New York Times Hateration Probably Badge of Honor For Kansas SecState Kris Kobach

Pitch features something that will probably be the highlight of this guy's press package when he runs for re-election . . . Or Governor and wins. Checkit: New York Times calls Kris Kobach a 'blight' on democracy


  1. He represents the hypocrisy of the white invaders claiming this is their country, & they want to keep out the "illegal aliens".

    All the white supremacists should be deported back to Europe.

  2. Go Kris! Real Americans, unlike the weirdo buffoon @ 7:11 support you 100% !

  3. When the Normans go back to France, then Norway; when the Lombards go back to northern Europe; when the Bantu speaking peoples vacate southeast Africa; when the Han Chinese remove themselves from Western China and Central Asia; when the Hispanics return to Portugal and Spain; and when the late arriving Amerinds recross the Bering Strait to Asia - then we can talk. Not before.

  4. Considering the New York Times has become a "blight on true journalism", he's in good company.

  5. The white Christians have bred themselves out of existence. 20 more years and they'll all be gone. Enjoying watching the slow death yet?

  6. Latino's are the future of america.

  7. Byron ^^^ @7:11, buh bye, take the whole Funky fam with ya.


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