kansas are a bunch of knuckle-dragging drooling goons, and this fits that view just fine.
    Any wonder why Kansas is fly-over country?

  4. 3:24 no, we wonder why, if that's your view, you still live here.

  5. The chances are considerably greater that a Kansan will be crushed to death by a bale of hay than slain by ISIS.

  6. no shit,Phil ??

    I drag race FAST bikes. Betcha my chances of getting hurt or killed are greater than being slain by ISIS,as well.

    Not trying to get to nit-picky here BUT a rural ks farmer is more likely to die on or from a piece of machinery,than a bale of hay..jus sayin.

    Most people are either ignorant,or just out of touch..jeeeez


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