Kansas SecState Kobach Purges THOUSANDS Of Kansas Voters Before Election 2016

The fight for Democracy continues in Kansas as partisans debate this voter crackdown . . . Justified precaution OR Red State power move against the Democratic Party . . . You decide: Voting rights group says 6,570 Kansas registrations purged


  1. KUDO's to Mr. Kobach, I just wish MO would do the same!

  2. Bullshit. This is criminal voter fraud.

    Non citizens have no interest in voting. They do not unnecessarily attract attention to themselves.

    After Trump loses, maybe Kobach will rethink his demagogic path to the White House.

  3. All states need to purge their voting database of DEAD democrat voters.

  4. ^^redneck fantasy^^

  5. Lets all cry because non citizens can't vote. More pissing and moaning from the same bunch that says there is no voter fraud.....but they are going to fight every move to prevent it ever being detected. If they are not legally citizens allowed to vote then what is the problem with removing them from the voter registration roles? Unless of course we are talking voter fraud. DUH!!!! Sounds like the crooked libtards want to take Dailey's old Chicago politics to a while new level.

  6. Non citizens have no interest in voting, retard.

    Kobach is just trying to make a name for himself among the haters.

  7. Hillary is counting on Wyandotte County voters to continue to vote early and vote often. Absentee ballots are used to select the preferred crooks. This has been going on for decades.

    “Kansas City, Kansas, is a city with no ethnic majority. Holland told the crowd. “Our school district speaks 62 different languages by the children every single day.”

    Holland intimated that Kansas City’s inclusive environment has allowed Democrats to gain a stronghold within the city and promote their policy agendas.

    And the rest are here to pay the bills and are told to go to hell by the Unified Crooks on a daily bases.

  8. That Holland guy makes me sick..It take's a hell of a lot to be thankful to live in KCMO but he does it for me.

    Nasty ass ,crooked Libtard bastard.Nasty ass crooked city & county,KCK & The Dott

  9. ^^the finest KCK nasty ass crooks are in KCMO too. Sly's buddies from KCK have taught him how to front "partnerships" that make a selected few rich beyond their wildest dreams.

    Counting of absentee ballots in Crookville; one for you and ten for us. Countless people have lost elections by less than 10 votes. ALL judges are, mayors and council members are libtards.

    The fix is in and Chris knows it. He's been told who's involved. They hold public positions. Benefit from all the phony foundations:

  10. Democrats and Republicans want to win without an election. That much is clear.

  11. 10:50 Who you trying to bullshit moron. Stop being a dumb ass peon libtard mouthpiece and grasp that there are plenty of reasons why illegals would like to vote. Donald Trump might well be one of them. Handouts might be another.

  12. whether he's a toughass or not, he's simply trying to enforce the law.

    countries without laws enforced become third world cesspools.


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