Columnist Mary Sanchez Hopes Missouri Governor-Elect Greitens Rethinks Gun Control

The last lady standing among Dead Tree Media editorialists at the Kansas City Star seems to prove that she hasn't been watching election coverage for the past 11 months. Take a look: To Eric Greitens: As Missouri's new governor, please fight crime from all sides


  1. GREAT photos ! What is the shit out Storm gun ? Looks killer ?

  2. Crime, in Missouri, is, for the most part, black criminality committed in St. Louis and Kansas City. Build more prisons, put criminals to death faster for murder and rape. Crime will go down. The pretense, that we can round up guns from law abiding citizens, or restrict the way that those same law abiding citizens acquire guns (Many of which, are acquired to protect themselves from the "Protected" class.) will curtail the rapidly metastasizing murder rate amongst blacks is total bullshit.

    Here is the thing, criminals are unconcerned with the Rule Of Law. That premise is irrefutable by way of definition and description. Criminals will NEVER turn in a working gun that they need to commit crimes.

    "Gun Control" is all about the Central, Statist, Federal Government controlling the very folks who just elected Donald Trump, NOT about crime.

    Lock and load, see ya Jan. 1st.

  3. Speaking of that race, now that it's over, does anyone know if Chris Koster is gay?

  4. The only thing Greitens should be considering is getting rid of the liberal slugs who make up the BOPC and who have wasted eight years promoting the idea of local control.

  5. 6:51 Of course he is, just look at his hair. But he was the media's fave so no one said anything.

  6. Narley Snatcheeze must be Toneeeee's mother as much attention as he gives her.

  7. started to read column, then realized ot was her same old, recycled column.

    the paper wants $400 a year for this?

  8. Look at that pick, Mary dear.
    He is not going to be for any type of gun control. Period.

  9. The Douche in Chief!

  10. greitens will be fun to watch. brilliant guy.

    have sent his campaign ad to some east coast friends and they've gone crazy.

  11. Mary Sanchez, the government-paid propaganda agent, masquerading as a journalist assigned to The Kansas City Star, remains in a stupor following the GREAT RED TIDE which washed across the nation on Tuesday. Mary and her corrupt compatriots adorned in blue, were dashed against the jagged rocks of Truth Point on the shore of the Silent Majority Sea. Their hideous leader, the brain-damaged Hillary, abandoned them in their hour of need, not even having the decency to address the crew after the ship ran aground and began sinking. The Queen Rat commandeered the sole life raft and stole away into the dark night.

    In this sour-grapes response to the Republican sweep of Missouri statewide races, Mary Sanchez confuses Governor-Elect Eric Greitens with our new chief law officer, Attorney General-Elect Josh Hawley. Ms. Sanchez fears that our new Missouri leadership will abandon the concerns of it's urban residents in the St. Louis and Kansas City metro areas. Her shallow thought process apparently assumes that Republicans will act the same as urban Democrats, like our own Mayoral bomb-thrower Sylvester James. Unfortunately, Ms. Sanchez has never read the bio sheet on Eric Greitens. Mr. Greitens is originally from the St. Louis area, he's a decorated military veteran, and he's pledged to protect and represent ALL residents of Missouri.

    To get an idea of the Sanchez blasphemous lunacy, please read the following quote from her article --- "Greitens will need to reconcile how he speaks so strongly for the dignity of police..." Exhibit A: Mary Sanchez, Social Justice Warrior, and Special Snowflake.

    Ms. Sanchez is drunk on the Democratic Socialist Kool-Aid. She sees no problem in treating all Missouri residents as criminals, because a very small minority of our population are law-breakers. Mary Sanchez, you've got it BACK ASSWARDS!! One of the tenets of common law is the presumption of innocence, as in the phrase -- "Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." The 6th Amendment in the American Constitution guarantees an individual the right to a fair, speedy, and public trial. These rights are given to all men or women under trial for any sort of wrongdoing. They establish the "innocent until proven guilty" mantra that is present in the United States legal system.

    Here's another unintended joke emanating from Ms. Sanchez' faulty grey matter --- "In recent years, the leadership of Kansas City have received scant attention from the Missouri legislature.." Would that be the same KCMO leadership that told voters the sky would fall if they didn't renew the unfair city earnings tax? The same leadership that rigged an election to force through an unneeded and redundant downtown transportation option (ToyTrain) ? The same leadership that routinely gives away the taxpayer bankroll to developers willing to make political contributions? The same leadership that's done such a fabulous job curtailing the KCMO homicide rate? The same leadership that refused to listen to the majority of residents who don't want a taxpayer-subsidized convention center hotel with discriminatory catering agreements? The same leadership that ignores taxpayers scoring KCI among the highest on the Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey, and seeks to raze the facility in order to spend over a BILLION dollars on a "free" single terminal?

    Somebody please call 911, because Mary Sanchez is under-the-influence and hallucinating LIBERALLY!!

  12. President Trump gonna grab her by the pussy and throw her ass back to Mexico! What the Star gonna do?


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