East Side Rally For KCPD Chief Coming Soon

Here's an important note and sign of support for the embattled KCPD Chief despite complaints from police rank & file throughout the metro . . .

"Please join us as we celebrate a man that has made tremendous strides in our city. Chief Forté has always stood firm on his belief that police officers need continued training in communication in order to effectively serve our communities."

Clearly, the recent controversy over the question of "unreasonable fear" of African-Americans by law enforcement has strengthened support for the Chief among the African-American community . . . But has it come at the cost of other parts of Kansas City?

You decide . . .


  1. Big strides in rising crime and community unrest.
    Great Job. KCMO gets the criminals it deserves.

  2. As long as the cops are kind to thugs and killers it doesn't matter how many children are killed.

    1. Prosecutors won't prpscute. Look it up.

      Every major metro has liberal prosecutors and they won't put these thug filth in prison for any length of time. Look it up. Star has a write up. LA times, Chicago tribune... Every city coddles thugs to promote more violence.

      Democrats make way too much money from violence. From unionized ambulance workers to nurses, trying to unionize doctors, unionized cops and prison workers, unionized carpenters, electrical workers and metal workers who builds prisons.

      Leftist lawyers dominate America. Very few are anything but liberal.

      Democrats want violence. If they didn't, they'd have done something. Same thing with these hyphenated Americans. They don't actually care about their children being killed.

    2. Look at the future...if BLM get their way!

      •Ending the war on black people, including criminalization, incarceration, and killing
      •Reparations for slavery, colonialism, red-lining, mass incarceration and surveillance
      •Investment in education, health care and safety instead of criminalization and caging
      •Economic justice for all, and reconstruction of black communities to include black ownership
      •Community control of law and policy
      •Political power and self-determination

  3. WTF. This is a joke, right?

  4. A rally of support organized by a person who is on the KCPD payroll.
    You really can't make this stuff up!
    When is the mayor's large and growing staff going to organize a parade in his honor?
    This D-list celebrity stuff just never ends.
    Reality check: KCMO has the highest number of murders in seven years.

  5. Let's all drive to the rally in our taxpayer funded take home patrol cars.

  6. Where is the leadership in Killa City to reduce the murder rate?
    Who is responsible for more not being done to keep neignborhoods safe?
    Start with Slie and the usual suspects who enable him to dance like a fool while promoting touristy frou-frou.
    The press protects him while he expresses outrage at the increasing murders of innocent children. Abou-hokum, Helling, Kraske and Sand-cheez are incapable of criticizing the chamber agenda of ignoring the problem. Tourists need their frou-frou. The Clowncil aids and abets it all. All bear a measure of reponsibility. How hard is it to put more cops on the street. Oh, sorry. Doesn't fit chamber line that everything is wonderful and their are no problems in KC. Sorry, Cordish needs more tax breaks and subsidies. Crime is spreading out from the inner-city and will eventually affect the suburbs and the chamber fat cats.

  7. I hate the guy. He is a fraud. Here's one eastsider who will not be celebrating his blackness. He has zero accomplishments as chief unless you consider his skin tone. I am not celebrating the fact that he's black and nobody else should either. Broad statements like he's made tremendous strides only add to the problem. Specifically what are those strides and being black should not be one of them.

  8. Organized by Pat Clarke...should have known. He's the biggest among the hangers-on. He is also on KCPD payroll because he's mostly unemployable otherwise.

  9. Yep, Pat Clarke is getting desperate.
    SMH. Hard to be a paid outreach worker when you are getting senior citizen age and have zero accomplishments. Zero.

  10. Black led cities are always the best run cities.

  11. Hold your vigils in front of the police station downtown maybe that will get Forte's and the Mayor's attention. A brown box did. Imagine a crowd of mothers with pictures of their dead children surrounding the downtown police station...do that every murder see if something doesn't get done. Location, location, location.....

  12. When Forte retires with a huge windfall from his accumulated vacation days and comp days, which are unparalleled in the history of the police department, it will be a huge scandal. Everyone will be questioning how could this have happened. Everyone is ignoring it while it is happening. Look into it now and see the financial hit the police department will take for it. You think they are short of officers now, wait until that hits.

    1. KCMO no longer allows you to accumulate vac and sick days..... nice try!
      There are real issues surrounding this guy. Urban League for one. Urban Summit and Freedom Inc. They have him in their pocket.

    2. He works under a contract that allows him to accumulate vacation and comp time. He has carried over his vacation days every year. His comp balance is approximately 3000 hours. Thats 3000 times the chief's hourly rate at time and a half. Check it out. You will shit.

    3. ...and his annual salary is approximately $185,000

    4. Google "Darryl Forte salary" and you can read his own words about it. In 2014, he stated his comp balance was 1800 hours. He did not mention the accumulating vacation days.

  13. Sure seems strange that we now have a black president, black attorney general, black or minority mayors in most big cities and back police chiefs in so many troubled cities and the blacks are bitching about whitey more than ever. Maybe we should fire all these coons, stop the political pandering and put qualified people in offices that will put a stop to this RAYSHITZ libtard bullshit.

  14. Pat Clarke only job is being a paid Informer. Why did his house get kicked in and he's still walking around free ?He snitches Forte's paid bitch.

    1. I am okay with that asshole 10:19. WTF do you do for a living? Kick in my door and I will kill your ass.

  15. Get it straight the Eastside is not coming out in support of any police officer especially Chief Forte. Ask the mothers of murdered victims if he has ever reached out to them. Ryan Stokes mom, stated that he has refused to speak with her and many others have reported the same. Naw, this is just for show.

  16. Message from Pat Clarke***Rally rescheduled due to unforseen circumstances ***Join us Thursday, August 18th at 6pm,as we salute Police Chief Darryl Forte!It will be on the steps of City Hall. Supporters honk your horn at 6pm where ever you are in the City. Honk your horn and let people know that we support the man that supports us. This is how we come together as a City. For more info call 816 977-3116.Please Share and let's fill it up !!Sponsored by Pat Clarke Community Outreach Specialist to Police Chief Darryl Forte, P.A.C. 20, The L.E.A.D.E.R.S. Program, S.C.A.R.F.A.C.E. Association, OUR VILLAGE, DADDY'S ON DUTY, S.A.V.E. OUR SONS, Kansas City Outrage, Serenity Memorial Chapel, OakPark Neighborhood Association, Johnny's Donuts, Irvin's Tire Shop, James Kings Ivy League Barbershop, T- Shirt King, George Gates

  17. ^^^^Get the fuck oughta here with this bullshit!!!!!!!

  18. If they were so behind him it should look like the march on Washington down there. Carpeted in a sea of blackness and unity. Buses and buses. Arm and arm. Lead your people! But it won't. A handful in t-shirts printed out by the t-shirt man making a killing this year.. Bet he has a new car. Balloon man and sign man getting rich. Everybody take selfies! Twitter that shite. Smile for the cameras! Get your hair and nails did. Got to look Sunday good not ghetto fabulous. Europe is watching and WSJ. PEOPLE magazine will be there. Look good for Wasington.....cheese!

    Oh yeah, and care about crime in the city and neighborhoods. Right back at ya.

  19. Pat Clark is a convicted felon. Its no surprise he wants to support the man that pays him. This the black version of the Pendergast era.

    1. And Clarke as the near-do-well is all too happy to be apart of something...anything. That is desparate.

  20. Where's all the listings from the Black Chamber of Commerce, the sororities, fraternities,Girl scouts, Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts, ROTC, veterans, nurses, doctor's, Why just Black? Every minority and it's organization. City of ONE or none. This affects everybody, does it not?

  21. That many should be out registering voters.

  22. The first names on Clark's lips should have been his fellow Police officers. Am I wrong? Give them honor and credit. Lead from the back as well as the front. Stand together.

  23. Johnny's Donut's ?!?

  24. The Insane behavior continues with the rude and very ignorant Pat Clarke, the paid mouth piece for the incompetent Affirmative Action KCMO Police Chief Forte. All they do is offer lip service.

    To continue with the same behavior over and over again and expecting a different outcome is insane.

  25. Where can one find this info. on Pat Clarke's salary?

    Please provide a link. Thanks.

  26. Got harassed & degradation last week at the shit hole Diebels on the Plaza by a large group of Groinds ! Definitely need much more COPS on the Plaza , then I would be going back , just not to that shit hole Diebels on the Plaza !

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hey poster at 1122hrs, isn't having a "Friendly Relationship" and associating with a known CONVICTED FELON against Department Policy? Isn't that Code of Conduct violation?

    1. Not 1122 but yes it is.

  29. Sit down and meet eye to eye with all those dead children's parents, grandparent's, relatives and tell them your plans in detail on how you plan to resolve these issues. No BS. Just the facts. Then let's see resolution. Then it will be time to "celebrate" when the murder trends GO down not UP. A little premature don't you think? Those kids are still dead and the suspects are still at- large are they not? New ones to come by the end of the month....sigh. What is going on? Why now? Why do this? And people get robbed, beaten, raped, so honk your horns if you are mad as hell and don't want to take it anymore....

  30. What do you do to get 3000 hours of "Comp" time?
    Does he sleep at the Police Department at night?
    That's 375 work days @ 8 hours.
    How do you get over a year in comp time?

  31. He takes comp time for everything. That is in addition to all the vacation days he has amassed because he never takes vacations (Even though he is seldom seen around the PD. A common practice during his career.) The vacation day total is a guess but it has to be over a hundred.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Well, I must have attended the correct training, because I am definitely not afraid of anyone, ESPECIALLY people who don't share my particular Census Bureau-given hyphenated-American classification. I'm just me, and everyone else is just...them.., and NOBODY can claim to know my view of the world, or the content of my character better than I can, so I unequivocally reject and emphatically stand in indignant defiance of any repugnant notion suggesting otherwise. The media, the BLM's of the world, the politicians, the "civil rights" lawyers, the DOJ, the plague of acronym-titled special-interest conglomerates, and yes, the Chief of the KCPD, insult me and everyone else, in declaring the content of my being to somehow be inherently flawed, and stained with whatever form of bigotry, prejudice, fear, or racial bias is convenient for them in the moment. Bottom line: If I am a book, then I am a very, very complicated, interesting, intelligent and infinitely faceted book, that could NEVER be judged by its cover. Shame on anyone and everyone who judges the "cover" I was born with.

  35. With the exception of purposeful favoritism toward career mobility and promotion and protection of "non-white" members, our organization is devoid of "ethnic" recognition. Our policies, training, vernacular etc.. is universal, and favors no particular portion of the populace we serve. Our handcuffs are not labeled "whites only" or "blacks only" or "Asians only"...our detention facilities do not separate or discriminate based on "ethnicity". They house and process individuals, not colors. Our traffic tickets are not categorized by "ethnicity". They are universally applicable to traffic violators from all walks of life. Our bullets are not specified for use on any particular type of person, other than those persons who present an immediate threat of severe bodily harm or death to others. Implying anything to the contrary is an affront to common decency, and absolute intellectual dishonesty. Internally, racial bias against hyphenated Americans of European decent is blatant and rampant. Externally, in serving our community, our organization is governed by training, law, and policy that demonstrates no bias toward any "ethnicity". Our organization does exercise a bias against criminals and criminal activity....OBVIOUSLY.

    Let me address this assertion that "the police department should reflect the community it serves". If hiring new candidates could be done in a way that wouldn't reveal the skin tone nor the gender of the applicants, that would be the ideal way to determine who would be hired. Integrity, work-ethic-, honesty, the ability to exhibit compassion, courage, physical fitness appropriate for police work, intelligence, tenacity, problem solving abilities, communication skills and the ability to be unbiased toward any particular portion of the population..... these are some of the qualities a candidate MUST have... and people who posses these qualities come in all shades, and come in all sizes. To consider skin tone as a qualifying factor serves only to play into the hands of a racially prejudiced, and dare I say racially bigoted, community. Any declaration by the community indicating a preference of the skin tone of their officers, is a repugnant self-incriminating admission of racially-biased bigotry. How can the leader of the police department even begin to entertain the idea of placating the racial prejudice of a bigoted community?! That is unacceptable, on any level. Let us turn the dial a bit, to a parallel, yet opposite, hypothetical scenario. Let us assume in this scenario, that a community populated primarily by people with skin tones of European origins, declares it didn't want to be served by "black" officers. This pale-skinned community collectively decided that "black"officers are unfit to serve them, because they are "black". Every news agency in the U.S., every acronym-titled social-justice agency, the FBI, Homeland Security, Jessie Jackson, BLM, the Black Panthers, MoveOn.Org, ....all of them...and many more, would be permanently camped in and around that community... protesting, rioting, marching, holding vigils, demanding investigations, and so-on, and so-on.... WHAT, then, is the difference here?! We DO indeed have a large portion of our community in Kansas City that regularly demands "black" officers, and "black" supervisors etc... and somehow, that is to be accepted?? ...and now, addressed, legitimized, and apparently soon-to-be placated to, by the KCPD???...
    The way I see it, the KCPD is soon to be directed and molded into an organization that will align itself with the racial bigotry of the community it is supposed to serve with integrity and unconditional dignity and respect. ....an egregious contradiction in terms.

    1. ^^^^^^^^truth no longer matters

      Black Lives published its platform, “A Vision for Black Lives,” on August 1st:

      •Ending the war on black people, including criminalization, incarceration, and killing
      •Reparations for slavery, colonialism, red-lining, mass incarceration and surveillance
      •Investment in education, health care and safety instead of criminalization and caging
      •Economic justice for all, and reconstruction of black communities to include black ownership
      •Community control of law and policy
      •Political power and self-determination

  36. Beautifully said! Your KCPD's next Chief

  37. obviously a highly sophisticated lawman..yes,YOU for Chief!!!


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