BBC: Mother Teresa declared saint by Pope Francis at Vatican ceremony . . . And here's the Kansas City reax from an organization which strives to help locals amid harsh times far more than their constant critics . . . Tomorrow Mother Teresa will be canonized. This ...


  1. https://youtu.be/65JxnUW7Wk4

  2. The Kansas City Atheist Coalition will not like this one bit.

  3. The woman let poor people die in agony, chained to beds in some cases, in her filthy "hospitals" as a matter of routine because it brought them closer to Jesus, she said.

    Real saint there.

  4. 8:28 Can you be more vague ? or is what you said supposedly well known fact?
    ,if so ,who is it supposed to be well known among?

    not being smart ,i promise.i just think a statement like that could use a little bit ,or maybe, a whole bunch more elaboration and maybe some proof ??

  5. 8:28... While I can't argue whether you statement is not true of ONE case somewhere in all the people she helped. I can say that the vast amount of research and literature on the works of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, both religious and secular, paints a different story. Most literature points out that while her care was certainly not on par with the Mayo Clinic, it was much better than no treatment at all. And "no treatment at all" was the alternative for many of the poor she helped. But by all means, the world could use all the hands it can have, so feel free to do better than Saint Teresa of Calcutta. We could use your help.

    1. The 40% mortaity rate of her "hospitals?" Her steadfast defense of known child rapist priests? Real saint material. Actually, it is. Perfectly Catholic.

  6. 828
    There was a movie about her many years ago and in it is a seen that answers you
    She's working in a hospital in a slum that she started in a Muslim area. Outside all the Muslim women were demanding that the men in town "get rid rid of these Christians".
    So a Muslim leader goes into the hospital and sees all the patients that are dying of one disease or another because no one else would care for them
    He goes back outside and tells the Muslim women "I'll get rid of them when you are willing to do what she us doing".
    So 828, there really are people who deserve everyone's respect, because she earned it

  7. The petite, powerhouse Albanian angel of mercy worked wonders with numerous other mendacant servants. Too often, resources were slim to all but depleted. Mighty mouth MT perfected the "ain't too proud to beg" global missions for money, manpower, and all possible future commitments of support.

    8:28--The sick and dying who suffer convulsions, seizures, and cognitive disorders are compassionately restrained, as responsible caretakers should provide for them. Side effects of medicines and damages of diseases have been known to render patients a danger to themselves and others. "Filthy" is relative, especially for impoverished areas.

  8. Cunt. Friend of vicious dictators, tortured the dying. Fuck her and fuck Jesus. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/2008/05/mother-teresa/


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