Dead Tree Media Prints The Clay Chatain Kansas City Light Rail Pitch

It only took him about a year and half to get his latest screed published for the Sunday coupon clippers: Light-rail plan will make KC prosperous, transit-oriented


  1. Contrary to what one often hears from central bankers, their courtier economists, Crooked Sly James and his propaganda arm called the KC Star, we cannot consume ourselves to prosperity by riding around on a free trolley looking for cheap and free entertainment.

  2. KC reminds me of some pissant banana republic trying to make itself significant. The tax payers just keep pumping money down the black whole and instead of seeing improvement their hard earned money goes to these boot lip amusements and mayor pet projects. In a few years when they are all shitting on the street curbs maybe folks will get a clue and vote. .....maybe....

  3. You should move.

  4. Would someone please tell Clay about the new driverless electric cars delivered to your home for your use. Would someone please tell him that cars carrying four persons across the broadway bridge is the only way to cut congestion and pollution by 50%. Would someone please teach him how to read so that he can keep up with the new ELECTRICAL advances in transit.


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