Kansas City 'Mothers In Charge' Searches For New Recruits Amid Local Murder Spike

Anti-crime group is looking for more volunteers at an upcoming East Patrol event . . . Critics often note their work has led to very little change in the Kansas City homicide count and the group continues to speak on politicized issues like gun control rather than sticking to their focus of victim support. You decide: Mothers in Charges hopes to find new volunteers


  1. Thought we had a Police Department.
    Oh yeah, they can't get the job done.

  2. Not a group you want to get tangled up with. They have managed to run off numerous volunteers.

  3. Look like some obese bitches looking for something to eat all the time.

  4. Ronald Reagan said on his first campaign stop in Mississippi, " poor people aren't hungry, they're just on a diet"

  5. Yes, calling all mothers who want to parade their dead children in front of media camera and be the poster-child for what's wrong in the urban core, please sign up at a thrown together crap building at 26th Prospect. We have to use the building for something. Residents won't have anything to do with it. Pandering line opens at 9:00am sharp!

  6. boy, cynicism rules.

  7. There's a new car in it for you and various other handouts, certificates, etc!!!! Sign up 8:23pm.

  8. Hi Folks,
    Have you seen this disturbing video? Please view and share. Thanks.


  9. Send us links to all the snuff films made by the KCPD why don't you.

  10. Niggers in charge?

  11. Too bad these women don't work of prevention of violence rather than after the fact support. Don't get me wrong the grieving process is real and needs encouragement. Yet, the truth is mother's need to love those boys from womb to the street with encouraging words, examples of responsibility and accountability. Never, Never allowing any criminality in the home or in their presence. Never, yes never accepting monies from illegal activities ie. drug dealing, stealing, prostitution, gun sales, etc.

    It all starts at home with the parents.

  12. 7:08 is right on the money.
    Why are the taxpayers ponying up money for a group that purports to provide sympathy and support for families of murder victims? How about the larger family, churches, and social service agencies, of which there are many? And why do people have to be paid to even make believe they're concerned about their own communities?
    And the sad fact is that more than a few of these grieving families know exactly who the gunmen are. And what was going on with their deceased family member.
    The police race from one crime scene to another.
    The public increasingly avoids once-popular areas of the city like the Plaza.
    And groups like this that offer "after-the-fact services".
    But it all starts in dysfunctional families with kids who have no respect for themselves or others, have no understanding or appreciation of education, feel that it's others' responsibility to entertain them, act out in public, and finally devolve to self-destructive behavior.
    The source of the problem is clear and more and more of the public are very tired of the endless excuses and blame.
    This group is just the latest in the endless line of "activists", fake nonprofits, and other grifters looking for handouts from the taxpayers.

  13. Guaranteed camera time for your failed parenting, selfishness, and total lack of boundaries ladies!

  14. Look like a cheap carnival act.

  15. Wonder how few people showed up for the "recruitment event"? This reeks of desperation.


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