For those who don't remember, Clarence M. Kelley was an iconic Kansas City lawman who served as both FBI Director and Chief Of Police and was controversial but also noted for pioneering change, forging new tech and fighting corruption.

The definite write-up on his tenure was penned by the New York Times. Here's a key passage that speaks to the current epoch:

"The most controversial event of his years as Kansas City Police Chief occurred after the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., on April 4, 1968. Six blacks were killed in rioting in Kansas City, and though an inquiry placed no direct blame on the Chief, questions were raised about the supervision of the police who quelled the disturbances.

"In Kansas City, Mr. Kelley had long been regarded with suspicion among black people, and there were public complaints that black officers found it hard to rise in the ranks of his department.

"Late in his term as Chief, Mr. Kelley assigned 10 black officers to full-time recruiting duty in an effort to put more black officers on the force.

"By nearly all accounts, Mr. Kelley rooted out corruption as Kansas City Chief and brought the department up to date. His was one of the first departments to use helicopter patrols."

One of our most AWESOME TOP ECHELON AND KICK-ASS TIPSTERS makes this comparison . . .

"TKC, if you really look at what the rank and file are complaining about, it's not just a few dumb quotes. There has been rising crime in the Midtown Corridor and Waldo, the Chief did not defend well against staffing reductions and obviously he's not handling a lot of the transitions going on in law enforcement aptly during these recent events when so many police have been killed. I think it's safe to say that the colleagues of the Chief in law enforcement are upset with his record as an administrator. This reminds me that KC has a long tradition of police chiefs who have worked under more trying times, men like Clarence Kelley who have defined our community. Ask yourself this: Does Chief Forté live up to that example?"

Depending on who you ask, that's a pretty high standard but the question is worth consideration . . .

Again, what we don't like is the idea that Kansas City would face some kind of riot without an African-American Chief . . . It's a cynical bargaining tactic that underestimates both police and so many diverse communities in Kansas City . . . Fact is, this cowtown has coped with constant violence that's not only connected to racial strife but also represents a legacy of government and civic corruption, change and hopefully progress.

You decide . . .


  1. What is #TBT?

    1. ^^^^^ Throw Back Thursday.

      What a noob. Get on the Internet much?

  2. Instead of helicopters. Now we have drones.

  3. Chief, "SAVE ALL THE BLACK FOLK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Drones and cameras.

  5. Kc has always had progressive Chiefs..

  6. Kc has always had progressive Chiefs..

  7. Yeah Right!

  8. Kelley was a great man back in the day when the inferior nogs knew their place. Whites knew theirs as rulers. Now the whites are all pussies and the nogs run the show.

    This country is irredeemable.

  9. when kelly dropped a deuce,everybody ran like Jerrod Dyson.ran their asses clean out of police headquarters and gave it a good hour to cool off in there..

    the man knew how to get his alone shit!! the old boy smelled Canceretic.

  10. Kelley would be throwing up at the sight of Black Run America. He'd mock the Black Lives Matter (bowel) movement:

    They matter as being the most parasitic drain on resources ever.

    They matter as the number one source of crime.

    They matter as destroyers of once-great cities.

    They matter as alarm sounders so as to stifle freedom of speech and to punish honest hard working whites, outraged at what they see happening.

    The interminable programs at "re-education" reminding one of Communist indoctrination, use the process of repeating lies to keep the population sufficiently brainwashed…until the entire phony system finally collapses on itself…and it will.

    A country is gravely ill when its citizens must live in fear of stating the truth.

    1. almost everywhere i turn, white women with half breed kids...

      Its somewhat upsetting to have to look around and see white women with little monkeys for kids.

      It has become blatently obvious, that white women are way more easily brainwashed into believing that black men are superior, when obviously the facts speak otherwise.

      The black man and black race in general, is extremely inferior to the white race. But it is somewhat sad to see that these stupid white women would participate in the genocide of thier very own race.

      Maybe it is because these white women like men whom hold no moral values? Maybe they think that they can tame a feral wild animal? Or maybe it is the idea of mating with feral creatures? I just dont know and am not able to answer the question of why.

      When i walk into a restaurant filled with white people... I feel safer and in a more relaxed state as opposed to walking in and seeing blacks. I feel i cannot go anywhere without seeing some scumbag white whore with little niggly bears for children. It really is just a sad state in which we find ourselves.

      I said to my girlfriend today, that the white race is the most proud, creative, inventive and strongest race to have ever walkex the earth. What could possibly make a white woman want to give up something like that that she is a part of? When i see a white woman with a black for a mate... She is now considered a feral creature to me.

  11. Don't insult Chief Kelley by implying there is any comparison at all. Kelley was a great man and Chief; Forte is a piece of shit, race baiting moron.

  12. Please tell me what any recent Chief had done for our city? As far as I can tell, not much other than maintaining the status quo. At least Chief Forte has been trying different tactics for fighting crime. Blaming any crime rates on the Chief or police dept in general is ridiculous. It's like blaming fires on the fire dept.

  13. I was looking at the photos comparing the 2 and if I'm not mistaken one is white the other black.

  14. Clarence Kelley had no sense of community relations. His saw his duty as protecting the white community only and had no regard for the minority citizenry in this city. He may have been a model for his time....but that is not the police model for today's Kansas City and its diverse citizenry.

  15. RRAST said...
    Kc has always had progressive Chiefs..

    8/4/16, 8:36 PM

    WHAT???? Holy crap, now I know why we drug test. Which progressive ideas did you mean? Getting semi automatic handguns 20 years after everyone else? Buying a secondhand radio system that didn't cover the city? Going to electronic reporting 25 years after everyone else, and even then buying a system that had been discontinued and was wrong for our needs so it now needs to be totally replaced? Ushering in case management accountability about 50 years after everyone else? Installing MDCs in cars 25 years after everyone else? Stealing NYPD's Compstat idea and just renaming it twice then dumbing it down to where it's a waste of time? Yep real progressive leadership we have had.

  16. ^^^^^ Since the '60's, national media have been promoting Black culture, athletes and entertainers. Many rural and suburban whites had no experience with inner city culture. Some small town people had never seen a Black person until coming to this area. Actor Tom Hanks has stated that at age 14 he desperately wanted to be black. Nearly fifty years of this helped give us Obama, Slie and Forte.

  17. 8/5/16, 11:04 AM wasn't that Corwin that came up with that stupid Compstat stealing idea? Remember those dumb fireside chats he use to have on the 5th floor. I can still picture in my mind all those suck-asses sitting around trying to get brown nose points. How embarrassing for those sheeples.

  18. There are some pretty good comments here along with shit comments, it's always a mix but I think in general we can see where Forte has an opportunity to improve. Let's hope he takes it.

  19. ^^^^^ were so happy you approve,for the most part.
    happy and proud,sir

  20. The current Chief, wouldn't make a pimple on Chief Kelly's ass.


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