A sign of high tension and increasing divisviness throughout the Kansas City metro.

Take a look: "Kansas City police and a bomb squad responded. Police confirm that two burned bottles were found inside the building."

Read more . . .

Arson Suspected At Northland Mosque Under Construction


  1. It was an act of God.

    1. There is no god. I decided a long time ago to quit believing in Santa, Easter bunnies and some mythical book full of intolerance and outdated ideas.

  2. No one gives a shit what you think Byron.

  3. White people are hateful and stupid. This arson was set by them. What you dont know about islam and the people who follow it is your problem. White people are terrorists and this arson should be seen as a hate crime. I hope they get the assholes who did this. This has "I am white" written all over it.

  4. It wasn't a white person because the church did not burn to the ground.
    Only an racist muslim or the racist BLM can't even start a fire right.

  5. Yeah, white people are murderers.

    Shut the fuck up Byron.

    Read this and know the truth idiot.

  6. Poor Mary Sanchez is in a hell of a fix. Derrick Rose, a black athlete and some of his friends, raped a girl and now, Mary doesn't know whether to shit or go blind.

  7. Byron Funkhouser9/25/16, 11:47 AM

    There you go again, this is my first comment on this thread.

    I'm not the only person in the world who's an atheist, & I'm not the only person to understand that middle class white men hate Americans.

    Does this seem like an act of Christian Charity to you, retards?

  8. Byron Funkhouser9/25/16, 11:55 AM

    Chuck, what that article says simply is not true. Christians have killed more people than anyone else.

    1. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined.

      There have been almost as many deaths in one American city as there have been in the two major wars carried out by the U.S. military this century.

      Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.

      5 Devastating Facts About Black-on-Black Crime

      28 Nov 2015

  9. Despicable Ali9/25/16, 12:20 PM

    Allah be praised!!!

  10. It was ISIS. Keep letting those camel jockeys in without vetting and this is what happens.

  11. 8:05 is a racist moron. Gee I wonder who that could be......

  12. The only racist are the fools who think its all white peoples fault.
    The biggest mistake we made was slavery.
    It was are fault bringing Africans to America.
    Maybe we can undo it by sending them back.

  13. 11:55, we've been through this before. Your insistence that Christians have killed more than anyone else is absolute bunk. I'd give that dubious honor without hesitation to the Mongols (up to and including Temur), followed by the Chinese (going back a couple thousand years, they had a good head start), followed by the Moslems (whose killing was linket to their religion, while the Christians' was in disregard of theirs). In terms of percentage of population it is indisputable that primitive tribes, who are continually at war with each other, are the champs.

    But never mind, you will repeat your lazy lie regardless of the facts.

  14. Here are Byron's buddies shooting up Westport.

    Byron thinks, if he types something, than it must be true.

    Consult with your doctor before reading Byron's inane, repetitive and self hating comments.

    "Byron's comments should not be red if you are pregnant. Reading Byron's comments while pregnant could cause birth defects, like having an idiot kid, who hates himself because his brother is so successful and eventually learns to identify with African American Criminality and dysfunction in the hopes that he can piss of his brother, who could give a fuck less about him and forgets that his name is actually 'Byron' and calls him 'Bryon'.

    "To make sure if it is safe to read Byron's comments, tell your doctor if you rode a short bus to school every day with a helmet on and your favorite shows are cartoons and the Kardashians. Exposure to Byron's comments could cause your Fontenelle to open back up. If you notice that you are shitting your pants and sucking your thumb, stop reading Byron's comments immediately and notify your doctor."

    "Do not read Byron's predictable, soporific, somnambulistic comments before driving or using heavy equipment. If you are feeling drowsy after reading Byron's comments, this is a natural and expected outcome. Do not bother your fucking doctor, just click onto the next article."

    "Do not read Byron's comments if you have more than a room temp IQ as this can sometimes cause unexplained and uncontrolled hilarity. Never read Byron's comments in public. Byron's comments can result in traffic accidents, Breathalyzer Tests, short term incarceration and disorientation as the patient tries and tries to get his/her arms around just how fucking whacked out Byron is."

    "Call your doctor if you find yourself agreeing in any way with Byron's comments as this can be a sign of serious mental derangement, mental impairment and decreasing mental stability."

    "Never combine alcohol with Byron's comments. The combination of alcohol and Byron's comments accentuate and exacerbate all of the previously mentioned symptoms."

    You're Welcome.

    And yes Byron, that article from American Thinker is true.

  15. Prophet Mohamed burned down a Mosque with Peaceful Muslims inside.... the Muslims in the Mosque had refused to follow Mohamed on a jihad raid against the non-Muslims.

    I am guessing this mosque in the north land was set on fire by one of their own members along with 4 of the last mosques set on fire in this country.....

    They use victimhood as a weapon against the kuffar.

    Predictably they will likely use this to attack Donald Trump.

    Chapter 25 of the Biography of Mohamed aka The Sirat Rasoul Allah tells you the story of Mohamed burning the mosque. He was not a good example for anyone to emultate....

    With love from "CausingFitna"

  16. Tony: "BURNED DOWN"

    Reputable news source: "blackened serious damage reported."


  17. Oh my it is a national tragedy. Was it a historical treasure too?

  18. Chuck wins!!!!! Love it!

  19. Jewish lightning, call up the insurance company.


  20. 8:05 You're ignorance and hatred is mind blowing, and your post speaks volumes. LOL.....oh and FYI there are a lot of blacks who hate islam!!!! ROFL

  21. Christianity.... Religion of peace?


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