Kansas City Creeper Suspects Increasingly Confront 'Rape By Deception' Charges

It's a testament to the advancement of our civilization and GOOD LAW that even porno babes deserve honesty and forthright biz conduct whilst conducting their flesh trade. Remember: Rape by deception is a crime in which the perpetrator has the victim's sexual consent and compliance, but gains it through deception or fraudulent statements or actions.

Accordingly, here's a suburban suspect charged with faking porno riches and far too many words attempting to explain the legalese of a very simple situation . . . Don't promise cash for sex to porno hotties or any women at all really. . . Even JoCo housewives will be disappointed when that middle-management career doesn't work out.

And so, the old saying: "Treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady". . . Thankfully, no longer applies. Instead, EVERYONE is now treated as a customer and "payment" (cash, gifts, knocking out that water bill, marriage, whatever . . .) up front is probably the safest bet for all parties involved.


Raymore man's arrest puts rape by fraud issue in the spotlight


  1. Fraud? Yes. Rape? No. Prostitution? Arguably.

    1. One of the girls was 17 at the time of being enticed by money...that might be statutory rape

  2. Amen, 5:27.

  3. Dumb sluts? Absolutly.

  4. I'm glad there is at least a tiny bit of discussion about the charge. A lot of people in the media were very quick to convict because the presentation of the case was so effective. But there is a lot to debate in this case.

    Why should people take the word of these women when they were looking to turn tricks on tape for money? Pornography is not legal is Missouri. All of these people in the story seem to be guilty of breaking the law.

  5. If deception is the issue then every other bitch that ever hit a divorce court or who was unfaithful ought to be doing life. No one's pussy is so god damn significant that anyone should be accused of rape just because they have a good line of shit. If these nutty bitches keep it up they are going to price themselves right out of the market.

  6. Yeah she is a poor baby child when it suits some bureaucrat's efforts to gain public favor, but an adult when she is arrested for writing a bad check..


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