Missouri Legal SMACKDOWN And Show-Me More Unemployment Bennies For Everybody

The social safety net got just a bit stronger after a recent crackdown of po'folk was pushed back. Take a peek: Supreme Court overturns unemployment benefit limitation law


  1. In Obama's America, you can't get a job because of the stupid ACA. Then, you go on the dole and are forced to vote for the prick.

  2. Good. This should be left alone. Missouri's unemployment benefits which is earned during employment is one of the lowest. Lowering it or limiting it anymore is just bad business. Who can live on $250/week?? Nobody. It's total bs.

  3. It could be worse: you could be earning the minimum wage.

  4. Ha! True that!

    The real issue is that automation and technology has rendered the majority of formerly decent paying jobs obsolete, therefore there's 25% of the workforce who no job exists for even if they had the motivation or clean record to qualify.

    Welfare nation. The way of the future from here forward.

  5. The bankers seem to be doing ok.

  6. Does this mean anything to those whose unemployment benefits have run out in this supposedly fantastic job market?

  7. It's white people who make up the highest unemployed. So, why do you have the top pic suggesting otherwise?


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