A thoughtful missive and bold prediction from our plan and Kansas City's favorite media mogul. Checkit . . .

Craig Glazer - Debate: Too Little Too Late. Welcome President Clinton.

I must have watched a different debate last night. It seemed to me Donald Trump did very well, was poised, on point and even did his homework. By far his best outing. However polls including CBS show Hillary Clinton won this third debate by double digits. In fact according to CNN far more democrats tuned into the final showdown than republicans.

Most of the media jumped all over Trump for his response to 'will you accept the voters response if you lose on election day?' He said, 'I'll wait and see'..that didn't set well with the media and many voters. In short it was too little too late for Donald. As I have said before and most recently, its just over The republicans and Trump have shown a long list of wrong doings by Clinton, her staff, her media friends even the justice department, but in the end those emails, leaks, videos and all of it now fall on too many deaf ears. Vegas, though you can't bet on the election in Vegas just online, has Clinton as a 7/8 to 1 favorite. It's over. She won.

In the end the media, more than any other power group, decides WE DON'T WANT TRUMP IN THE WHITE HOUSE! They helped take him down and he cooperated with too many tweets, wild comments and of course the over the top 'he is all over women with no respect' angle. While most of the accusations were a bit weak against him, the media and the Clinton Machine destroyed Trump. He just couldn't handle it well and it showed the last several weeks. Even his media backers a FOX fell off his wagon a bit. They see he can't win, though that's what they want.

Donald Trump had some great ideas. In fact he set the tone for this election with 'corrupt Washington, Crush Isis, the borders, fix the trade agreements and more. Hillary Clinton was and is a good soldier to her party and her machine. "Hillary just stay quiet let us take him out,let Trump take the spotlight and destroy himself. Promise he will fall." That's exactly what happened.

There will be millions of Trump supporters more than upset on November 8th. That will fade and America will get back to business as usual. The Clintons will be back in the White House, she will take a long break, dinner parties, celebrate, smiles all around and then we begin the first four years of Hillary Clinton the first woman president of United States. Donald Trump will get some brief follow-up press, complain, call it rigged to no avail and then go back to his empire. Sure he will continue to be in the news but after a few weeks it will be almost no more Trump, except his new tv shows and some business issues. Its over.

I think America is worn out with this 'reality show' election. Like all hit shows on tv it eventually runs its course, even 'Seinfeld' came to an end except re-runs. Nothing last forever on the tube. Its back to football, the world series, new reality shows and maybe some more looks at OJ Simpsons story again and again. The Donald Trump show will only be seen on reruns. Hey I give the guy credit...like Ali he shook up the world, but Ali became the champ, Donald Trump fell just short.


  1. Craig is a good guy and I think he's just saying where the safe be it.

    He is right on the money about the media. They are trying to win this election for Hillary Clinton. Even if they were the ones who helped Trump get this far.

  2. He must have been watching a different debate. The talk about the Clinton foundation made Clinton look like a crook.

  3. Here's the punchline you're missing Craig and Tony: Bill Clinton will once again get interns!

  4. The best part of all: Trump will be called a......LOSER!

  5. The best part of all: Trump will be called a......LOSER!

  6. 12:35 already is a looser.

    Interesting how when the polls are up for Hillbiliary CG suddenly sets himself up for the "I'm Right Attaboy" award. Jesus, talk about a comedian.


    Right, rubes?

    1. Hard to tell given Hillary's incoherent babbling on the topic last night.

  8. I'm a good ol rebel, that's just what I am, for this Yankee nation I do not give a damn , I'm glad I fought against her, I only wish we'd won, I ain't ask any pardon for anything I done

  9. tell me it's over.

  10. 12:51

    Why don't YOU come for them cocksucker

  11. There will be millions of Trump supporters more than upset on November 8th. That will fade and America will get back to business as usual. The Clintons will be back in the White House, she will take a long break, dinner parties, celebrate, smiles all around and then we begin the first four years of Hillary Clinton the first woman president of United States.


    Whatever ya say buddy

  12. Next Glazer article will be...

    Trump makes epic comeback! Put the money on him!

    No wait her, no him, hold on a minute blow the whistle!

  13. Ruby Ridge(s) will be as common as the local Mickey Dees if HRC wins, most assuredly

  14. Please! Just please.....Glazer has flip-flopped so many times in the past year over who's going to win the party nominations, and the Presidency, that he's dizzy from the constant rotation.

    Let's use Glazer himself as a predictor of who's going to win. A small-business owner who is closing his Overland Park location, despite it being situated in a retail center at the busiest intersection (119-Metcalf) in the state of Kansas. That says a lot about the anemic Obama/Clinton economy! People across this nation are sick and tired of our country being led to ruin by the national Democrats.

    Following November 8, half this country is going to shocked to finally understand that all the corporate media had blatantly lied to them about the inevitable Hillary win, complete with fabricated polling, fabricated Trump accusers, and fabricated daily "news" reports.


  15. Trump was uncoachable. His mouth was a parasympathetic, paramilitary weapon that would repeatedly and unexpectedly fire off again and again, in the direction of his feet. He shot off his own feet so many times, Oscar Pistorius almost convinced the jury that Trump killed his girlfriend. Trump’s nickname wouldn’t have been “Blade Runner”, it would have been “Sling Blade”. James Carville must have laughed his azz off every night as he drifted off to sleep. “It’s the economy stupid!!!!!”

    Glaze, you are right, Trump is not “Going Gently Into The Night”. His properties are diminished in value, his “brand” has taken a serious hit and his options, at first glance, would seem to be in recession.

    The coming election loss for Trump, will be the harbinger and catalyst for those millions and millions of disaffected, disenfranchised and politically emasculated voters who coalesced under the promised, hoped for initiatives that the Trump campaign supported. The Wall, Immigration, Term Limits, Tariffs, Isis and Job Loss.

    Trump is the new Murdoch. His “brand” will be, as it has been for some time, based on viewership and Television. He will be the face of a new Cable TV News Channel. His campaign, really was really a groundswell of support from those same disaffected Republicans who hate Open Border, Globalists, who condescendingly reassure us, again and again, from their gated communities, that we can’t go back to the halcyon days before NAFTA, illegal immigration and the relocation of our Industry over seas.

    He is more of an accidental tourist in this movement, this advent rebellion, swept along by the accidental enunciation of the concerns of millions and millions of Americans when he attacked our southern irredentist neighbors/invaders in his candidacy announcement.

    Hillary’s ascension to her throne in Rome on the Potomac will coincide with the vows taken by the new priest of the Alt Right in our living rooms every night. The “Trump Channel”. Her scandals, peccadillos, lies, malfeasance and criminality will be examined incessantly.

    Who will rid her of this troublesome priest?

  16. Oh for fuck's sake. Chuck, you seem to think that throwing around a few lofty metaphors somehow makes your analysis more interesting. It doesn't. The fact that you read a Dylan Thomas poem once doesn't change the fact that you use simplistic talking points and idiotic conspiracy theories as the basis for your (bad) analysis. I mean, Christ, most of the garbage you write is just you googling "quotes to make you sound smart" and then acting as if you are a working class intellectual. You are simply a fraud. And a racist one at that.

  17. No, it is more interesting.

  18. Byron Funkhouser10/20/16, 3:09 PM

    Trump did NOT have a few good ideas. He was the racist, Christian candidate from day one & that is all. He appealed to the tin foil hat crowd with his conspiracy theories, especially about "the media", corrupt Washington. His border talk was never serious: the borders are secure as they can ever be made, "illegal immigration" is down, deportations are up.

    In the end, it become obvious to a majority of Americans that he had zero qualifications & the worst temperament imaginable for a President.

    He was Pocahontas, the nasty hombre.

    1. Wrong again...Wikileaks has conclusively proved collusion between major news outlets and the dnc. Sorry! ;)

  19. As usual Craig wonderful article, appreciate your staying on this whacky campaign.


  20. Yeah, that was a real first in town.


  21. Yeah Trump wasn't born with a black penis in his ass so he is RAYSHITZ. Funkenshyster you need to deal with your issues. Maybe you and Tony can get a deal.

  22. Funkhouser, you ignorant slut, making up your own "facts" again. You're a race baiting, special interest ass kissing, two-faced piece of shit.

  23. The end result is pretty simple. Should Hillbillery win the election the Repiblicans are guaranteed to control the House. Right now the Senate is a toss up with both parties sitting at 47 seats with 6 seats being a toss up.

    The bottom line is she will be barred from obtaining a Nato Security Clearance and we will spend another 8 years with absolutely little to nothing getting done. Obamacare will rot to the core and will die on its own when all insurance companies either price out of the market or drop out of the exchanges.

    Hillbilliary will attempt to enforce her version of gun control with executive orders and she will be shot down by the courts. It is possible that when she leaves office there will only be 4 justices on the Supreme Court.

    The VA will suck worse than ever. Infrastructure will continue to degenerate and things will go further to shit. The Republican party will sink. No doubt Hilliary will continue to pull her shennanigans and claim stupidity as her defense. You are on your own America. Good luck!

  24. ^^^ Why don't you think the Republican establishment will roll over for Hillary, like they've done for the last six years for Obama?

  25. Craig and all readers please educate yourself with a few facts

  26. Glazer is a douchebag ¡ Needs to focus on rebuilding his own homosexually abounds relationship with the YAEL guy BITCH in his Overland Park ks gay men club ¡

  27. Glazer blows Thnder10/20/16, 6:43 PM

    Nothing new here. Glazer blowing bullshit that everyone already knows then making 20 self comments.

    What a fucking cunt you really are Glazer. Go blow Thunder and shut the fuck up.

  28. Don't forget the famous picture of Harry Truman holding up the newspaper with the headline: DEWEY BEATS TRUMAN.

    It ain't over until the old lady takes off her pants suit or the Orange Man takes off his tupe.

  29. But why did Trump throw away his hotel business for this lousy election?

  30. Hillary had to run for President, in order to rake in that $225,000 per speech. What a world-class grifter she and her husband are.

  31. Craig you are brilliant. You are so preceptive. You can dig the real info out. I have always said that a guy with the brains you have should have been a multimillionaire ten years ago. But then I know that you are never interested in money only doing good and keeping the people advised of what is going on.
    What could we do to show our appreciation?

  32. Glazer, why don't you and that other Hillary lover HARLEY go suck each other off. This story sucks as bad as you predicting the Chiefs would lose. The only loser is you asshole.

  33. Glazer doesn't love Hillary, he was a Trump man, just telling the truth. Hey Glazer hater Love to see you go up to Glazer and call him out, never happen, you are an internet coward. Like most haters. He'd bust you. up phony ass punk.

  34. Glaze knows that he is a homemade homosexually in love with the YEAL BITCH , CALL HIS OWN NUTT OUT , HE'LL BLOW YOU AT LEAST AT HIS HOMOS CLUBHOUSE ¿¿¡

  35. Glazer is a Hillary and HARLEY lover. That is all a show him and his lover pal HARLEY put on over at KC Conholefuckers.

  36. Glazer will eat a clit on Smegma sandwich ¡ Followed by an authorized anal tongue lashing ¡


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