The Kansas City Midday Link Look

A quick peek at Instagram modeling sensation Mariah Lee Bevacqua who should be much more famous than she is . . . As she continues to slug it out and inspires this look at overcast Kansas City news for right now . . .

Thursday Kansas City Runaround
Driver of truck crashes into SUV, runs through muddy field fleeing police, then changes his mind
Cowtown Gunfire This Morning
Police: Shots fired at officer in KCMO; no injuries reported
Sunflower State Rhetoric Gone Wrong
Kansas Approvingly Cites Dred Scott to Explain Why It Can Ban Abortion
More Local Tech Hype
The Sprint Accelerator returns in 2017 with new approach
Carbs Along The Toy Train Line
New Crossroads bakery will serve extra flaky cinnamon rolls
Another Horrible Job For X-Mas
FedEx looks to hire for the holidays in the metro
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. $11.00 and hour. WTF? I finished the 8th grade and know I'm worth $15.00 per hour. If I have to get up and go to work for that kind of money I'll just stick with my section 8, free food stamps, free medical, guns and entitlements.

  2. Tar and feather Brownback time!


    She credits her cleavage to good "jeans"!!!

  4. Byron Funkhouser10/20/16, 3:27 PM

    If men decide that women can't have abortions, then women truly are second class citizens.

  5. 3:27, many women would be in on that decision. Are they second class citizens too?

  6. 3:27 I'm sure we will continue to see 350,000 abortions every year while Hilliary and her puppets whine about 30,000 gun deaths. After all we must protect a woman's right to be irresponsible dumb cunts.

  7. Ironic that shit for a brain Tony would call a real job "horrible".

    No, breath of peter, living off your mother is a "horrible job" you fucking douche bag, fat fuck.

  8. ^^^ Life hasn't treated you will Paul. Sorry about that. Don't be so angry.


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