Consider The Kansas City Bottle Rocket Theory Of Government Corruption, Illegal Fireworks, Celebratory Gunfire, And Homicide

The Kansas City Bottle Rocket Theory Of Government Corruption, Fireworks, Celebratory Gunfire And Homicide

Kansas City's homicide spike has now garnered national attention but it seems the local elected leadership is more focused on slate of development rather than the plight of neighborhoods.

Earlier this year one of a litany of crime fighting efforts focused on the so-called "Broken Windows Theory" as a key to curbing KCMO homicide. A spate of blight fighting efforts quickly followed, dilapidated homes were put on a dollar discount auction block and there was some effort at urban core cleanup as the Earnings Tax election approached . . . Sadly, none of it helped reduce the number of murders in Kansas City which now stands at another 37% increase this year.

And all this is prologue to 4th of July weekend that has ALREADY BEEN MARKED BY A SPATE OF GUNFIRE AND ILLEGAL FIREWORKS that's making the news tonight.

Leading up to this weekend there was the annual, tragic call to avoid celebratory gunfire which is a good idea for any responsible firearm owner.

And all of this talk of guns, murder and fireworks inspired a moment of contemplation and clarity . . .

Accordingly, here's another TKC theory that we're offering to avid readers tonight . . .

The sound of July 4th weekend celebratory gunfire and illegal fireworks is a better indicator of a disregard for public safety and local law than urban core blight which is really more of an after effect of economic disinvestment. Moreover, it's easier to talk blight than do anything about a tradition of illicit celebration that has absolutely no regard for municipal codes or the well-being of neighbors.

Put simply, Kansas City has always blasted through the 4th of July weekend with guns and illegal fireworks and this local tradition seems to be a symptom of a larger cultural problem impacting all of Kansas City from the Northland, to the urban core and even out South . . . Look around and Kansas City's love of illegal fireworks and celebratory gunfire defies demographics and might give hint that overall there's an underlying and maybe even somewhat justified disrespect for local authority. Like everything else in this town, our 4th of July tradition of illegal fireworks and gunfire is masked with politeness and patriotism but it's still about nothing less than brief snub to the status quo.

Like it or not, Kansas City's long history of systemic corruption that goes hand in hand with crime has fostered a mistrust of the laws, elected officials and authorities who govern our local populace and this attitude is manifested not only in (mostly) harmless illicit July 4th celebration but also in our far more dangerous and tragic homicide count.

At the very least, our Kansas City bottle rocket theory offers a bit more of a historical context for the current spate of violence and murder than so much of the pseudoscience touted by so many Kansas City anti-crime groups.

You decide . . .


  1. Make it simpler: it's a lack of leadership by example.

  2. Broken windows has been in doubt since the 80s. It's a good place to start but not the panacea of anti-violence efforts.

  3. 10:27 Says it all.

  4. Ditto, 10:34!

  5. Leadership.... Like where? The Mayor?, KCPD?, Leadership does not exist in Kansas City.

  6. 1:57 I was with you until you said vote for Donald trump

  7. I'll tell you this, we need to start talking about solutions and not just complaining about the problems.


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