Kansas City Faith-Based Race Talk Tonight

Or . . . Another local event working toward preaching to the choir: Pastors team up for public forum on race relations


  1. watch, somebody will be shot

  2. Race Relations = We tell you what we want and if you don't give it to us we'll make sure you are labeled a RAYSHITZ!

  3. Pass the donation plate and contribute to a new carwash for Rev Cleaver!

  4. I'll save white folks the trouble of going and just tell you now that you will be blamed for everything.

    That's how these DISCUSSIONS always go.

  5. Sister Severa8/30/16, 7:27 PM

    Fuck faith. Jesus is DEAD. Mary was no virgin. Your fantasies reveal a whore with a bastard son, and Joseph was a CUCK!

  6. this sounds like an idea that can't hurt, even if the probability of helping is low.

    still, regular folks of all stripes do actually get along pretty well, so it's worth cotinung that.

  7. First 50 in the door get a voucher for:

    a poster of Charlie Parker's plastic sax from the Jazz Museum,

    a free counseling session from Pastor Dude Brooks,

    reserved parking for their electric car recharging in the Green Zone,

    a 10-lb. block of gubment cheese,

    advanced bidding on a dilapidated 1-dollar KC house,

    and a carwash!

  8. Gullible white guilters trying to ease their pain by admitting to their sin of being inherently racist. Tears in their eyes and hands reaching up...forgive me...forgive me. Makes me want to vomit.

  9. Pray for better solutions than this grifter gathering.

  10. The only thing these "pastors" have any concern over is the passing of the hat!! Filthy, fucking thieves is all they are. ALL of them.


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