Another Downtown Kansas City Anti-Trump Demonstration Right Now With More Protests Planned Tonight On The Country Club Plaza

Here's a smaller gathering with this afternoon, the Plaza protest on Saturday night has raised more concern among merchants. Remember that TKC TOLD YOU about all these angry gatherings the day after Trump won. Take a look:

Anti-Trump protesters gather in downtown Kansas City


  1. Wyatt Earp, Dodge City11/12/16, 2:36 PM

    Undocumented immigrants should be deported, it's the law you idiots.

    So goddamn tired of people thinking the laws don't apply to them.

  2. More kill whitey crap.

  3. The law doesn't apply to me. I'm a University of Missouri graduate state bureaucrat who makes a living on your tax dollars. If you had any brains, you'd be writing the new governor and demanding that I get a pay raise for being so smart.

  4. Take back America! Off a shit bag!

  5. I'm really trying to figure out what they think they're going to accomplish by walking around downtown and standing outside of the plaza and city hall on a weekend

  6. This fire, will be kept burning until the first opportunity the Main Stream Media finds to ignite a conflagration that does inestimable damage, which, that very same, Main Stream Media, will blame on Trump and his supporters. The 4th estate is not just in collusion with the Democrat Party, as seen so obviously during the rigged Primary when they T-Rexxed Bernie right up his ass, it is an active and energetic participant in the subversion of Democracy and the installation of a one party hegemony-meritocracy.

    The New York Times, paid paltry lip service to the need for "Objective" journalism just today. What a fuckin joke. The reporters for that execrable and malodorous excuse for a fish wrap, submitted article in advance to the DNC while their reporters called for violence against Trump Supporters (As did the Huffington Post, Slate and Salon just to name a few.).

    The media will justify this anarchy and maintain it is a reasonable response to the election of Trump. The will call Trump and his supporters "Racist", just as they did Romney, McCain and ANY conservative politician who threatens the Fascist/Progressive Narrative and the Fascist/Progressive power base. Agitators, like George Soros and Robert Creamer, will incite, encourage and engage in violence and intimidation while the Lickspittle Press Pack Dogs wait for instructions, talking points and agitprop from the DNC through back channels.

    Again, like the man says, violence is coming, as sure as God's Vengeance and those who support the Rule Of Law, should be ready, personally ready to defend themselves and their Constitutional rights with extreme prejudice.

    Lock and load. Hear the thunder?

  7. Deplorable Joe11/12/16, 3:19 PM

    These idiot snowflakes have more to fear from the hoodrats who get dropped off at the plaza than they do trump. Let's see crooked Hillary save them.

  8. do you have to fill out an application, or can you just get paid in cash?

  9. Wow all 12 of them.

  10. 100 murders a year is just fine with these ass holes. Crooked Hilliary not getting elected justifies anarchy. Fucking mental giants.

  11. Every comment they make against Trump is misdirected.
    He obviously loves his country.

    The person that actually PAYS these demonstrators is George Soros. He HATES this country. He's the one that deserves everything they're saying about Trump. They are instructed by Soros what signs to carry and what to do and say.

    Protest signs in different cities across the U.S. are all made by the same company. Anybody want to explain that?

  12. Have to try the Plaza to see the snowflakes tonight.

  13. RThe National Enquirer is reporting that Huma and Hillary will be in jail in a short amount of time- I am thinking the more the left-wing fringe liberal femi-nazis protest the more they will piss off Trump and the longer Hillary and Huma will be in jail. The deplorables have had it- they will redistrict voting spheres to insure Trump is re-elected in four years. By then the country will be stronger- crime down- salaries up- Isis conquered- electric cars mass produced... and of course Huma and Hillary will have about 30 more years in the pen.

  14. Why don't these protesters move their protest down to Prospect and Paseo this evening? The homies need some target practice, and who better than some spoiled SJW white kids?



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