Amid yet ANOTHER DOUBLE SHOOTING TONIGHT . . . The latest press statement from Kansas City Mayor Sly James targets rival politicos who oppose his anti-gun agenda and encourages locals to continue their struggle against 2nd Amendment rights.

Take a look:

From The Office Of Mayor Sly James: Recognizing National Gun Violence Awareness Day

Money line:

"I’m fed up with visiting crime scenes where the victim is an innocent child. I’m fed up with schools and universities being ground zero for mass killings. And I’m fed up with trying to convince misguided legislators, at various levels of government, that sensible gun regulations can be enacted without offending the Second Amendment. Despite the challenges, however, we must continue to argue for ways to eliminate the widespread availability of illegal guns on our city streets.

"As we recognize National Gun Awareness Day we must double down on our collective efforts to make our intolerance of gun violence more widely known. Far too often, a life is cut short at the hands of someone who is barely old enough to drive. Yet, we receive no help to mitigate these tragedies. The Missouri State Legislature consistently turns a blind eye to passing smart legislation that will aid local municipalities in reducing this problem. And Congress seems to forget about all of these horrific mass shootings as soon as the corresponding news cycle ends.

"While it is easy to be discouraged by our perceived lack of progress, I say double down! Double down in voicing your disdain with ineffective leadership in Jefferson City. Double down in advocating for more commonsense gun laws. Double down in your commitment to your community by reporting suspicious activity and/or engaging with the myriad of organizations that we have in Kansas City working to make our communities safer . . ."

Read the screed in its entirety.

You decide . . .


  1. I'm fed up with you sly James !

  2. Duh! He had to tell us how WELL FED he is. Even Funk could SEE that!

  3. Take away guns from lawful owners, that's the plan to st the violence? Good luck with that Sly

  4. Stupid coon! Mayor have you done one thing to help PD implement the new DNA analysis technology for shell casings? Every thug loads his gun and at almost every crime scene there are empty casings, yet less than 50 percent of homicides are cleared and even less result in convictions. You sucker the tax payers for new modern labs and come to find out they aren't so modern?

    When red light cams technology comes along you are all about it as it facilitated your picking more pockets using safety as the rational. When we have technology that will significantly reduce the number of dangerous and high speed chases through town we see nothing.

    It's not the state legislature mayor. It is the same culture at PD for the last 100 years and a Mayor that talks a lot of shit, but has done nothing significant when it comes to police funding and technology. As has been said a millions times, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

  5. I don't own a gun. I wish nobody had one. But that cat is out of the bag and not going back. What he needs to address is the massive and disproportionate amount of crime his fellow black people commit. They need to quit blaming everyone else for the problems they cause.

  6. Yaba dabba doo! Sure, just blame the guns in Looney Liberal Logic!

    Hey, little Jimmy is not at fault for the neighbor's shattered window. That gawd darned pile of rocks at road's edge is at fault. One must have jumped right into the future Nolan Ryan's paw and hurled itself through that glass!

    Sally's not to blame for that accident while distracted. That smart phone forced her eyes and thumbs onto that screen while she stepped into the street in front of a full school bus!

    Mario was young and having his fun. That 12 pack with tequila shots kept bending his elbow and pouring down fast. Nope, not Mario's bad for fallen asleep at the wheel--head on into a full church van!

    PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY--what's thaaaat?

    IMPULSE CONTROL--say whaaaaat?

  7. Here in the trailer park, I can't get a stifie without the benefit of a gun. You see, the misses has put on quite a bit of weight, and even when the shines just right on her moo-moo, I might even be able to give the axles a bounce.

    OH MY, rubbing the chamber while that trailer sways is about the only way I can get Big Ed to perform anymore. Unless, I am watching Nascaror the Duck Dynasty.

    People try to tell me, "you a F-ing ass hat for leaving a loaded gun on the toilet tank while I have the step kids over for the weekend!"

    To that I say, "don't those libtards know the 2nd Amendment"? I know I do. I can't recall any of the others, but I did not need them for my GED anyway.

    Hillary will be coming for my guns. I thought Barack would, but he was too busy.

  8. Demosleazeball Chi-town has the strictest gun control laws in the country..

    and... record high murder rates..

    too "PC" to name the real cause, Sly?

  9. I'm fed up with black people who think the law does not apply to them.

  10. Sure Mayor James, blame everyone but those who need the fingers pointed at who are really the ones causing the issues.

    And you people voted this ass clown back into office, I so hope you're happy.

  11. Mayor James said:

    " eliminate the widespread availability of illegal guns on our city streets."

    If we accept the Mayor's statement as a given, then the implicit message is that our current laws regulating firearms are not be enforced by law enforcement and the judicial system.

    Just a suggestion, but perhaps the Mayor, who is an attorney by profession, should focus his efforts on ensuring that our current laws are strictly enforced before attempting to infringe upon the rights of law abiding citizens.

  12. Sly doesn't like guns and everyone else in the city doesn't like criminals. Folks lets forgive felons, but never guns. That is the entire problem right there.

  13. castrate the boys and spa the girls when they are born and before you know it the problem is solved.

  14. Niggers are filthy beasts and should be rounded up and deported to Africa. I think sending them to Mexico would be humorous justice, but that would put them in proximity to the US. No, too close.

    They need to have an ocean of separation from us. The nigajig is not capable of traversing the open water, natural barriers is all that is needed to isolate them in Africa.

    It would be a wise thing to cordon off Africa for a century and let nature balance out things. No more free stuff, no more aid from the West. An "only the strong survive " policy. It would quite possibly be the largest chimp out in history. The ground will shake in Africa, tribalism will take hold. The stink from the dead will be carried across oceans. They would absolutely go bonkers. The population of niggers in Africa would dramatically drop within a generation. Cannabalism would take hold. Massive wars.

    After a century Whites could re enter and again colonize. Extract resources. The remaining porch apes will most likely be indistinguishable from the animal wild life that roams the open fields and jungles of the continent. One would just hope that enough documented material still existed profiling negro behavior still was available for the future generation to see. And not make the same mistake past generations did - don't feed the animals, they will bite the hand that feeds them. Gratitude is not in the nigger lexicon, they view it as weakness. Completely incompatible with human culture.

    Yes, the nigger should be immediately shipped back to the "motherland" and then Sub Saharan Africa should be sealed off from humanity for a time that is enough for their population to get back to normal. If not, there will be billions of coons reeking havok and destroying all corners of the earth.

    Fuck guns. Just ship them off.

  15. The truth wins.

  16. SMACK! Don't endorse that!

  17. "I'm fed up"...with Sly it's always about I, I, I! He can never get anything accomplished with anyone else.

    Forget about Jeff City as long as he is in office!

  18. When will the mayor ever take responsibility for his role? The paper refuses to write a single word about it.

    Reports on tv say he has reduced police officers every year he's been office.

    He appointed a task force on crime and put artists and community people on it. Not a single law enforcement officer was appointed.

    The mayor made a half assed attempt at local control, even when St. Louis overwhelmingly supported their move.

    He's been suspiciously lenient if he chief of police and refuses to ask the tough questions.

    Instead he focuses on state issues and blames them for his inability to do his own job.

  19. Up yours nigger!

  20. Sly James cut the Police Officers on the street I am fed up with your lies stop using pr with people's life's you phoney.

  21. Sly James did good on his first elected city office. Not sure if he could win dog catcher next time around. It takes a real strong man to be dog catcher. I find it hard to believe Sly James has ever made it East Of Troost in the past six years, considering there hasn't been any mass shootings in the schools and universities we can all be sure Kansas City Mayor Sly James is a drunken liar.

  22. You White hogs better ask somebody we are taking over every city in this country the pres will make that happen can't wait till this summer niggas

  23. The usual hackneyed horseshit erupts from Mount St. James after every inner city murder. The dramatic disproportionality of African American Criminality must be lost in the hurley burley hue and cry for gun control and the obfuscation and 2nd partying of the actual responsibility of that criminality to a "Moral Relativism" that refers any and all blame for this pox of a fuckin culture, on white people.

    At this point, I don't even think Liberal Whites would turn in their guns, vote for more restrictions on purchases or, think that if they just sang Kumbaya an handed over their pistols, that black gangbangers and blacks in general would kill them last. They know the truth, even Liberals who move away from "Multiculturalism" and still vote for Fascist-Anti-Constitutional initiatives and approve of Presidential edicts from Rome On The Potomac don't want little Sally getting gangbanged in her upstairs bedroom with a Teck 9 to her head while Tech 9 plays in the background.

    White, law abiding citizens follow the laws on the books, which are more than adequate to enforce logical restrictions on gun purchases. There will always be, in a free society (A concept Fascist Progressives HATE.) gun violence. It is an acceptable quid pro quo for the assurance that when there is finally a one party system running this country, by way of demographics and illegal immigration, that individuals will still have some say over their personal lives in the face of the assaults of Obama-Brown/Shirt-Thugs, who are the enforcement arm of those same Fascist Democrats running that one party system.

    Every one in this nation, with above room temp IQ, knows that Gun Control is actually "White People" control. It is an effort to disarm and geld what is left of any resistance in the coming conflagration, which, you white Liberals have fostered onto our children and grand children.

    You are cowards and willfull impercipience is the lubrication of the rise of the Fascist Machine. Get cancer in your eyes.

    I am still dead, in a Black on White Hate Crime, that, maybe, if I had been carrying a gun, would not have happened.

  24. Everyone knows that the way to end gun violence is to give free guns to everyone & require everyone to open carry.

  25. Like any liberal politician, once it has been proven beyond all doubt that a solution does not work to fix the problem, the only thing Sly James can think to do is pay for more of it. There is no chance it will occur to him to scrap this one and try something else.

  26. If these mush brained libtards are so damn right with their grandios theories why the hell have things gotten so bad in the past 8 years?

  27. Cutting the police budget and then blaming them by inference for the rise in crime is just another tactic to wrest local control from the state. Too bad if this political maneuvering causes loss of life in the process.

  28. at least he's realizing that there's a leadership vacuum. but this response is so hackneyed that it actually amplifies the perception of nothng being done by anybody.

    he should bring in rudy to consult.

  29. How about enforcing the laws that are already on the books.

  30. Black Lives Matter, 'er, except to blacks. Lack of personal responsibility becomes a family tradition fueled by the continued welfare state that ruins people.

  31. Maybe this white boy genius can tell us a little more about his vast knowledge of history and economics.

  32. Somebody tell that fat, coon, Mayor, to shut the fuck up. Every time he opens his fat lips, shit pours out...


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