Here's another hypothetical from Kansas City's least favorite columnist imagining that the rest of the world is eager to give up Constitutionally protected freedoms. Also, let's not forget that the gay community is remarkably diverse and pro-gun rights LGBT groups have emerged in the aftermath of Orlando. Here's the DNC talking points repackaged locally: Gay and lesbian activists take on the gun lobby


  1. Massive turnouts at LGBT gun training courses seem to be all the rage right now.

  2. " of the world is eager to give up Constitutionally protected freedoms."

    The Second Amendment only enslaves Americans, 90% of whom are in favor of gun controls.

  3. 90%????? Fucking rube......,

  4. Absolutely 90%. Especially since most of us don't have or want guns. Lots of us are sick of hearing about mass shootings. Having more guns won't make it better. There has to be some restrictions and congress needs to stop listening to the tiny minority that makes lots of noise called the nra

  5. And we are sick of hearing from you^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  6. +1 to 6:49 for standing up to the totalitarian douche bag. Any LGBT with a brain is buying a weapon and learning to use it. Liberals and their Muslim pals are their real enemies and 103 people were shot for the greater glory of yet another gun-free zone. Real statistic, 93% of all mass shootings occurred in a gun free zone. Do your own research. test that statement and then compare it with the douche bag fascist pig at 6:40 and 6:04

  7. If "MOST OF US" don't have guns where are the 400 million guns in America? You think a few thousand Republicans own 300 guns each? Fucking libtards and their dreamer facts.

  8. Lets clear up this 90 percent bullshit too. The Democrats take a survey and the question is "Do you think we need to take violent assault weapons off the street that are responsible for hundreds of deaths in mass murders?" Then you fucking clowns want to blow and go about 90 percent like the poll has any fucking credibility whatsoever.

  9. What in the world will Mary Sanchez do to earn a living when she's let go by the Star?
    She really is a truly terrible columnist.

  10. She'll take Click's old job as the coon/queer liaison at MU.

  11. That's fucking stupidity.

  12. 8:04 ...and you can even guess what stupid is? WAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  13. Jews, fags and albino's should be last people for more gun control. GO TRUMP

  14. 6:40 - Over 90% of this nation oppose Barry's Bathhouse Bullsh*t decree he shoved at the public schools last month. Opposite sexes together in school locker rooms, gym showers and sharing toilet stalls is FUBAR beyond belief!!! Maybe Barry and "Michelle" choose to be in the showers and toilet areas right along with their daughters, but other parents in vast number have declared that their childrens' dignity, safety and privacy is not negotiable. Allowing "identifying" trannies access to the schools' showers and toilets of their choice sets in motion ALL ACCESS TO ALL SEXES.

    It sure is ironic the looney left's extremely small minority of the U.S. who are gender benders along with their defenders want Tranny Toilet Rights. Left loonies are the hypocrites now, claiming the NRA's got a loud and miniscule patronage forcing gun rights on the populace.

    Keep guns out of TERRORISTS hands, but anyDAMNbody that says they're TRANS gets to undress and use the stalls with little girls and boys at school!!!

  15. The 'trans' you're talking about are little boys & girls, too.

    They're not creepy old men like you.

  16. Oh yeah, that's right, 11:37, some of those "trans" students are real little in high school, ya f*©Ktard. PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 12TH GRADE, GOOFUS. You'd know that if you hadn't flunked out at third grade. And, how many adult trannies as coaches/assistants/teachers/janitors/principals/parent volunteers will be permitted in the showers, locker rooms, and toilet areas with children?! Decent parents will assert their rights to guide their children's "education" and "formation".

    As usual, the Lefts' Looney Libs---LEFT OUT THE FULL STORY!!! To them, it's the false narrative of "protecting the privacy and safety of tiny tender gender benders"---BUT, THAT IS BOGUS!!! The precedent cannot be set that condones ALL ACCESS TO OPPOSITE SEXES TOGETHER IN THE LOCKER ROOMS, SHOWERS AND TOILET STALLS AT SCHOOLS.

  17. Fuck it. Lets go back an have a redo on the civil fucking war and quit wasting time and money with this ignorant libtard bullshit. These fucking robots don't have a lick of fucking sense.


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