Kansas City Conservative Jack Cashill Talks Clintons And TWA 800 Crash Legacy

More insight into another event from Hillary's history that could come back to haunt her this November: Articles: TWA 800: My Improbable Lunch with the Chairman of the NTSB


  1. I read it so you don't have to. The whole point of this article is that Jack Cashill ate barbecue on DC and got suspicious of someone about something no one gives two fucks about twenty years later.

    You are welcome, yes.

  2. 3:19 not what I read. Lick much Clinton ass?

  3. Everything is Hillary's fault. I saw a list of about thirty people she is supposed to have killed, or had killed.

    Now, let's bitch about some one not standing for the national anthem, because this is a free country, & you just can't do that shit here.

    1. So because there's some hyperbole about Hillary (welcome to politics in the big city, kids), let's ignore her well-established history of corruption! Forget the deaths, what about ol' Bill's serial abuse of women?

  4. Cashill doesn't have the nuts to accept what happened to TWA Flight 800.

  5. No one's family is safe when the Feds cover-up a Navy missile firing that kills hundreds aboard a TWA flight. For political reasons.
    Peter Goelz has A KC connection of several years as a political consultant after the Mondale campaign. No Transpo background, purely political.
    Jack Cashill is a great American.


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