Not so long ago Katy Perry's hot-azz arrived on the red carpet in an ice cream truck in order to earn a bit of goodwill and make people forget that her music isn't as good as her pix . . .

In what could be a more thoughtful move as Kansas City confronts rising crime and temperatures our blog community offers a suggestion . . .

"Should KCPD Try This??? Boston police unveil newest addition to fleet: An ice cream truck"

Consider for a moment . . . The Mayor's pizza parties haven't really stopped a Summer crime spree that has moved away from The Plaza but now targets nearby neighborhoods and continues to plague Hyde Park. Also, there is no soul so cynical that would turn away free ice cream or lament the fact that urban core kids get a free cone whilst dodging bullets and enduring sub-par schools. Food for thought, maybe a KCPD ice cream truck is a much better way of building community goodwill rather than the Mayor's politically motivated and sometimes dangerous youth events and the upcoming "Rock The Block" party that always ends in disaster.

Nevertheless, we like is that our KICK-ASS TKC BLOG COMMUNITY IS FOCUSED ON SOLUTIONS whilst the citizens task force violence has not only excluded police but also remained silent amid THE KANSAS CITY BLOODY SUMMER OF 2016.

You decide . . .


  1. Can only agree that the Mayor's nights are overtly political. They have been since former Mayor Cleaver introduced them in the 90s.

  2. pizza and ice cream? So you're saying carbs solve crime?

  3. ^^^^^^^^^^ No freebies solve crime. Typical libtard thinking.

  4. Have to say it: Forget both pizza parties and ice cream. It would be much wiser to fully fund police and get more officers back on the streets.

  5. Shame that we have to resort to gimmicks in order to get the younger generation to behave themselves.

  6. We give them food stamps, pizza and ice cream. Seems like the solution might be arsenic.

  7. What flavor is the ice cream?

    Chocolate? Watermelon?

    Any chance the ice cream will be wrapped in a job application?

    If the cops were smart, they'd give out free piercing studs with a tiny tracer chip inside, for when "shots ring out" and nobody saw nuthin.

    How low are we going to sink to appease black people? What's next? Roach coaches with free ribs and watermelon ? When does the ass kissing end? The word's free and black have become synonymous.

    Lace the ice cream with sterility drugs. Then we'd be on to something.

  8. ^^^^ This guy should be first in line for a sterility cone.

  9. Real KC Reporter8/2/16, 3:56 PM

    WHILST it be another "take home" Kansas City Police vehicle?

  10. Here's at least one problem with this idea. The average american black has an IQ of 85 (a fact), so about half of them have an IQ below that average. African blacks average a 70 IQ. 60 in some parts of africa. So of those blacks with an IQ of 100 or more (the average White IQ) it's safe to assume that these are not the blacks most often in contact with the police in these ghettos. The smarter blacks (smart for them, considering an average IQ of 85) are successfully pushed through our dumbed-down public skoo system and then handed a free, unearned college degree and then handed a government career that has created the artificial black middle class. They don't live in these neighborhoods. The blacks that live in these neighborhoods are the sub-85 IQ blacks that have no impulse control or the ability to delay gratification or temper their emotions or anticipate consequences and adjust their behavior accordingly.

    Giving them tasty treats is essentially rewarding their current behavior. This will, if anything, only cause them to increase the very same behaviors that have been causing the police to interact "negatively" with the blacks. Also, it wrongly assumes these blacks have the ability to correlate the treats with the police and modify their behavior favorably as a result. You can pass ice cream to a chimpanzee for years, but the instant you walk into its cage it will tear you to bits.

  11. Treats will not lower the crime rate. Honest hard working officers in patrol cars will.

  12. 4:27, actually treats do have an effect. It is harder to shoot somebody while you are chowing down on a pizza or ice cream cone. Midnight basketball, same thing - it is very difficult to draw a bead on another person while dribbling the basketball. Maybe they're good ideas after all!

  13. It'll lower the crime rate. Almost 75% of negros are lactose intolerant.

    True, they'll be shitting diarrhea on the sidewalk and the streets and on public transportation, since that's what they do, but it'll keep them busy.

  14. Why don't they need an ice cream truck in the area by Knuckleheads where the poor white people live? Why don't they need one in Pittsburg, Ks, the poorest city in Kansas and full of white people? Why don't the white people and Mexicans in Argentine need free ice cream? This won't do shit but give black people that already get everything free in life more free shit. Nothing like rewarding violent behavior. You want to fix the hood value education, work, and nuclear families. The rest of the world has figured it out.

  15. Where are the gun turrets? Oh, I thought it was in Baltimore.

  16. Only in Kansas City8/2/16, 6:48 PM

    Build a police station. According to Black, Baptist criminals are frightenee by police buildings.

  17. "911, do you need police or pizza?"


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