Kansas City Ranks Among Worst In The Nation

We might have posted this earlier in the year but it's worth repeating and suggested by our blog community once again . . .

50 Worst Cities to Live In . . . Our cowtown earned a place on this shameful list.

Here's why . . .

"Crime is a major detriment to quality of life in Kansas City. There are 1,251 violent crimes a year for every 100,000 people in the area, a higher violent crime rate than those in only a couple dozen other U.S. cities."

Sadly, this year the numbers on this front have grown even worse.

More on that in just a bit . ..


  1. Just think next year will be an even worst position on that list. Sadly it appears the only thing Kansas City can do right is increase their position and status as a city of crime and killing.

  2. Yes, I concur. Kansas City is a pretty shitty place to live. Even the people who claim to love everything KC don't actually live here, they live in suburban areas a moonlight as contributors to Kansas City... kinda like that fraudulent VP that Clinton chose. He's 100% from Overland Park and never lived in Kansas City proper. Putting lipstick on a pig...still makes the damn thing a pig. Now, the City topped out at:

    1. Worst Run City
    2. Top 10 most violent
    3. Top 50 worse places to live

    All true if you ask folks who haven't been hypnotized by City Halls propaganda and do mot work for the City in one capacity or another.

  3. Just need more economic development to get off this list. A few more downtown apartments, watering holes and extend the streetcar and this list will be a distant memory.

  4. Yes we need more jobs. The issue is most business men think KC proper isn't open for business. Or they make it so hard for you to put your business in KCP that you get frustrated and put it in JOCO.

    Unfortunately it effects the rest of Jackson County. There are a ton of wide open area's in Lee's Summit, Blue Springs and Independence to put office buildings. But because KCP is so inept at business they say screw it and go to KS.


  5. I will have to agree with ^^^then still you have the posers and know -it all's who like to comment on all thing's KCMO,critisize and critique a city that they don't live in ,never have lived in and never intend on living in..

    People like Byron,Alonzo and ,of course,Stupid Dave..Working over here on the MO side every now and then ,probably many a blue moon ago just doesn't count.
    I have spent the last thirty year's working on the KS and the MO side, but you won't catch me on some JOCO blog,Bloviating my ass off Everyday,or Ever,about OP or any of the other rapidly decaying , shitty little Suburbs of KCMO across stateline..

    All three ,and many more just like them.They're all posers and wannabe's.
    You bozo's need to live it ,or shut it..Dave , you're just a JOCO BOY and your time and hot air would be much more appreciated ,concentrating on that Characterless , Beige , concrete and asphalt labyrinth , that Is you're home.

    I know,I know..Trust me .. It is boring ass fuck to talk about,let alone ,even think about! But that's where you live and where you're from,Pal.

    You're opinion's about KC hold no weight. If you were honest with yourself,you would see there are PLENTY of issues that you should be concentrating on & maybe even trying to help fix,over in that rapidly sinking pit,that is YOUR home..Give it a try.

  6. *agree with 8:29, that is*

  7. Well, 959 has certainly made a good point. Poseurs abound.

  8. This country, and especially KC won't recover until there is a manufacturing Renaissance.

    And I don't mean artisan donut shops, tat parlors, and micro breweries.

  9. Let's turn KC into a center that manufactures cheap and abundant crap to sell to Chinese.

  10. 9:59 You are right. It is everybody else. You are just here to straighten tings out and do good.


  11. If I have to pay your damn earning tax the least you can do in KC is keep your thug African'ts out of our burbs.

  12. I agree 100 percent with 304.

  13. 9:59 I like how you like to show the whole town what an idiot you are. Unlike others on here I don't feel the need to impress the readers with all my families financial holdings. I do have a stake in things when it comes to Kansas City, so how about you just shut the hell up and stop speaking about things you know nothing about.

  14. Oh, get over it. If Kansas City wasn't on every list of horrible cities, it would become unlivable. It's dirt cheap. It's got much more freeways than traffic. Neither of those things will be true if Americans decide Kansas City is cool.

  15. Correction 1251 violent black crimes per 100,000 blacks. The burbs of KC are clean and safe, avoid the groid and you are ok!


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