Kansas City Oxy Watch List Coming Soon???

Show-Me medical industrial complex reform proposed despite amid growing drug problem . . . Jackson County hopes to start own prescription drug tracking program


  1. great fucking idea..NOT..These shitheads are doing their best to make it impossible for those of us who need these drugs to survive!

    stay the fuck out of my business and my medicine cabinet !!

    cock sucking liberal fucks!!!

  2. It's the damn doctors to point the finger at bud. Not a political group. You'll get your drugs and will survive....

  3. Just what we need is a pack of fucking dorks on the county commission supervising a drug tracking program. This has "clusterfuck" written all over it. States have pharmacy boards for a reason. It is high time the local yokels in the KC metro stopped trying to run the state and get their asses to taking care of infrastructure and other relevant issues.


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