Shocking Sunday news reveals a clear and present danger to police throughout the nation . . .

New York: Three Police Officers Killed and Several Wounded in Baton Rouge Shooting

Mirror UK: Baton Rouge police shooting: At least three officers shot dead and multiple injured in 'ambush' by gunman

NOLA: 3 police officers dead in Baton Rouge, mayor says

As always, we're focused on a local connection . . .

From a denizen of the crime commission . . . "We at the KC Crime Commission have this message for local law enforcement and our community as a whole . . . "

"Officers in metropolitan Kanas City, an elsewhere, put public safety above their personal safety. Kansas Citians have to yet experienced a Ferguson, a Baltimore or a Dallas. Good leadership has played a large part. We must be determined that law enforcement in metropolitan Kansas City feels our support . . ."

And so . . . Tension between police and diverse communities continues in an UNPRECEDENTED deadly fashion that this nation hasn't seen in the modern era.

Developing . . .  


  1. Were Blacks involved?

  2. The Kansas City Atheist Coalition, consisting of white leadership with good jobs will have no comment on this matter.

    What to place a bet on that?

  3. A commission on crime is about as useful as a poster on global warming.

  4. It's a small price to pay for our Second Amendment rights.

    11:59, your comment on this matter is stupid.

    If your intention is to prove that you're better than them, I'm not seeing it.

  5. Why does this surprise anyone?

    Did they think they could murder Blacks without reprisal?

  6. Sometimes losing an opportunity is a blessing. I am just so grateful that Mayor James failed to win the Republican National Convention--that we lost that bid to Cleveland. Considering even more that Trump is the nominee, (Jeff Roe failed there), just imagine how the KCPD would have been unable to protect the convention delegates, the candidate, as well as the public! All their resources are subsidizing and protecting the Toy Train. Police budget cut, etc.

    All of our local communities IN THE METRO, BOTH MISSOURI AND KANSAS, will now also end up raising property taxes, FOREVER--because police will no longer be riding solo in a cruiser. They will double up--which doubles the personnel budget. Add in drones, and robots to investigate scenes.

    We just have to do this! I support our police.

    And looking at recent crimes locally as well as Nice, France--the shooters are MENTALLY ILL, and often PREVIOUS BAD ACTORS. So we need to figure this out, now.

    Recruiting youth to go into law enforcement is tough. Kudos to former OP Police Chief John Douglas. He is now head of security at Shawnee Mission Schools. I haven't always liked what he does, but he has started classes in our high schools to showcase and recruit students to pursue law enforcement as a career.

    Good for Douglas. High school students aren't reading the classified ads in the KC Star, LOL.

    Tracy Thomas and

    1. Tracy the Dumbshit,

      Doubling up the cars add ZERO to the cost as no bodies are being hired for such. No overtime either. Most calls require two officers anyway, so having both in the same car SAVES money in the form of time, gas, & wear on the vehicle.

      Go back to sleep in Johnson County where your biggest problem is your neighbors' grass needing to be mowed.

  7. 12:19 has show us how dangerous "conservatives" are.

    Their solution to all problems is more gun violence.

  8. Steve Hanson is a dangerous psychopath.

    Someone disarm this would be murderer.

  9. This is the real purpose of the Second Amendment.

    This is what the Founders had in mind, fighting back against tyranny.

  10. great time to pimp your blog Tracy. what a wretched person you are.

    The nation is in turmoil. Cops are under attack.

    I hope KC is not next. I am glad some statement of support for police was released!

  11. Why have the black leaders who openly called for cop killings not been jailed?

  12. Hater at 12:34--
    do you have anything to actually contribute???

  13. 12:18 you on obviously don't watch Bill Maher because you wouldn't hear him say anything like that. You want to hear someone rail against Islam you should hear him. He calls out every everyone that deserves it. He dogged Hillary Friday night. He's one of the few equal opportunity insulters out there. And don't forget, he's not the media, he's a fucking comedian. Stop listening to what Fox tells you what someone says.

  14. RE: "Officers in metropolitan Kanas City, an elsewhere,.."

    Got Coffee?

  15. Here's an idea, other than raising every city's property tax, where the police budgets are parked, for every public event, including every concert at Sprint, every Chiefs and Royals game, --add a surcharge: Security Fee.

    Just like years back, when gasoline prices soared, to $4 a gallon ($5.50 in East Hampton NY) and FedEx and UPS added a Fuel Surcharge. Which NEVER went away. Even tho gas is now hovering at $2.05 a gallon. Point being, EARMARK an extra use tax.

    That way, KCMO, which houses most of the large public events, can collect from relatively richer folks in Johnson County, etc. for the police AND SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES--who protect us from some criminal activity. Even little independent Unicorn Theatre (where I enjoy season tickets) has had to hire a burly doorman on the street at 38th & Main. (Even tho the hip hop nightclub next door has long been closed, I got panhandled by a drunken crazy senior-aged black bag lady on a Tuesday night). So if they have to tack on $1 Security Fee, I can live with that.

    1. So are you saying that hip hop causes blacks to panhandle?

  16. weren't things better in 2008?

  17. 1:08, we already pay a security fee. It's called taxes. And once imposed, taxes and fees never go away. (Or almost never - the telephone tax to fund the Spanish American war was finally repealed, after 108 years in force.) So we should be very, very careful about adding new ones.

    BTW, regarding your comment at 12:39, calling everyone who disagrees with you a "hater" makes the word meaningless. Use it sparingly.

  18. Almost all big cities have black police chiefs. Why are they so worried about being called racist for doing their job? You talk about black utopia. They get to commit crime without fear of arrest simply because they're black. Just claim racism should they have the misfortune of getting caught committing a crime. This is where places like MU really fucked up. They let these worthless organizations get a toe-hold and now they have power lest a white person in a leadership position get labeled as racist. Why we let the violent, uneducated, unemployed, and worthless 12% of our population call any shots is beyond me. They are completely beholden to the system they claim to hate. Us taxpayers fund their lives from cradle-to-grave. White people are their incubator of life, without us they would perish. But they have too dumb to know it and we are too scared of being labeled as racist to demand their culture of violence change to where they become productive members of society. Did you see the black 20 year old KCK girl yesterday that has had six kids in the last 26 months? That bullshit is exactly what I'm talking about. Her family alone will cost us millions in the social system between welfare and prison. Black people have to understand they are the problem. Cops focus on them for a reason-they commit most of the crime. Pretty simple.

  19. gutsy liberal Democrat host Bill Maher bravely ripped 5 yr old Down Symdrome victim Trig Palin a new one-- calling him a "retard" on national TV

    Maher a true hero to Democrats!

  20. The Kansas City Atheist Coalition claims to be oh so concerned about social justice, NEVER takes a position on these issues.

    All they care about is catching kids passing out Chick Tracts or Bibles.

    So YES, 12:13, 11:59 IS better than you and your group.

    Lying Losers.

  21. I feel like I have just been through a time portal back to Usenet circa 1994.

  22. I'd love to see an initiative whereby thousands of prior special forces, military police and we trained tactical veterans were brought on board to help police clean the scum up off the streets once and for all. There has been extremely too much sympathy given BLM, the New Black Panthers and other whiners and threats. If anyone does not think America is sick of it just watch the polls as the incidents continue. It is time for law abiding America to step in and put a stop to a level of tolerance that nurtures this type of violence.

  23. 12:19 If that is actually your real mindset please get some counselling. You have issues.

    Of course Tony wont delete YOUR post. His idea of free speech seems to always involve nuts who follow his line of vile, racist baloney.,

  24. start cycle: massacre--press conference--presidential photo op speech--candlelight vigil--church service--political canards by incompetents.


  25. naw just plain old heritage

  26. My sources say the shooter in Baton Rouge is a Kansas Citian.Makes sense given the eagerness or libtards to justify black thugery in this town.

  27. Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City

  28. Yes, Gavin Long of KCMO, born in 1987.
    Yes, America changed today.

    As to the Security Fee, here is why it will be "enacted", either by individual cities, or by event hosts. City managers and elected officials will support it, because it is a FEE, to cover out of pocket costs, rather than a "tax" that must go before the voters. Someone will need to review the Hancock Amendment, about the legality of such on the Missouri side. The brilliance of it is the branding--that every time one looks at the ticket stub receipt, they will be reminded of inherent danger. The Security Fee will be used to offset the out of pocket costs of the organizer. Cities and police departments can and likely will shift to requirements for more off duty cops--for any gathering of more than 50 people. The vendor will collect the money and rebate it back to the police department. No Fee/No Security.

    It's the beginning of "Minority Report", a police state. And ironically, the KC-born madman who organized his action today didn't realize he was motivating and organizing this shift. When crazy people organize an ambush against the police, that's when Americans vote with their feet. The time has changed.

  29. Surely Americans still don't accept the myth that the police protect them.

  30. Whats the matter Tracy, no high society events to attend today? The neighbors no longer talking to you?
    You live in KS, the Golden Ghetto remember. Why do you care what Missouri law is?

  31. Kansas city is known for violent redneck behavior. We're No. 1!

  32. This is so repetitious.

    I have predicted every single action, taken by Black/Muslim organizations.

    Sure, I didn't predict the day, or the week, but I got it right every fucking time.

    I am your Culture War Stock Broker, who loves you and doesn't care about money.

    I know what you are thinking. I love to be right.

    Fuck that shit.

    I wanna be wrong.

    America hates you white boy.

  33. "America hates you white boy."

    What the fuck does that even mean, chuckless?

  34. Has Sly given his "this is not who KC is" speech yet?

  35. The laws should be applied and enforced equally. Until that is the happens, indifference wins.

  36. When the laws are enforced equally the left wing shit heels rise up against the "racists" instead of condemning the thugs. The police are not out there sicking guns in peoples hands and convincing them to be thugs, but to hear the liberal spin those poor black bastards just can not help it. They have been forced to act like scum of the earth by whitey. Unbelievable that a modern society would even entertain this stupidity.

  37. LOL.....and you fucks call the Polar Bear racist. LMFAO. Last time the Bear checked his clan hasn't been linked to a SINGLE CRIME.....other than posting on this shit hole blog from time to time.

    The truth is hard to swallow when you have absolutely no life experiences other than living off parents. But then you bottom feeding shit stains dodge a little lead and maybe that porch monkey will get put on a leash.

    Carry on Killa City. Do what you do best.

  38. what if the police go quiet and don't police certain no-go zones?

  39. Who cares what bill maher said about trig? This is a different discussion. That is a straw man argument.

  40. There are plenty of liberals who live in the city, black and white.

  41. No dead blacks, just a couple of stinking NIGGERS.

  42. 8:18, you anonymous coward,
    You obviously have not been an elected official tasked with fulfilling the demands for an ever-increasing police budget, as I did for five years in Shawnee.

    When staffing for General Patrol doubles, (that's before responding to calls), then costs go up. Our taxes and fees for security went up forever--mark the date--that America changed: starting July 17, 2016.

    Because yet another mentally deranged US veteran named "Cosmo" from Waldo in KCMO used his military training to ambush six fine officers in Baton Rouge.

    8:18, I invite you to be a man and sign your work, you little pussy. Your math and staffing and budgeting and recruiting skills are laughable. No wonder you still live in KCMO. I escaped living there after 20 years. Now I just visit. For arts events and great restaurants. And try to stay safe.

    For the record, Johnson County's biggest problems are education and taxes. Our elected officials are addicts--addicted to spending OPM/Other People's Money. The mob that controls them are the developers and their attorneys, who finance their campaigns.



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