Fear Kansas City Toy Train Streetcar Science

Another examination of toy train supporters inventing support for their wild claims and then discouraging any debate. Take a look: The Unscientific Claims of Streetcar Boosters


  1. Well, it is evident that there is not one person with a gram of scientific ability that is involved with the greater street car effort.(and the water dept.)

  2. Not opposed to streetcar, just wish that they would put it to a CITYWIDE vote. One way or another we all pay for it, so we should all have a say.

  3. Let's play another game where personal biases get in the way of objectivity!

    You win, hands down.

  4. Tell the folks in St Louis to check out what the trolley did to KCMO. No jobs, no merchants, just a bunch of heavily subsidized, luxury apartments. Their residents are freeloaders; using city services and not paying any taxes for them.

  5. Just WAIT until WINTER gets here , then you'll see Street car problems big time ,,,

    it'll be 1 excuse after another too, from those city hall morons & dipshits !


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