The culture war rages on the University of Kansas campus and a recent student confrontation has escalated into culture war battle royale with rock chalk right-wingers evoking the ire of their liberal student colleagues.

Brief TKC faith interlude . . . Whilst this kind of thing makes great viewing and raises emotions, realize that most college debate is pointless and usually occurs between bong hits.

Still, this one is worth a look:


"A handful of progressive protesters crashed a Young Americans for Freedom meeting at the University of Kansas Sept. 22, turning it into one long, loud, resentful teach-in.

"A week later, they brought a few dozen friends.

"YAF members sat quietly around a table while the protesters behind them yelled and lectured at them for more than an hour, “screaming about safe spaces, institutional racism, white privilege and much more,” according to the Young America’s Foundation, which also released a two-minute clip of the meeting . . ."


Video description . . .

"Social justice warriors at the University of Kansas surrounded a group of YAF students in a campus building and berated them for more than an hour, screaming about safe spaces, institutional racism, and much more."

Conservative media has been quick to pick up the story that's going unreported by the mainstream . . .

Fox News: University of Kansas Mob Surrounds Conservative Students, Suggests They Leave School

College Fix: University of Kansas mob surrounds conservative students, suggests they leave school

Daily Caller: Conservative Surrounded At KU, Screamed At, Told To Leave School

You decide . . .


  1. training for the real world.

    the Chinese students using their time to study instead of argue about their beliefs win this debate.

  2. At least they all had their phones out so it didn't get too carried away. Thanks the college conservatives for editing this thing down. Any more than 2 minutes would've been painful.

  3. Couldn't watch past the snapping. Ugh.

  4. Fucking hippies.

  5. America’s death rattle could be the sound of voting machine levers this November. The completion of the slow motion coupe d’ etat on that day, the penultimate formality before the swearing in coda that installs the new Democrat/One Party Oligarchy that will violently suppress dissent and destroy the Constitution that our Founding Fathers created. The most salient and immediate effects, the further suppression of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, a precursor to the Fascist necrosis that infects our once great nation’s capital and now spreads entropy throughout the Law Enforcement institutions that once guaranteed our freedom and now guarantee our slavery to the State.

    Violence is the universal lubrication of the Progressive Movement. Not just the overt beatings of those who disagree with the Progressive Narrative by BLM thugs at Trump rallies. Not just the destruction of cities and the burning of business’ by “Protestors” as Law enforcement stands by, either by way of emasculation or design (In San Jose, the Chief of Police has his officers stand down, while Trump supporters were beaten.). Not just the dramatic increase and loss of life in inner city abattoirs where we can see future “Protestors” available for hire by Mr. Soros, ply their stock in trade in preparation for the next opportunity to effect the destruction necessary for the usurpation of The Rule Of Law.

    No, the violence writ “small” is just as bloody, intimidating and odious. This “small” violence is a local level, fear based, scarlet letter that can be assigned by any Progressive/Commissar to any dissenter who identifies and supports the “Narrative”. The “Racist” accusation is the tip of a spear that includes various and sundry accusations, relating to gender, money, social status against a perceived enemy of that same narrative. This witch hunt, aided and abetted by the press, politicians, professors and “The New Demographic” will result in you, your job, your future and economy being burned at the stake in the public square. The threat of this violence silences dissent, discussion and those who would speak truth to Fascist Power.

    That silence, enforced by the power stemming from the end of the New Demographic Gun Barrel, provides carte blanche for new and more pernicious “Obama Care Type Legislation” and endless new regulations relating to “Civil Rights”. Department of Justice control of Local Law Enforcement that remands dissenters to prison while denying moral agency to “Protestors” who seek “Justice and Peace” under the banner of organizations like BLM. Relinquishing control of the Internet. Alignment with terrorist states and fanatical religions that are inimical and antithetical to the Judeo Christian ethos and importing millions of 3rd world, uneducated, unskilled young men whose culture is immiscible to our own.

    Worst of all, that violence, writ large and small, will bring us leaders and politicians whose skills are commensurate with the vast panoply of talent, displayed here, on this blog, by Byron Funkhowser and other Hale-Bop-Applewhite Fascists whose ideas are born in the observation and accumulation of myopic, simple minded philosophies discussed on “The View", or Stephen Colbert.

    Just yesterday, BLM activists beat a little kid, 17 years old, into a coma for posting pro police comments on his Facebook page.

    Violence is the tool of the Liberal/Fascist fucks who now run this country.

  6. HERE is exactly what the Progressive/Commissar/Scum are all about.

    Violence. Intimidation. Assault while the authorities look away, or, even better, invite them to the White House.

  7. When I entered college more than 50 years ago I was told that if I left college thinking the same way I did when I entered, the college had failed. It seems these days college is simply a way to validate one point of view.

    This is what America is coming to. No one--liberal or conservative--wants to hear what those who think differently have to say. This is the equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and going "La la la la la," so they won't be subjected to anything that doesn't fit their prejudices.

    Shouldn't the campus cops do something to protect free speech?

  8. 7:13

    No. They will not.

    The left controls the narrative in the media, in the halls of academe, in the entertainment industry and, by force, in the streets.

    Think about this.

    Would you wear Trump's red hat, that says "Make America Great Again" after seeing so many of his supporters beaten, spit on, assaulted while the police stand by and do nothing?

    That is just in the streets.

    In college, if those kids had reacted as aggressively as the actual agrressers, they would have been sanctioned, silenced or expelled.

    This is, in fact, our own American version of Mao's "Chinese Cultural Revolution". Commissars on every corner dictating extemporaneously that the safe talking pints are for the day, as prescribed by the MSM and your favorite Hollywood actors.

    The categorical one sided delivery of agenda driven news from the MSM in concert with the power of the Corrupt Federal Government has silenced all that would speak truth to Fascist Progressive Power.

  9. For espousing personal responsibility, toughness, chest beating military service, guns, hunting, and big trucks...

    Conservatives sure are a bunch of fucking crybabies when people push back against their agenda. Where's the tough talk? Uh oh, some feelings got hurt. Can someone get the Conservatives a box of American made tissues for their tears?

  10. Just another example of the guerrilla warfare tactics by these young crybabies. The fascist progressive movement, funded writ large by the liberal hero George Soros, will finally reach it's climax this November. The media, the "black community", social justice warriors, and various other brown shirt groups will surely have an orgy in the streets. And my tax payer dollars will surely fund their disgusting activities. There will be gay "pride" parades on a weekly basis. Gays will almost certainly have the right to have anal sex right on my front lawn. My second amendment right, enshrined in that holy document called the Constitution, allows me to defend my geraniums from being destroyed by these thugs. But by this time on November 9th my rights will be completely stripped away. No longer will I be able to defend myself, or my flowerbeds, from the black gay agenda. My lawn, and other white owned lawns, will be desecrated all in the name of "progress." All in the name of "social justice." All of this will happen faster than you can say, "Velocius Quam Asparagi Coquantur."


  11. They look desperate to me - the writing is on the wall - they're candidate is an angry old man that played the part of the fool for Hill and her corrupt gang - Id be pissed too - especially if I wasted my money or time on a dishonest political party that portrays itself to have all the answers to today's problems in society. But I'm sure all of the blame goes to the white man - right? I mean how can anyone even make it past high school unless your white - right? I think your arguments are shallow and self centered. If you really want to make change - donate your time bitching to a good cause - set the curve on your next test. Lead by example and others will follow in your success. Change does not happen by a loud angry mob - it happens when you realize that you have the power to change things in your own heart - in your own mind. Change yourself and you can change the world.

  12. 7:32

    You are right.

    Whitey just sat there.

    They should have told those thug fucks to go to hell.

    In fairness though, usually, the numbers are way one sided and if you resist, you will go to jail and probably be sued by dindus for fighting back.

    I am all, in favor, of resisting violently the violence from the left.

  13. 7:48

    Not me, but, not so far off as the new "chuck" thinks.

  14. How about music? The Federal Government loves rap music that hates cops.

  15. Democrat Labor Unions--Free Federal Money!!!

  16. The Federal Government IS the Democrat party, soup to nuts.

  17. Young conservatives are arrogant. They cannot push their hate speech without a challenge.

    These so-called SJWs were not violent, they were adamant and they spoke truth to power.

    Deal with it.


    1. Nah, SJWs are famous for being childish and unable to engage in discussion. It's all strident broadcast and labeling. You couldn't really debate an issue to save your lives.

  18. Deal with this.

    Fuck you. really.

  19. I am tired of this attitude that people are owed something. To put it short and sweet. Your not owed shit. Your only owed what you have earned.

  20. "Conservatives sure are a bunch of fucking crybabies when people push back against their agenda. Where's the tough talk? Uh oh, some feelings got hurt. Can someone get the Conservatives a box of American made tissues for their tears?"

    "Young conservatives are arrogant. They cannot push their hate speech without a challenge."

    It may be true that conservatives are a bunch of crybabies and that they are arrogant, but the First Amendment (q.v.) guarantees they have a right to express their opinions. Those who oppose conservatives have the same right. Neither has the right to prevent the others from expressing their views.

  21. Looks like a bunch of future communications and political science PHDs to me. MU should be gathering a list for their future professors.

  22. Little Miss SJW preaching her pathetic SJW Bull shit,,,,

    If I'd been there , she'd been asleep, permanently as well as the rest of those SJW Scumbag Pathetic Communist Bastard Dumb Fuck Rejects !!!

    That's exactly what they are SJW Communist Rejects !!!! FACT !


  23. FACT !!

    SJW's / Social Justice Warrior idiots is another term for "COMMUNISTS"

    SJW / Social Justice Warriors are full Fledged "Communists" and they attempt to hide behind all kinds of terms to justify their pathetic disgusting actions !

    They are to Afraid to come out publically and Admit they are "COMMUNISTS" so they attempt to hide behind terms like Progressive, and SJW and all kinds of other Shit !!!

    They only get by with their Pathetic Actions if you let them !

    Would YOU let "Cockroaches & Insects" just invade your house and do nothing ??????

  24. Hopefully someone will punch that big Aunt Jemima cow in her fat maw one of these days.

  25. You have to love blind libtard bloggers. The libtards are stirring all the shit, but the conservatives are"....right-wingers evoking the ire of their liberal student colleagues."

    This is like the liberal, shit for brains, idiots calling Trump inflammatory and then going to his peaceful events and beating the shit out of folk.

    These God Damn liberals need to learn that they don't own the world, they only follow each other, they are fucking dreamers and the payback for their radical idealistic behavior ought to be in thier face, assuming they are as smart as they profess.

  26. Young Americans for Freedom?

    What's up with this retard calling everyone a Communist all the time?

    When are we going to hear more about these Outhouse pussies?

  27. For calling themselves "Liberal" they are shouting VERY ILLIBERAL IDEAS.

  28. We're going to have a meeting to finalize our plans for a Final Solution to the Negro Problem & anyone who disrupts our meeting is a fascist.

    The Young Americans for the KKK.

  29. Nobody gives a fuck what white men think. Your hegemony is over.

  30. ^^^ 2:13. Fuck you homie. Wrap your mambo lips around my 357.


  31. Why didn't the KU administrators react.....I've been a KU fan for 40 years, I even donate some money....never again, not a dime. This craziness is out of hand and someone is going to get hurt at one of these things.

    I hear these kids talk about "safe spaces" while this wasn't a "safe space" it was a meeting and should be considered safe. These kids that invade the space of others but don't want their "safe space" violated are nothing more than hypocrites, and I'm being polite in saying that.

  32. Way to handle it! Awesome students who have America's back. Students who harassed should really do better research. They have no idea who they are voting for if they vote HRC.


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