Kansas City 'Talk Walk' Coming Soon

Like it or not . . . The conversation about race, violence and current events will dominate the ALL media for the months leading up to the election.

Here's an example of local folks (probably church people) looking to organize a "talk walk" public bull listening session in order to create even more Kansas City dialouge:

You decide . . .


  1. Time to heal the world. Make KCMO. A launching pad. Good idea. Random acts of kindness works. Let's see more of it.

  2. Let's help those who won't do anything to help themselves...yea ok

  3. I'll help them. Soon as they come to kick in my door I'll help ventilate their shiftless asses with a deer slug followed by OO shot, with another deer slug behind it. They should breath real easy, till the body realizes the pump ain't there no mo.

    Talkin is over, behave or die. I'm through giving a shit about ya. Nothing but coddling these poor "children" for 50 years.


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