An ongoing debate in the Sunflower State rehashed for the upcoming election cycle . . .

Vice President Biden Expects Administration to Break the Law

Where Does Liberal Jay Sidie Stand?

Overland Park, KS - According to Reuters this morning, Vice President Joe Biden said he expects the Obama Administration to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba before leaving office. Under current federal law, closing the facility and transferring terrorists to American soil is illegal. The Administration's own Attorney General Loretta Lynch has publicly agreed as such. Regardless, the Administration has continued to move ahead with its plans to close the facility and in February outlined Fort Leavenworth as one of 13 potential sites for housing the terrorists. Yoder for Congress issued the following statements in response to the report:

"Republicans and Democrats, regardless of political party or their position on this issue, should reject this kind of disregard for the faithful execution of our laws by the executive branch. Congress and the American people have spoken - closing the facility and bringing these terrorists to Kansas is a non-starter. I will continue to fight this misguided and dangerous effort and instead promote policies that keep the American people safe," said Congressman Kevin Yoder.

"Does Liberal Jay Sidie agree with the Vice President, that the Administration should break federal law, oppose a bipartisan majority of Congress and the American people, and close Guantanamo Bay," asked Cate Duerst, Yoder for Congress Campaign Manager. "Does he want to transfer the world's most dangerous terrorists to Fort Leavenworth over the objections of Kansans? The Third District needs answers on where Mr. Sidie stands on the safety and security of the American people and especially our communities in Kansas."


  1. like it or not, yoder is in for life, so folks jawing about his seat are wasting their time.

  2. Lets transport the Gitmo detainees to the Mexican border and turn them loose. Might be kind of cool sending our criminals that direction for a change. Fucking cartels won't have a chance against those Islamic shit heels.

  3. Trigger Warning ® This post and the ensuing debate may cause discomfort to sensitive individuals.

  4. Feed the fear, Yoder. Just keep antagonizing everyone about Gitmo so more people are mad and want to kill us.

  5. Gitmo is an open sore on the rule of law. Since its inception, it has been a recruiting tool for Islamic terrorists.

    When the crazies cut off the heads of prisoners, they first put them in ORANGE JUMPSUITS -- mimicking the uniforms we put on Gitmo prisoners.

    By the way, what is the big deal in Kansas? Does Yoder think that these guys are Marvel Comic Super-Villains -- complete with fantastic powers that they are waiting 15 years in hopes of unleashing on the corn crop?

    What demagogic crap! These guys could easily and safely be housed in the Cass County Jail.

  6. Love how some people think they'll escape or something from Leavenworth. When was the last escape there? Close Gitmo, ship there asses to Leavenworth and the Colorado Supermax, they'll be fine.

  7. Wandering Jew8/25/16, 7:38 PM

    Yoder takes money from the Israeli government. With that, he skinnydips in the sea of Gallilee. Has he registered as a FOREIGN AGENT as law requires?

  8. Obama is not sending them to Leavenworth folks..... in case you missed it, he has been releasing them back into battle against the infidels.

    He will release more to share in jihad

  9. What a dope. Apparently he has no confidence in one of the world's most secure prisons or the capabilities of our military.

    Wait, maybe that's it? Yodeler hates America and everything it stands for -- like the rule of law, due process and upholding the Geneva Conventions and other treaties ratified before he was born.


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