A reminder that the rising tide of local violence is making it harder to do business in all of Kansas City and especially Midtown. More on this is just a moment . . . Woman attacked in Westport credits her coworker for saving her


  1. And of course it was three black males. Typical behavior. They're both lucky to be alive and the girl is lucky she wasn't raped. Good for the white guy who had to fight three fucking black guys to save her. I don't know how people can defend black people. This isn't a few bad apples, it's millions of absolutely worthless, violent, black animals.

  2. man, I'll tell ya what,it is time to have some REAL FUCKING TALK about the absolutely unacceptable behavior from these negro's !!

    Mr.mayor , chief forte , pastors , council members , something has to be done and not a goddamn thing will change until the black leaders at the very least admit that their people are out of fucking control!!!

    wtf has happened to this country?? white people ARE a bunch of pussies! Chuck is correct on that,well not all of us.thank God this woman had a man to help her ,or she would probably be dead..

    fuck this place! I'm going back to the sticks ,where I belong. I refuse to live around negro's anymore.

  3. 6:19

    For the most part, white people ARE pussies.

    This dude stepped up and maybe saved her life, certainly saved her from being raped.

    He is a stud and a stand up guy.

    What is really noticeable about this attack, is that you even heard about it. What is even more amazing, is that the description of the attackers included their race. Black on White Hate Crimes are ubiquitous throughout the nation. Yet, all the MSM wants you to hear about, is the horrors of slavery 200 years ago and the guilt YOU are supposed to bear for that long ago sin. Here are the facts about slavery.

    The geneses, the foundation, the instigation that leads to these attacks, lies categorically at the feet of Liberals and the Liberal media. Liberal, Democrat politicians, in conjunction with the lickspittle media, college professors and the Federal Government, need that rock on which to build their Fundamentalist Fascist Church. They cannot get elected dogcatcher without that SOLID black vote. They will NOT get elected if they ever tell the truth, or face the reality of black on white hate crimes and the rapidly metastasizing African American criminality that cripples out big cities and kills it's citizens.

    Liberal Democrats have made, for decades, the absolute conscious decision to 2nd party the blame for Black criminality. To obfuscate the blame. To use whatever means necessary to reverse that blame onto the shoulders of victims and the specious transubstantiation of 19th century sins onto the shoulders of 21st century innocents.

    America hates you white boy.

  4. REAL TALK ^^^^

  5. You can take the negro out of the jungle ......

  6. It's all been said many, many times in this blog and other places. The black community can be so proud of their fucking lawless, worthless, low life spawn. And you'll never hear a word from Alvin or Gwen or Tindall or any of the other community nigger leaders/grifters.

  7. You've heard of "Kansas City nice"? This "Kansas City normal."

  8. Wow, what a lot of racist language. Are you not educated enough to hold a conversation without spewing so much hate?? If you hate it so much, do us all a favor and move out of KCMO.

  9. Too bad we have to have government by petition. If we had responsible leaders at City Hall, this would not be necessary.


  11. How's your mall security working out Westport?

  12. Bacon is left on a Mosque door and its all over MSNBC. Black attacking whites everyday and not a peep.

  13. fuck em, plain as daylight. fuck em all. i can spot a chimp from a black man any day, sad part is, the black man has chimps in his own family he has to deal with. chuckie, amerigo and the disdain from white hetero males, fuck obama,

  14. Fucking NIGGERS.....Always NIGGERS.


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