This morning a Kansas City Internets celebrity confronts widespread local rebuke over her somewhat stereotypical reaction to a box store tragedy.

To wit . . .


The radio station called her out by name, and that's their prerogative . . . In the name of fair use and public discourse on news related items and shared social commentary . . .

Take a look at what a great many Kansas City Internets denizens are talking about this morning . . .

In fairness, everybody responds to tragedy differently but the reality here is that MSM it ripping this lady apart for her and the high (or low) point might be . . .

"Now they are investigating the wounds, I guess. Apparently, one is still free, I guess. So, gross, gross. Don't come to Walmart."

Might not help that she sounds like she's chewing gum and constantly remarking about how much she hates visiting the box store.

Still . . . The point here is that amid deadly gunfire, crime and gun rights debate . . . What has unified Kansas City media denizens is disdain for this broad and what people call a callous and uncaring shared social media description of the scene.

You decide . . .


  1. Is she laughing?

  2. Why did she take a selfie?

  3. Johnny Dare doesn't want to be on radio anymore, that's why he's doing it.

  4. Provides a pretty accurate description. Was this the 2017 Grand Theft Auto beta testing? I'm not sure why anyone would care about two men, getting shot, after threatening a Wal-Mart Store and their customers. Seems pretty cut-n-dry.

  5. White women are fucking evil, hateful people. Nothing good ever comes from them. It never changes.

  6. This lady has a great vocabulary. It's quite clear she is no scholar. She took her broke ass to Walmart because she wanted to save a dollar. She doesnt hate going to Walmart, she hates realizing she's common, of average or low intelligence and broke. Call a spade a spade. Don't go to Walmart if you can afford it which this white trash apparently couldn't afford to shop elsewhere.

  7. Has someone been hurt by white ladies? Poor wittle guy! ;D

  8. Love the Desoto Kansas guy; comes to the rescue, and drops the robber with his conceal carry weapon... Hmmm. think anyone will report that he LEGALLY saved lives here and that the ones that caused all of the issues were ILLEGALLY carrying?

    Oh... and 10:20AM, with each character you type, you profess your own idiocy. You are a troglodyte at best.

  9. Everyone has to shop at wallyworld, whether they want to admit it or not. Everyone is fucking broke as shit, including this cunt's stereotypical JoCo ass. She'll be back.

    We'll ALL be back.

  10. lol yeah 10:20, try your luck with some sweet little Asian thangs! You'll come running back to fluffy white wimmins with a quickness. You don't know what evil IS, buddyroo!

  11. Walmart is shit9/13/16, 10:45 AM

    I sure as hell don't shop at Walmart, and not because I have lots of money to spend. Rather, I don't go, because Walmart is such a destructive force to the American economy, and has been for 30 years. I remember as a kid Walmart tv ads proudly proclaimed they sold products made in the USA. But no more. Funny, they don't seem proud to advertise the fact that, nowadays, they compel suppliers to move production overseas, all to sell more cheap shit people don't need. If you really want to "make America great again", stop buying shit from Walmart and the like, and stop buying foreign cars. Capitalists don't care about national borders because they are an obstacle to making more money.

  12. She does appear to be smiling and laughing. At the scene of an awful crime. Fucking rube probably thought she scored her 15 minutes of fame.

  13. Anyone notice how that chick looks like Tony dressed to flame?

  14. If her brain was donated to Science for study, it would end up in the rejected bin.

  15. Bravo 10:45

    I don't shop at Wally World, either. For exactly the reasons that you stated & more.


  16. what an asshole9/13/16, 10:57 AM

    Bimbo moron was told to stay inside, but really needed to get a bitchin' vid posted to fb real fast cuz none of her summer bikini pics were getting many likes. Gotta get some liiiiikes!!!!!!!!

  17. Walmart IS pretty gross and nobody likes being there. Customers, employees, and now even wanna-be carjacker thugs don't really like it. The one that got smoked is probably super excited in whatever afterlife he's in that he never has to go back (unless he got stuck in walhell for all eternity......)

  18. I'd fuck her in the ass. Then cum all over her face and tits. I'd even get it in her hair.

  19. ^^^^Please do. Maybe shove your manhood in her mouth to get her to stfu. She's just your type.

  20. She'd post a video of it with commentary: "Oh my gawd, it is soooo difficult to get cum out of your hair. I have to go to Walmart, which as you know, I hate, for some Prell. Uck." eyeroll/end scene

  21. I don't see the problem. Everybody should hate WalMart. They crush local small business, pay the workers shit, rarely do they carry any local products. They never have weekly sales, you have to do all the leg work for the discount. and most the time they don't carry the same products as local grocers.. FUCK WALMART

  22. Walmart really does suck, especially the Shawnee one, and definitely if you shop there on any weekend afternoon. Every section-8er in a 10-mile radius swarms the place. It's a madhouse!

  23. Is Target any better?

  24. ^^^Depends on the Target. My suburban one is so superior to the Walmart only 1/2 a mile away that it's ridiculous. I like the Walmart in Liberty because the workers are nice and the store is clean, at least last time I was there. Walmart at the Legends is must see diversity but daylight hours only.

    Give the lady a break - she's vapid, obviously born and raised suburban. Johnny Dare thinks he's so edgy but he's getting old. Pretty soon his hips and shoulders are going to ache too much for his bike and chick riding and all he'll have is a dog and a house in the suburbs - no better than the lady in the video.

  25. Prototypical JoCo mombie: bleached blond hair, blindingly white teeth, stuck-up nasal voice. Had to make sure she was prominently featured, since her opinions about Walmart trump what could have ended up being a real tragedy. Dumbass shouldn't have posted this.

  26. Bravo Cum Guy. I knew you wouldn't disappoint us. Don't forget to keep your shots up to date.

  27. Like when they had picnics at lynchings and took photos with their kids by the corpse. Say cheese.

  28. I love Walmart. Its a magnet for African'ts. All I have to do is not go there and their diversity program keeps the undesirables out of my neighborhood.

  29. shopping at Walmart is cultural appropriation?

  30. Is the criminality in this town so common now that after two uneducated democrat voters can shoot up a walmart, that the only outrage is directed at a woman who commented on it.? I'll bet she has never broken any law in her life and lives a peaceful life of never doing anyone any harm
    But I guess we just expect shootings now, so a suburban woman seeing one for the first time is just so awful that she must be pilloried

  31. I agree, give her a break. Everyone is going to be ok and the bad guy is dead. Also Walmart will be increasing security. This is a win-win.

  32. Dead on the money Sylvester

  33. Oh if you only knew her. And I do. Not a suburbanite, lived in Waldo...............So there that.

  34. "...two uneducated democrat voters ..."

    What a crock of shit.

    Unlike you, I actually know some poor people & all most none of them vote.

    In fact, my wife & I are the ONLY poor people I know who vote. We vote Democrat because Republicans hate the poor, because some of the poor are Black.

  35. ^^^ Waldo is a suburb.

  36. Wow so the drunk who killed the Joco deputy is an illegal wetback!! Adrian Espinosa-Flores.

    One of Tony's no doubt.

  37. Watching this video with blonde's commentary is like watching a good football game with a douchebag announcer - just mute the sound. This was a good news story: a Michael Brown wannabe got his just due.

  38. I cannot believe that this woman is getting more of a reaction that the two idiots who tried to hijack a mother's car. Let's focus on the problem, not some spectator who had no influence or contribution to the story. How is Mom doing? How is the Good Samaritan who got shot doing? Can we find the second perpetrator and hang him by the heels? What is the website for the guy to killed the hijacker? He is going to need help because you know that he will get sued by the dead man's family. After all, he was in his heart "a really good boy".

  39. Waldo is not a suburb, and I doubt this bimbo has a clue as to where Waldo is let alone lives there.

  40. Her remedial H.S. geography class still played Where's Waldo and are still looking for it.

  41. "We vote Democrat because Republicans hate the poor, because some of the poor are Black." You vote Democrat because the Republicans want you to work for stuff that the Democrats will give you just for voting Democrat.

  42. Hey "Bob", or whatever the fuck your name is: Republicans want you to work your ass off for nothing, so that they and their brothers in arms can make bank off useful idiots such as yourself. Christ, you are a simpleton defined. You would make a great slave. "What's the matter boss, we sick?"

  43. This is old news. The story and streaming was posted on the UK Daily Mail website yesterday.

  44. Hey oldster lady go back into Walmart and get some beauty products. You are as wasted looking as the guy on the ground. Thing is, he isn't posting his ugly mug on social media.

  45. PSA: cum guy watch yourself. Those choppers could do some damage.

  46. "Hugo Chavez" - a great name for an indoctrinated leftist imbecile. True Republicans give you the opportunity; whether you get off your lazy ass to take advantage of it is on you.

    You Democrats are like drug dealers. They get you hooked into a self-destructive lifestyle, but claim that they really care for you because they satisfy your addiction. "Come on bro, this new heroin is some great shit."

  47. Hi Byron/first 2:10! Where's your "mommy" themed meme? Ya had 'Bama's mama and then Mother Jones, but now posting as a "No, No Ma's"! Get it...anonymous...?

  48. This lady is displaying the worst kind of privilege if she's serious. Why does she think she's too good for Walmart? But, like Tony said, maybe she is just scared.


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