Kansas City 'Smart' Tech Stays Losing

Reality Check regarding so much recent municipal "smart" tech hype: KCMO smart meter fire sparks investigation


  1. These aren't anywhere near as frightening as KCPL's inabiliry to keep their local grid in service.

  2. Westar isn't any better, they all suck.

  3. Might be better if we had both of them. Competition sure made my cable modem go fast.

  4. Faulty meters hooked up that can cause electrical fires at anytime to virtually 700,000 homes. Death traps waiting to happen is that it? Were the made in China with cheap material not compatible with the grid available with KCPL? Or just that one time? No other examples of homes having sparked lately because of this wiring?

  5. Why was the home owner without power for a month?

    If the KCPL meter is what caused the issue why were they not on site making sure the correct repairs were being made to get this customers power back one after their faulty equipment failed and caused a fire?

    1. probably a non-bill paying, utility-stealing, freeloading negro Stupor Dave!!! You should know that!!! duh!!!

  6. KCPL is a private corporation supplying power to large parts of eastern Kansas and western Missouri, and governed by public utility commissions that have nothing to do with the City of Kansas City, Missouri. So Tony, why do you portray this as a KCMO fail. KCMO certainly has lots of fails, but the area's power supply is not one of them.

    1. If you had said KCMO water was not a epic failure, you'd be wrong.

  7. lol That is smart. Burn the town down. Overland Park will be the mainstay of all metropolitan cities in Eastern Jackson and Johnson Counties. I like it!

  8. 8:53 would you please rip your dick off so we don't have to worry about anymore nasty assholes like you being born.


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