Triple Sex Assault Alleged In Shawnee Mission East According To Johnson County Court Dox

Johnson County student confronts a multitude of charges following a tragic attack that earned a shocked response from the entire metro. Take a look: Shawnee Mission East student accused of assulting 3 classmates


  1. Uh huh, bawdy boy's gonna be invited to the White House (same as 'clock boy'), lauded for his "show and tell" in the nation's new Barry Bathhouse.

    Any wonder if "intent" will be proven to bring charges?

  2. JOCO - Proud home to The Sexual Deviant.

    You've came a long way baby!!

  3. Is anyone really surprised? Members of East's illustrious student population just got called on the principal's carpet for publishing sexually explicit, mostly libelous articles trumpeting their proud exploits. The Eaatonian has been distributed for decades but only now (in the wake of the Kessler Lichtenegger nastiness and at the same time that girls were being groped in the bathrooms) are more pieces of a disturbing undercurrent falling into place for the general public. Additional reports on the latest perpetrator are multiplying, SMSD attorneys are scrambling and the kid who held the bathroom door shut so his buddy could do whatever he wanted just taught fellow students at East that you can play the fool to authorities and get away with always.

  4. Where is the big write up about this from the Shawnee Mission Post at? They jump for joy and can't wait to blast WalMart is gone. More Golden Ghetto deviants in action, town is full of them.

  5. isn't this an exception and that's why it's news?

  6. And in fine Shawnee Mission East tradition the rapist will be allowed to attend school with his victims.


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